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Wednesday, May 31, 2017
We the People Rising at the Lou Correa Town Hall
OCGOP: "Stop the Car Tax!!!
Karina La Korrupta of Huntington Park Caught in Corruption
When Bell was exposed, almost every member of the city council was locked up, along with the city manager and the city clerk. The takedown of this pre-eminently corrupt city, overcharging city residents with high taxes and fees proved too much, even for the normally liberal-leaning Los Angeles Times to deal with.
The way a small-town politician used her relationship with city
contractors to draw income could pose an important test of the state’s conflict
of interest laws, good-government experts said.
FYI: We the People Rising have been reporting on these corrupt transactions for at least two years.
FYI: We the People Rising have been reporting on these corrupt transactions for at least two years.
Huntington Park Councilwoman Karina Macias raised money for a 2015
state Assembly candidate who never actually filed to run, and she was paid a
commission based on a percentage of the total. The district attorney’s office
launched a review of Macias’ commission and her votes as a councilwoman after a
Times article that revealed the arrangement.
Experts said last week that if the practice is found to be legal, or is
otherwise permitted, it would provide public officials a loophole they could
potentially use for self-enrichment.
Maybe I should be a consultant and help raise money for non-candidates, and then I can vote on nice rich contracts for corrupt vendors, too! YAY!
Maybe I should be a consultant and help raise money for non-candidates, and then I can vote on nice rich contracts for corrupt vendors, too! YAY!
Macias raised money from people linked to companies that were awarded
contracts by Macias and Huntington Park's council majority. Those included the
city’s bus service and dial-a-ride operator, its street sweeping and bus stop
maintenance vendor and a towing company.
Just because Kreepy Karina announced to the vendors
Just because Kreepy Karina announced to the vendors
According to Macias, she informed these people that, if they
contributed, she would receive a commission. In prior interviews with The
Times, she could not give an example of someone who contributed and was not
connected to a city contractor. She was paid $6,800 total for her fundraising
Macias has denied that the commission in any way influenced her votes
on contracts.
WOW! This is the same lady who shot the middle finger at We the People Rising at a fundraising function near the city hall. Keep it classy, Karina!
WOW! This is the same lady who shot the middle finger at We the People Rising at a fundraising function near the city hall. Keep it classy, Karina!
There are two main conflict of interest laws on the state’s books that
might apply to Macias’ situation. A violation of the law known as the Political
Reform Act, which makes it illegal to cast votes that financially benefit
sources of income, could mean a possible misdemeanor or an administrative fine.
Lock her up! LOCK HER UP!
Lock her up! LOCK HER UP!
What a creepy lady. What a crappy city council!
Steve Cooley, the former L.A. County district attorney who created the
office’s public integrity division, said Macias’ commission and votes could
have violated the more serious felony conflict of interest law.
The essential question for prosecutors, Cooley said, is whether Macias
structured a “quid pro quo” deal.
If the district attorney's office files criminal charges, it would
“send a message” that “this is a no-fly zone. Don’t go there,” Cooley said.
Thank goodness for Steve Cooley. There would have never been a public integrity division without Cooley.
Jessica Levinson, a government ethics professor at Loyola Law School,
said such a precedent might encourage ill-disposed politicians in places where
fewer people are paying attention. That would include relatively small cities
and scores of often obscure agencies that make up the patchwork of governments
in places like L.A.
Jessica Levinson has weighed on integrity and public interest issues a number of times. When is she going to start focusing on the corruption in local cities, like Torrance California? How about why city council members in the Palos Verdes Peninsula chose to abandon their elected offices? There is a lot of corruption going on in Hermosa Beach--or so I have heard reports about getting people employment by elected office.
Jessica Levinson has weighed on integrity and public interest issues a number of times. When is she going to start focusing on the corruption in local cities, like Torrance California? How about why city council members in the Palos Verdes Peninsula chose to abandon their elected offices? There is a lot of corruption going on in Hermosa Beach--or so I have heard reports about getting people employment by elected office.
