They tried to divide public comment into two sessions, so that the audience would have to remain until late into the evening.
Then they tried to bring in more police officers to intimidate people.
Nothing has worked. We the People Rising will not rest until the Huntington Park City Council removes the two illegal aliens from the city commissions.
Now they play the race card, and call us "racists".
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Mike McGetrick |
Mike McGetrick was not happy when he heard that they were calling all of us nasty names again:
We The People Rising
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Huntington Park City Council Meeting 7/5/16 - Report by Robin Hvidston
VIDEO: Huntington
Park City Council Member Karina Macias called citizens opposed to the 2
illegals who were appointed to commission seats "racists." During
public comments, Mike McGetrick decided to call the council members
"names" and hollered out that they are all "pedophiles."
He was not the only one to shame the Huntington Park Corruptitos for their hateful remarks.
Chanell Temple attended the July 5th meeting, too.
She stormed the dais, and put them to silence.
She talked about the pain she faced because of prejudice.
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Chanell Temple |
She explained how black communities are getting decimated by illegal immigration. She cannot find a job just because she did not speak Spanish. WHAT?!
"You need to be very careful about using the word 'racist'!"
She also--justly--denounced amnesty advocates and illegal alien activists for marching behind the black community and using their civil rights movement for their own illegal purposes.
I am so glad that Chanell was there to speak out against the racist, disrespectful arrogance of the Huntington Park Corruptitos.
"And for those of you who were telling me to 'Go back to Africa' ... this is my country!"
"You need to watch your mouth calling other people 'racist', because there is nothing more racist than illegals coming over here killing and stealing from Americans!"
Thank you, Chanel!
One more thing ...
At the July 19th Huntington Park City Council meeting, one member of the audience talked to me after the meeting. He disagreed with our challenges and protests against illegal immigration. This gentleman shouted at me "Heil Hitler!" then made a Nazi salute.
Unbelievable! I denounced him loudly, and he wheeled away shamefully.
Then I spoke with another lady, and she and I reached an understanding about our mutual hatred of lawlessness and disrespect in the city and particularly the city council chambers.
Final Reflection
We the People Rising are not racist.
Yet the corrupt city councilmembers will continue to shout "racism", just because they cannot discuss real issues. They resort to embittered name-calling.
They love to use the word "racist" as a last-minute smear to shut up their opponents.
And it's not working.
Thank you, Mike McGetrick!
Thank you, Chanell Temple!
We the People Rising will keep fighting for what is right, and we will not be deterred by the race card!
WE THE PEOPLE RISING ARE RACISTS! You are so racist that you try to use other minorities as a testimony to excuse your intolerance. You have no business in cities you do not live in or work in. Why are you so concerned about commissions that ultimately have no power. Use your energy to fight the real "bad guys" like the corporate criminals, the Central Banks, and all the other rich people who keep stealing from the average person. These people are poor and have no real power. That city is a joke compared to most. It is about 2 square miles with little resources and mostly low income families trying to make a better life for themselves. Why don't worry about Torrance and the South Bay because that's were you are from. I'm tired of seeing poor people blamed for problems the rich have created. Go after the real problems and not the easy targets.