Dear Freedom Lover,
Can you imagine what the world would look like if the Left takes over the internet as they have done with the University? Well, it is happening -- and we must stop them.
We are seeing censorship of conservative ideas all over the internet. YouTube, which is owned by Google, is taking the lead by censoring content they don’t agree with. They block, restrict, and demonetize videos just because they contain conservative ideas.
Currently, we’re fighting a lawsuit against YouTube for its systematic censorship of our videos. They’re claiming nearly 40 PragerU videos violate their “Community Guidelines” and are restricting access to young people.
They’re actually trying to keep the ideas of personal freedom, limited government, a strong national defense, and individual responsibility OUT of the hands of young Americans.
That means millions of young minds won’t even get the chance to hear about conservative principles -- unless we fight back.
Can I count on your help as we do just that?
My name is Dennis Prager. In 2011, I founded Prager University to harness the power of the internet and bring the conservative ideals that have made our nation great to a new generation of Americans.
And let me tell you -- our work is making a difference.
Surveys show that 70 percent of our viewers have had their minds changed by the content of our videos on issues ranging from the right to life, to religious liberty, to national security, to Constitutional freedoms, and more.
We are changing the cultural and political landscape of our nation, thousands of young minds at a time.
Apparently, the Silicon Valley elites at Google/YouTube don’t like it.
You see, despite our videos being professionally produced and family-friendly, they have flagged our content as being in violation of their “Community Standards,” and thus have restricted access for young people.
That’s why we have filed suit against them in federal court -- to demand that they cease their ideological discrimination against PragerU and conservative ideals.
Leftists already dominate our nation’s college campuses, where they are hard at work indoctrinating a new generation of leaders into their godless, morally desolate, big government “nanny state” ideology.
The internet is one of the few places where America’s youth can still turn to participate in the free exchange of ideas. But now, Google, the internet’s largest repository of information, is trying to silence dissenting conservative voices, too.
PragerU is taking Google to court not just to keep our own content on YouTube, but to protect free speech online for all Americans.
And please, tell a friend about this raging battle to protect the free exchange of ideas online.
We need all the help we can get as we take on the world’s largest and most powerful internet company.
If we lose, the consequences for our movement -- and our nation -- will be dire.
If we don’t win this battle, Google and its allies could reshape our culture in a matter of years simply by silencing and censoring the principles that have made our nation and our culture what they are today.
I hope -- and pray -- that you will stand with us before it’s too late.
Thank you, and God bless.
Dennis Prager
Founder, PragerU
Founder, PragerU
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