Liberal Democrats in Congress – along with a handful of weak kneed Republicans – are preparing a scheme to give amnesty to over 2 million illegal immigrants as early as next week.
As the son of Cuban immigrants who escaped Communism and came to America for an opportunity to live the American Dream, it infuriates me to hear liberals like my opponent Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling for open borders and demanding amnesty for illegal immigrants.
I’m Carlos Reyes, and I’m the conservative Republican running for U.S. House against liberal Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
I’m writing to let you know exactly where I stand on the critical issues facing our country like illegal immigration – and to ask for your generous support to help me FIRE Debbie Wasserman Schultz in November.
The truth is, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an entrenched incumbent with powerful special-interest groups backing her campaign.
But Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been involved in scandal after scandal, including being removed from her position as DNC Chair because she got caught rigging the primary nomination for Hillary Clinton.
And now that a national security scandal is surrounding her Congressional office, Debbie’s special-interest backers and big money pals are keeping their distance.
This means Debbie Wasserman Schultz is vulnerable for the first time ever.
I need your help to go on the offensive and build the type of grassroots campaign it’s going to take to defeat an entrenched incumbent like Debbie Wasserman Schultz in November.
So won’t you please chip in a donation to my campaign immediately?
As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, my parents came to America because they wanted an opportunity to live the American Dream.
And it sickens me when liberals like Debbie Wasserman Schultz lump legal immigrants into the same category as the illegal immigrants she and her Democrat pals are trying to grant amnesty.
The truth is, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is just another Washington elitist who thumbs her noses at the good folks she’s elected to represent.
For example, Nancy Pelosi recently held a townhall and fundraiser here for Debbie Wasserman Schultz – proving she’s vulnerable for defeat.
At the townhall, one attendee asked Debbie Wasserman Schultz what she thought about the $1,000 bonus check a lot of employees were receiving thanks to Donald Trump’s tax cuts passed earlier this year.
Without hesitation, Debbie Wasserman Schultz responded “CRUMBS.”
Maybe not in their elitist liberal world, but here in South Florida where hard-working taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet -- $1,000 is a lot of money.
It’s groceries, diapers, medicine, gas, heat. . .

If you agree, can I count on your support for my campaign?
Unfortunately, not all of Debbie’s liberal allies and special-interest pals are keeping their distance.
A number of rabid, radical left-wing groups and politicians are circling their wagons around Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- like Nancy Pelosi and George Soros.
They know my campaign is growing by leaps and bounds.
And they know I’m the one to defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
So they’re gunning for me with everything they’ve got.
I need your help to fight back and defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz in November.
That’s why I’m counting on you to chip in a generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $150, $100 or $50 to let me know you’ve got my back against Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democrat machine.
I know times are tough.
And I understand that’s a lot to ask for.
If that’s too much, I hope you’ll consider chipping in $35, $25 or $10 to help me build the type of first-rate grassroots campaign necessary to defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated and will be put to immediate use by my campaign.
Even if it’s just $5, all I ask is that you chip in a donation of any amount to let me know you’re committed to helping me defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz in November.
Please click here to let me know I’ve earned your support.
Thank you in advance for standing with me.
I appreciate your support.

Carlos J. Reyes
Republican Candidate for Congress (FL-23)
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