Campbell’s Campaign Clips
February 23, 2018
Thank you for your support since announcing my bid for the U.S. House of Representatives!
I’ve enjoyed the last few months of traveling the state and I don’t plan on slowing down.
Congressman Cramer has left big shoes to fill in Washington and I will work hard to fill them and continue establishing our North Dakota values in Congress.
This will be the first time Republicans will hold all three-seats -- a Republican Trifecta!
My youngest supporter, my new granddaughter Addilade, approves of that!

There was a great turnout in Cooperstown despite the tough North Dakota whiteout conditions. Thank you to all who came to support conservative values and principles!

In addition to sharing my story, I had the honor of sharing a prayer with the great people of District 20 in Mayville. Thank you for allowing me to share a prayer of hope for our great State and our Nation!

District 29 in Jamestown had fantastic attendance for their district meetings.
I’m proud to know and work with their very respected legislatures Senator Terry Wanzek, Representative Craig Headland & Representative Chet Pollert that were all present.

I attended the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce Economic Outlook Forum to listen to the keynote speaker Stephen Moore -- an expert on national economic public policy and an advisor to President Trump.
In his words, North Dakota energy was one of the single best industries in the country for pulling us out of the Great Recession. Way to go North Dakota!


Thank you!
Tom Campbell Conservative Farmer, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
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