Friday, April 21, 2017

DiFi Town Hall: La Opinion Asked My Opinion

At the Dianne Feinstein Town Hall at the AME Church in West Adams, reporters for NPR and La Opinion approached.

I didn't have high hopes of getting anything printed in the Spanish language periodical, since their reporters have interviewed me in the past, but never followed up by printing anything that I had shared.

This time, I was pleasantly surprised!

El republicano Arthur Schaper dijo no gustarle el trabajo que Feinstein ha hecho representando al Estado Dorado.

“Mi mayor preocupación es la inmigración ilegal y ella no está trabajando con este presidente. Ella está trabajando en contra del presidente”, dijo Schaper y señaló que Feinstein debe tomar en cuenta primero los problemas de los ciudadanos americanos.

“California está herida, tenemos veteranos sin ayuda, tenemos niños sin hogar, tenemos a los desamparados… Ella no toma pasos firmes, no ha hecho nada remarcable desde que tomó el lugar en el Senado en 1992”, aseveró.

El foro fue interrumpido en varias ocasiones por participantes molestos y quienes esperaban más respuestas de Feinstein; sin embargo, en ocasiones no la dejaban ni hablar.

Here's the translation:

Republican Arthur Schaper said he did not like the work Feinstein has done representing the Golden State.

"My biggest concern is illegal immigration and she is not working with this president. She is working against the president," Schaper said, noting that Feinstein must first take into account the needs of American citizens.

"California is hurting, we have veterans without help, we have homeless children, we have the homeless ... She does not take firm steps, she has not done anything remarkable since taking the place in the Senate in 1992," he said.

The forum was interrupted several times by annoying participants and who expected more answers from Feinstein; However, sometimes they would not let her talk.

I did shout out sometimes, and in some of those cases I actually agreed with her, specifically about Syria.

I mentioned to the reporter rumors that State Senate President Kevin de Leon was mulling a bid for US Senate, too. I also talked about my interest to speak for Donald Trump and stand up to the lies that the Democratic lawmakers and the progressive hordes taking over these town halls have been repeating about the President. I specifically mentioned the insane obsession with Russia.

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