Friday, August 18, 2017

Now Twitter Has Gone Fascist (Yet Look What They Ignore)

I just another hateful message about something I had posted.

This time on Twitter.

This is beyond outrageous!

Everyone who is conservative is facing unprecedented purging on social media.

This is outrageous.

Here's what happened to me:

I sent out this Tweet to go after this race-baiting Berniecrat who is running againts Ed Royce.

That's all.

This Tweet was deemed to violate "community standards", whatever that means.

When does this insanity stop?!

Time to regulate social media to comply with First Amendment Rights!

And check out what Google and Twitter ignore!


  1. Based on research of challengers against Royce, you're wrong. Jay Chen isn't running against Ed Royce since he did not pull papers for another run. Chen ran once against Royce back in 2012. The Democrats that are running against him are Mai Khanh Tran, Gil Cisneros, Andy Thorburn, Phil Janowicz, and Sam Jammal plus one Independent Julio Castaneda. Check @pyers and @CATargetBot on Twitter.

    1. Correction: It's @rpyers on Twitter according to my last comment. Please check this website as well . Gives details of potential challengers for the 2018 election cycle.
