We did it!
Conservatives across the country just delivered a crushing blow to Mitch McConnell with my first place finish in last night's Republican Primary for U.S. Senate in Alabama.
Friend, without the generous support, thoughts and prayers of thousands of patriots like you from across the country, I’m afraid Mitch McConnell’s vicious multi-MILLION dollar attack could have toppled my campaign in today’s election.
So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
But now is not the time to celebrate.
This fight is FAR from over.
You see, even though I finished first, there were 9 candidates on the ballot.
Since no candidate received more than 50% of the vote, the top two vote getters now face off in a September 26 run-off election.
That means you and I are headed for a September SHOWDOWN with Mitch McConnell’s hand-picked candidate.
And I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.
Really bad news.
According to my Finance Team, fighting back against McConnell and Rove’s millions of dollars worth of vicious attacks exhausted my campaign coffers.
Based on current budget estimates, I need to raise $150,000 by midnight on August 31 to implement the first Phase of our Two-Phase Voter Contact and Outreach Victory Operation.
I need your support to finish the job on September 26.
Please don’t delay.
The September 26 run-off election is THE ultimate national showdown between the Washington establishment and conservative Republicans who are sick of Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan blocking any and all attempts at passing real reforms.
Real reforms like repealing ObamaCare . . .
Securing our border and building Trump’s wall . . .
Cracking down on illegal immigration . . .
Rebuilding our military . . .
And restoring respect for the Constitution and the rule of law in Washington.
But Friend, if you and I do not stop Mitch McConnell -- right now -- I’m afraid we may never get our country back on track.
If I’m elected to the U.S. Senate, I’ll join Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz on the frontlines of the fight to Drain the Swamp.
If you help me get to Washington, I’ll make sure Mitch McConnell is FIRED from his position as Senate Majority Leader.
You’ve got my word on that.
McConnell and Rove attack groups (Senate Leadership Fund and One Nation) spent millions of dollars during the first round attacking and slandering both me and my wife Kayla.
According to FEC documents, McConnell spent nearly all of the Senate Leadership Fund’s mid-year revenue attacking me and my campaign.
But SLF received a staggering $117 MILLION in donations for their U.S. Senate election program in 2016.
And I’m afraid this same pool of lobbyists and wealthy mega-donors are more than willing to bankroll McConnell and Rove’s next round of vicious attacks against me.
The good news is, the results of today’s election proved that if I can raise the resources to fight back against the establishment and get my message out to as many voters as possible across Alabama before September 26 -- you and I can DEFEAT McConnell and take our country back from the establishment.
But that depends on the immediate help and support of patriots like you.
Friend, if you think McConnell and Rove’s first-round of attacks were vicious, trust me -- it’s only going to get worse.
Much worse.
All you and I have to do is look at what happened in 2014 during the run-off election for U.S. Senate in Mississippi between conservative Chris McDaniel and McConnell’s hand-picked candidate Thad Cochran to understand just how nasty they’re going to get in the coming days.
As you may remember, in 2014 McConnell pulled every dirty trick in the book to defeat conservative Chris McDaniel in a Republican run-off election for U.S. Senate.
That’s just scratching the surface of the dirty tricks the establishment pulled on Chris McDaniel back in 2014.
But I’m sure you get the point.
Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove are ruthless.
And rumors are circulating they’re already scheming to turn out Democrat voters in the September 26 REPUBLICAN run-off.
I must be able to count on your continued support to help me fight back and win in this all-out war against the establishment.
Of course, I understand only a few people are able to afford $2,700 ($5,400 per couple) -- the maximum legal amount under federal law.
If you are such a person, I believe this race is an investment worth making.
But I also understand that $250 or $100 may be all many folks can give.
In fact, I know for some, $25 or $35 is a stretch.
And for others -- $5 or $10 can be a major sacrifice.
Whatever amount you can afford to donate at this time, please know your contribution is greatly appreciated and will be put to immediate use for my campaign.
You and I are on the verge of defeating the establishment and taking our country back.
But we must not let up now.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Judge Roy Moore
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