Bob Stern, who coauthored the Political Reform Act, said that if there
is a determination that what Macias did is aboveboard, then it would be clear
that the Huntington Park councilwoman had found a loophole in the law he helped
Oh No! I want Karina Macias in prison for her corruption, for her lawlessness, for her hatred of everything that is American!
Oh No! I want Karina Macias in prison for her corruption, for her lawlessness, for her hatred of everything that is American!
Final Reflection
When do they lock up Karina Macias?
How about the rest of her corrupt colleagues alone with her?
I am fed upw
When do they lock up Karina Macias?
How about the rest of her corrupt colleagues alone with her?
I am fed upw
Trump Supporters Chase Congressman Out Of His Illegal Alien Town Hall
Congressman Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) felt compelled and justified to host an illegal alien town hall.
Sources and followers are now telling me Correa and his fellow illegal alien pandering Congressmen should be arrested on the spot for hosting these outrageous, illegal gatherings.
Think it through, people. How would you react of a Congressman was teaching professional thieves how to get away with burglary and avoid capture?
That's what these Congressmen--Grace Napolitano, Lou Correa, Nanette Barragan, and others--are doing!
Enough is enough.
We the People Rising, Los Angeles County for Trump, all of us and our friends who could come arrived on scene at the Delhi Center to record and report on Lou Correa's abortive town hall. The paperwork lining the tables as we checked it had taxpayered resources telling illegal aliens and their enablers how to get counseling, how to apply for citizenship (now? finally?!).
Almost all of the materials were written in Spanish! Talk about racist and prejudicial--on two levels! First, the documentation does not permit law-abiding, English-speaking citizens to know what the federal government and the illegal alien Congressman is pushing. Second, such a limited about of translation sends the clear signal that only Spanish-speaking nationals are coming into the country illegally.
Terrible precedented, and We the People are paying for it!
Cyrus Hojjaty showed up a little bit later, but before the meeting was set to begin. He called out the Congressman and his staff for pushing welfare to illegal aliens.
I had to suffer with adults in the room who resorted to telling me to shut up. Some of them called me and fellow Trump supporters names. Such childish behavior. One of the biggest children in the room was Naui Huitzilopochtli. He was ready for any opportunity to shame and harrass anyone he could find.
I had so much fun with him! I brought a coconut for Naui to realize what is a coconut--and it's not Raymond O'Hara. Who has a hard brown head with bits of fuzz all over? NAUI! Of course, he did not find that every funny. When I wanted to hand him a pacifier, he seized it out of my hands, then threw it back in my bag. I guess he just wants to cry!
For the next fifteen minutes, while the rest of the group was gathering in the front rows, I connected briefly with Lupe Morfin. SHE CAME! Lupe is awesome! She has been fighting illegal immigration for years. She was one of the Minutemen in 2006. And she knows Naui all too well! "Naui would come after and my grandchildren. He made them cry!
Shameful! These amnesty panderers are cruel and unusal. They have neither respect nor regard for anyone. When I started slamming Naui's legacy of harrassing children and their guardians, he rushed over right away to try and correct the record. He is getting scared and angry!
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Victory for Trump Supporters! |
The other "Stolen Land" crew showed up with their little signs.I started putting the uestion back to them. "Why are you trying to steal other people's land?" I reminded another wannabe Native American that her ancestors had enslaved other people, even after the Civil War ended in 1865. She wasn't too happy to hear about that. Someone else should remind these Mexica, La Raza nativists, and other anti-American communists that all peoples have enslaved others. It was the Western World, particularly in the United States, which took diligent steps to end slavery. The conscientious objections of godly men enabled them to end the slave trade all over the world.
At one point, Jessica Runfola was attacked by a hateful Chicana who believes that the United States is "stolen land." A court hearing will take place later in July. We expect that Jessica will be released as the charges will be dismissed.
