I received this tweet this morning from this Twitter feed:
Then this one:you support deporting young educated folks? U this is good for the economy? They were educated here and pay taxes.— Peter Wu (@Mrwu12345) June 8, 2017
And finally this one:I am DACA, I am educated and pay more taxes than most Americans make a year. I also own a business that employs over 30 Americans.— Peter Wu (@Mrwu12345) June 8, 2017
Here are my responses:would deporting someone like me make this country better?— Peter Wu (@Mrwu12345) June 8, 2017
Then this one:Legal status is not about education or economy. It's about the rule of law. pic.twitter.com/KuJDSIQ7fL— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) June 8, 2017
And finally this one:You are not DACA. DACA is an unconstitutional program which must be repealed. You are an illegal alien. Paying taxes is irrelevant. pic.twitter.com/rRmKLBA392— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) June 8, 2017
Also:The rule of law makes our country great. You had time to get legal but chose not to. You are an illegal alien. You need to be deported. pic.twitter.com/N600ejhWrP— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) June 8, 2017
Do not put my or this country's compassion on trial. When you can bring Ruben Morfin back to life, then lecture me on compassion. pic.twitter.com/vb1tABLps3— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) June 8, 2017
Oh, and don't forget this one:
@Mrwu12345 By the way, I have reported you to ICE. Pack your bags. Your "contributions" do not compensate for your lawless arrogance. pic.twitter.com/HSHLnkUhGL— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) June 8, 2017
illegal aliens dishonor them selves. if your parents were bank roobers, would you want to continue to live off their stolen money or should you report them and refuse their bad money? its the same thing to continue robbing legitimate citizens once you find out your actions and your parents actions are illegal. you should do the right thing...