Liberal Democrats.
Left-wing “progressives.”
The Hollywood elite.
It’s no secret the entire radical left flat-out despises our Conservative Christian values.
After all, they’ve insulted, demeaned and attacked our deeply-held beliefs for several years.
But on Tuesday their hatred was on full display when The View’s Joy Behar attacked and made fun of Vice President Mike Pence because of his Christian Faith – calling his relationship with God a “mental illness.”

Arthur, I’ve had enough!
I’m sick and tired of the left-wing attacks on our deeply-held traditional values.
I’m running for U.S. Senate to defend our Christian values – including our Religious Liberties – that are under attack by the radical left in Washington.
Arthur, I want to make this perfectly clear.
This is not a campaign about the status quo.
This is not about who should be "next in line" for the establishment.
This campaign is about sending a message to the GOP elite and the rest of the establishment hacks ruining our country in Washington.
About standing up for freedom against an overreaching federal government.
As a man of faith, I always held our freedom to express our religious beliefs in the highest regards.
That's why, if elected to the U.S. Senate, I’ll stand up and fight for our Christian values and for our Religious Liberties -- without compromise.
I’ll fight to END the scourge of illegal immigration destroying our country, fight to repeal ObamaCare, fight for law enforcement, fight for our veterans and fight for blue-collar workers against the powerful elite forces destroying our nation.
But don’t just take my word for it.
Have a look at my track record and you’ll see I don’t just talk the talk when running for office -- I also walk the walk.
As Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in Prince William County, I’ve received national and regional recognition for implementing the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration -- resulting in Prince William County turning over almost 8,000 criminal illegal immigrants to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
But I didn’t stop there.
As Chairman of the Board, I fought to keep taxes and spending low – saving taxpayers $205 MILLION and securing a AAA bond rating for our county, making us one of only 36 jurisdictions in the nation to receive a AAA rating.
Not only that, but Prince William County was propelled to the NUMBER ONE locality in Virginia and the NUMBER 3 locality for job growth in the entire nation.
And we did it without raising taxes.
If elected as the next Senator from Virginia, I’ll carry this same courage and fight with me to Washington.
That’s why national conservative leaders like Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Laura Ingraham are rallying behind my campaign.
“Corey Stewart is a fighter who will be a staunch defender of our rights and liberties in Washington. Corey is a proven vote-getter who will win back Virginia’s U.S. Senate seat for conservatives. It is viral that we turn the tide in Virginia so that President Trump’s agenda can succeed. With that in mind, I urge Virginians to back Corey Stewart for U.S. Senate.”
- Jerry Falwell, Jr.
“Corey Stewart is a hard-charging populist conservative. Tough on immigration, great on trade – he’s not going to mince words, he’s not going to pussyfoot around the issues. . . That’s the right way to defeat Tim Kaine. I am totally helping him [Corey Stewart], this will be fun.”
– Laura Ingraham
Of course, if that’s too much, I hope you’ll consider chipping in $5, $10 or $20 to help me defeat Clinton stooge Tim Kaine in November.
Whatever amount you can donate today, please know every dollar matters -- especially this early in the race.
All I'm asking is that you please chip in a donation of any amount to let me know you're committed to helping me defeat Tim Kaine in 2018.
Thank you so much for standing with me.

Corey Stewart
Republican for U.S. Senate (VA)
Republican for U.S. Senate (VA)
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