The altercations between Correa and Trump supporters grew more heated after that. Clearly, the patriots in the room were not going to sit back and arbitrarily tolerate the treasonous disregard of our nation's Constitution and immigration laws.
Correa closed down the meeting, but we refused to let him get away with his arbitrary pandering for illegal aliens. The Santa Ana police began escorting everyone out of the room. Then a fight broke out in the parking lot. An Antifa thug was arrested. The police told everyone to leave the area.
Naui was completely triggered, along with the rest of the "Stolen Land" bigots.
All of us were able to escape without fear.
And we had so much to celebrate!!!
CAGOP: Democrats are Targeting Devin Nunes and Duncan Hunter, too?!
Now this is just plain insane.
The National Democratic Party really thinks that California is their gold mine for flipping seats and building back their majority in the House of Representatives.
I don't think so.
The California GOP Eblast just called out this desperate attempt:
LA TIMES: “National Democrats name California GOP Reps. Devin Nunes and Duncan Hunter targets in 2018 election”
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Congressman Devin Nunes |
D.C. Democrats are moving into California with the hopes of defeating OUR Republican elected officials.
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Congressma Duncan Hunter |
Now this is just plain crazy.
Do these listless, feckless, lawless Demo-RATS really think they have a chance to knock out Devin Nunes? He has won his distict by double-digits every cycle. Even with Crooked Hillary running the tables in California
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Hollywood elites, believe they can dump millions of dollars into our communities to end our Republican majority. Will you help us fight back against the DCCC’s far-left agenda, Arthur?
California plays a critical part of the battle to keep a Republican majority in Congress. We need to do everything in our power to protect the House and to combat the millions of dollars in negative ads the DCCC will pump into California. Chip in $25 NOW!
Please use our secure link to donate today: https://secure.anedot.com/california-republican-party/protect_careps
Final Reflection
I cannot say this enough.
If the National Democratic Committee believes that they can flip seats in California just because Hillary Clinton won by wide margins in significant districts (Ed Royce, Steve Knight, etc.), I have a bridge in San Francisco that I can sell them.
Can anyone imagine the shockwaves that will take over the decrepit and dying Democratic Party when they fail to flip ONE SEAT in California in 2018?!
I can't wait to see the looks on Nancy Pelosi's face!
Just for you to understand how lunatic the Democratic Plan would be knock out Devin Nunes:
Republicans did very poorly in 2016.
Yet Nunes crushed his opposition by double-digits. Does anyone really believe that any kind of Democrat can compete in Tulare County to unseat Nunes? Election 2018 will have a lower turnout, one whichi will favor Republicans right away. The district is considerably conservative, so any outrage about Obamacare is going to help not hinder Nunes.
Let's take a more hard-core target: Steve Knight:
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"If you don't vote for me, I will drop your ass!" |
He faced the tightest fight of his life last year. Reporters in the Los Angeles Daily News briefly contended that the Antelope Valley region could have had its first Democratic Congressman since 1964. Yes, the press was convinced that Knight would say Good Night to his Congressional career.
But he survived. One of the Democrats running for the seat, Lou Vince, eventually endorsed Steve Knight in the general election!
Now, which California Republican incumbent is the MOST endangered?
Darrell Issa
Here's how close the race came in Election 2016:
Make America Great Again!
Make California great Again!
Election 2018 Stop Top Two in California! DONATE NOW!
Dear Stop Top 2 supporter,
For those of you who have not contributed to the Stop Top 2 Initiative, please do so after reading this email. You can go online to contribute at: www.stoptop2.com or send a check to the Foundation at the address appearing below.
I’m counting on each of you. You can’t achieve success at the magnitude this effort requires unless EVERYONE steps up to the plate financially! I now have over $30,000 of my time and $3,000+ out-of-pocket dedicated to this cause and I’m not stopping. No amount is too small to contribute. It all adds up.
Thank you.
Thomas E. Palzer
State Coordinator
P.O. Box 2413
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
HIRA Open Letter to Hawaii GOP: Get Rid of RINO Imposter Boyd Ready
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