Friday, February 23, 2018

Trump Trolls Loser Democrats on DACA Failures

The President played the Democratic Party minority (and the squishy, weak-willed Republicans) like a harp from hell.

He never intended to enact any kind of amnesty. Never.

The point of his negotiation styles is to force the public and the media to recognize how left-wing the press has become, and how out-of-touch the Democrats really are from the needs of everyday Americans.

Hard-core Democrats, mostly in black communities, voted for Trump in unprecedented numbers. Historically black, Democratic constituencies in California voted for Trump in higher margins than for Romney.

That says it all, doesn't it?

Republicans need to go back to their origins, and remind the country that their record on civil rights for blacks rivals anything that the Democratic Party can claim to have accomplished. The truth is, Democrats have been re-implementing a different form of slavery, defined by bad schools, ruined neighborhoods, and rampant disregard for the rule of law.

Republicans need to recognize that we are the party of Lincoln, McKinley, Eisenhower, and Reagan, a political party dedicated to individual liberty, state sovereignty, and constitutional federalism. We are the party of life and family, freedom and opportunity.

Democrats want to undermine the rule of law and replace it with the tyranny of the Democracy.

And we are not going to tolerate it.

Notice that the Democrats have lied to a generation of illegal aliens and their enablers in this country. They kept saying that they wanted to pass some kind of amnesty, anything that would all "DREAMers", in reality Nightmare Brats, to stay in this country. But instead of fighting to ensure a comprehensive solution, the Democrats were only interested in fomenting a wedge issue for arbitrary political power.

Enough is enough. Notice that President Trump hinted a deal over and over, and Democrats refused to budge, because the want the never-ending stream of legal immigration through chain migration and the diversity visa, the vast majority of which will vote Democrat. These communists cannot win on the issues anymore, so they have to import voters.

It's the only way.

Trump really trolled the Democrats on this massive failure!
But ... but wait! Didn't Nancy Pelosi promise a Clean DREAM Act?

What happened?

Didn't the rest of the Democrats, heckled and harassed by the United We Dream nightmare coalition, pledge that they would do everything they could to guarantee:

"Amnesty Now!

"Amnesty Tomorrow!

"Amnesty Forever!"

Not going to happen!

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