The Democratic Party has continued to abandon the "dreamers". They are actually nightmares, but their nightmares are coming true. They will not get any kind of pathway to citizenship in Congress.
President Trump offered a generous compromise, but the liberal base and the illegal alien radicals will not accept anything less than full amnesty for every illegal alien in the country, with no enforcement, enhanced security, or advanced metrics to ensure that illegal immigration become a thing of the past.
Here is the latest eblast, in which the nightmare brats are demanding everything, throwing one temper tantrum after another, convinced that manifest harassment against every elected official will somehow guarantee them what they want.
Not going to happen, kiddies! Deal with it!

This is what betrayal looks like: This morning, both Democrats and moderate Republicans moved to end the GOP shutdown without securing a Dream Act. They had leverage to protect immigrant youth who are in grave danger – but instead they used our suffering as a bargaining chip to get more dollars for other programs.
The majority of Americans support a Dream Act – and we will use our power to continue this fight. Can you make a call right now to show Congress that we will not accept their betrayal?
Make a call now: 832-610-3896
This came after over a hundred immigrant youth marched through the halls of Capitol Hill, visiting 240 House Democrats and moderate Republican offices for 14 hours to share our stories and demand permanent protection that does not harm our families and other immigrants. We’ve been putting our bodies on the line to hold Congress accountable. And we expected greater leadership and courage from our elected officials. But they failed us, again.
The backstabbing by Chuck Schumer, betrayal by 73 House Democrats, and Paul Ryan’s cruel games leaves me, my sisters, and millions of immigrant youth at greater risk of being dragged to detention camps and deported. Speeches, crocodile tears and Facebook posts will not save our lives.
We fight because the lives of ourselves and our loved ones are at stake. Since Trump killed DACA, over 19,000 immigrant youth have lost their livelihoods and protections, and 850 more become vulnerable each week. Millions of us have no protection at all, and Congress has a moral responsibility to oppose Trump’s white supremacist plans to wipe us from the face of this country.
Each day of delay means more ruthless deportations and a further erosion of our nation’s values. But we will never give up fighting because this is our home, and our eyes are set on freedom.
Please add your voice to the fight right now by calling Congress 832-610-3896. Let’s show them that we will not accept this betrayal.
Thank you for speaking out,
Greisa and the rest of the team at United We Dream
P.S. Immigrant youth are already hard at work planning our next phase of actions to fight for a Dream Act. Can you help by making a contribution to support immigrant youth?
The same repeated talking points are going nowhere fast. American citizens do not want a DREAM Act. They dream of our nation's laws being enforced. They want American citizens to know that they will be free and secure in their own countries, without fear that an illegal alien, foreign national, or other kind of invader will rob or kill American families and dreams.
The chutzpah is just too much to bear sometimes. Who do these nightmare thugs think they are?
Please call the above numbers. Ignore the programmed, recorded prompts and let the Congressional representatives know:
1. No DACA
2. No Amnesty
3. Build the Wall
4. Put Americans First
5. End the Visa Lottery
6. No more chain migration
7. etc.
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