Saturday, July 1, 2017

Controlled Failure is the Norm in California--Enough Already!

California Republicans have gotten a little too comfortable with accommodating and losing.

That's why the Vice Chair of the Republican Party went along with the New Majority and the liberal phalanx of special interests. He determined to revoke the charter of the successful Beach Cities Republicans, located in Los Angeles County.

Why does the leadership in different counties insist on shutting down conservatives?

Is this the fate of the California GOP?

I heard another report in Stanislaus County, in which one outspoken grassroots leaders was removed from the county central committee!

Where's the wisdom in disciplining one's most active and outspoken members? Men and women in leadership need to take the necessary steps to guide individual members. But to teach people to avoid controversy at all costs will never work.

When working people are paying more and getting less, when they are unable to escape the dangers and privations associated with the tax and spend destruction in our culture, what else are they expect to do?

Another long-time volunteer in Orange County was kicked to the curb because she made stern remarks about Islam.

She was let go just like that.

Whatever happened to standing up to political correctness? Huh?!

Controlled failure is becoming the new standard for achieving a sort of new leadership in the state of California.

Republican party leaders in the Golden State want to feel good about themselves because they attend all the events and make appearances to look relevant. What happens when they don't win elections, though? What is the point of a political party if the leaders and the organizers are not winning, and seem to show no interest in winning?

It's not political anymore, and doesn't seem like much of a party. Parties should focus on group effort and celebration. What's to celebrate when you lose all the time? The Republican Party of Los Angeles Coutny cannot depend on Northern LA County for all the victories. Such an attitude is unseemly and lazy all at once. I have spoken to residents in the Santa Clarita, Antelope Valley region, and if they had their way, the whole region would break away from Los Angeles County and form its own county board and leadership.

I would have to say ... that makes a lot of sense to me. The Beach Cities and the Palos Verdes Peninsula wanted to do the same thing in the late 1970s. Unfortunately, the vote depended on the rest of hte county voting to agree to the same proposal, which would never happen, since the more impoverished sections of Los Angeles City and County depend on the tax revenue coming from those wealthy enclaves. Future internal secession movements need to follow the Wiseburn Unified School District patterns, and negotiate clear exit strategies without other dependent districts or regions.

But back to controlled failure ...

What's the point of staying open if there is not interest in expanding? What's the point of having meetings when no one wants ot show up? Why have any kind of fundraising mechanism when there is no interest in actually doing anything with the money besides keeping the lights on and the phones ringing?

Conservative voices throughout the county--and throughout the state--have signaled to me that the best way to a make a difference as a Republican is not through the central committees at all. There is no making them worth the time and effort. It's best for individual Republicans to form their own grassroots communities and make a difference through those independent means.

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