Donald Trump is the
Republican Party's Nominee.
I was not expecting
this. There was so much to dread about his winning the nod from the primary
Conservatives can
complain that he coasted on open primaries, which allowed Democrats and
Independents to swing the nomination in their favor,
There is no evidence
that Democrats covertly infiltrated fifty states to produce a Democrat-in-sheep's-clothing
Let's state the facts.
The country is facing some fundamental challenges, and voters felt that Trump
would better handle them.
Law and order has broken
down. The rule of law stands as a mere suggestion or a hollow joke. There is a
worse inequality than differences in wealth. One group of people do not have to
comply with the laws of the land, and the rest of us do.
One group of people are
allowed to take advantage of the wealth and resources in this country, while
those who work hard see very little for their efforts. In fact, they see a
great deal of it taken away from them.
Fiscal mismanagement,
coupled with bailouts to big banks, big business, and big bureaucrats are
infuriating everyone else. The outrage is more than Middle America throwing a
fit about their limited options, but the entire country fed up with one limited
political class getting away with so much, and everyone else retaining so
little of what they earned.
While Ted Cruz
articulated those justified machinations on the floor of the U.S. Senate. he
was still an elected official, and therefore perceived a major part of the
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(Credit: Gage Skidmore |
Donald Trump portrayed
himself as the consummate outsider, since he had never run for office anyway.
He is not wrapped up in
the ideal package that people were waiting for.
He does not have the
polish of Ted Cruz.
He does not have the
class or academic background of Bobby Jindal.
He has not demonstrated
the political courage of Scott Walker.
Or rather ... has he?
Of all the candidates
who ran for President, Trump was the only one who met with family and friends
of victims killed by illegal aliens.
Most politicians, left
and right, run from this rampant tragedy.
To this day, I still
cannot understand why Ted Cruz did not meet with members of the Remembrance
Project. He needed to connect with them, reach out to them for their support.
This group has organized American citizens across the country to demand
enforcement of our nation's immigration laws.
Note that word:
The United States does
not have a broken immigration system. We have a morally bankrupt executive
branch which refuses to enforce the law, including the construction of a wall. At
first, I thought that building a wall would be too costly.
Trump has removed that
consideration. "Too costly" is the loss of Dominic Durden. How more
people have to die at the gruesome, brutal hands of illegal aliens? There
should not have to be a Remembrance Project. Every American should know that
their government is protecting them rather than protecting illegal aliens and
Citizens should not feel
like refugees in their own country!
What else about Donald
Trump put him over the edge so quickly?
He commanded more air
time that the rest of the other candidates combined. His savvy control over the
media impressed many, and impressed on them support for his candidacy.
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Ted Cruz (Credit: Gage Skidmore) |
He hammered issues which
slipped away from political pundits' attention or conflicted with their rigged
Corporate cronyism has
hit an all-time high--or low. How many more major financial firms will get a
bailout while the rest of us struggle to pay our bills? They have to live
within their own means, don't they?
And globalism.
The Trans-Pacific
Partnership trade deal, which followed from the TPA, disturbed small businesses
and labor unions--the private sector firms, that is.
I like free trade.
Everyone should. The definition of free trade, however, has American workers
and manufacturers wondering. Does "free" also mean a citizenry free
from having a job, too?
Why are so many American
firms closing down and moving their corporations overseas?
The regulatory burdens
forced on the United States are unreal. In NAFTA, for example, Mexican trucks
are not subject to the same environmental regulations as American trucks.
Selective enforcement is
not free trade.
The Chinese government
practically enslaves its workers. There is no regard for natural rights in
China. They do not play by the rules.
That is not free trade.
True, protectionism will
not improve our economy. Nations do not trade with nations, Still, governments
should ensure a legal, honest, level playing field for all companies.
Trade is based on voluntary
exchange. I only wish Trump supporters would recognize that the labor unions
who agitate for better working conditions and economic opportunities are undermining
their intentions.
If a company wants to
use H-1B visas--a government program--they must serve as a last resort. A
business, an engineering company, or any other firm should not be punished with
lack of production because they cannot reach necessary hiring levels.
No business push people
out of work to hire foreign workers who will earn half the pay. That is
not a level playing field at all. And we the people are paying for this abuse.
That is wrong.
Ted Cruz had an
admirable, demonstrative record on many conservative issues.
However, if voters
detected any wavering on two issues, immigration and trade deals, that candidate
was pretty much sunk. Any hint of globalism in the background, and that
candidate would face untold challenges.
Voters thought that Ted
Cruz was sold out to big banks or big businesses, when he had voted against the
Gang of Eight bill, he rejected all bloated budgets passed by Congress, and
refused to support reauthorization of the cronyist Ex-Im bank.
Appearances, matter,
however, and a sense of distance, a lack of connection to the struggles of
working people was just too much for Cruz to overcome.
But Trump did.
And that’s why he won
the GOP nod.
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