Sunday, October 23, 2016

"Social Services" Commissioner Gets Taste of His Own Medicine

Rabid, Illiberal, anti-social, in-justice warriors have to get a taste of their own medicine.

They want to play the race card? Then you and I have to command the courage to throw back at them their own destructive, perverse policies.

The big difference between conservatives and illiberals? We are the constructive alternative, and there is no way that they can fight against it.

There is something about facts, logic, and truth which is unassailable. It's time for all of us to stop running away from petty threats and stand for the truth.

It's time for us to stop being shamed into silence and stand up for what is right.

When I was a teacher, kids would chant "Racist" when I held them accountable for something.

I got so fed up with that petty taunt, that I would fire back:

"You want to play the race card? I will play the whole deck, and this joker is wild!"

To another student, I retorted: "It's not racist. It's elitist. It's about excellence, and right now you don't have it!"

That's what has to be done.

For the past three years, since the Torrance Democratic Club President refused to allow a few conservatives into a public meeting to confront Congressman Henry Waxman (thankfully, former and now retired), we have been holding one man consistently accountable for his bad ideas, irreligious ideologies, and abusive rhetoric.

His name is Jimmy Gow, the current President of the Torrance Democratic Club.

Torrance Democratic Club President Jimmy Gow got a taste of his own medicine on October 12,

The Torrance Social Services Commission met in the City Council chambers, and for this meeting they actually had a quorum.

I was a little disturbed that there were two police officers in the city council chambers. What's going on? I attended a planning commission meeting last year, and I did not see any police presence there.

Two police officers present? Why?!

This was going to be an interesting meeting. I do not think that Jimmy Gow was expecting us to show up.

This routine from the Democrats has been all to common. They attack conservatives, pro-life forces Republicans, and those who get attacked often do not do anything.

That lack of response has changed for good.

Here's the full video of my attendance then comments which followed:

Tracy Hopkins then Perry Johnson attended along with me.

Here they are!

Gow as Chairman
The meeting began fairly well, on time.

Mark Ragins showed up a little later.

When public comment came, the presiding officer--Jimmy Gow!--tried to skip over me and called someone else up to the dias.

There's the lady who tried to get ahead. She ended up signing in.

I was really surprised that Gow knew who this lady was, and called on her right away.

Was he reallly that intent on stopping Tracy, Perry, and me from addressing the social services commission?

Very disturbing.

Now, below you can see the blown up photo which I presented to the Torrance City Council on October 12:

I called him out on that immediately. Why was I being skipped over? What was he so concerned about?

The lady who tried to cut in front of me laughed me off.

Very offensive, but I was able to speak first.

I showed the dias the blown-up photo of the anti-social injustice warriors flipping off Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Jimmy Gow in the middle of the picture smiling about it.

I do not take offensive that elected or appointed officials use exercise their First Amendment rights.

I do take offense when protests turn violent and abusive, and the Torrance Democratic Club President is allowed to get away with it.

All of this is wrong, and he has to be held accountable for it.

Before I left, I made sure to present the picture again, with Gow:

If a protester can do nothing more than flip off someone, they must not understand the full range of expression available to human beings.

It was a win for decency and integrity that the three of us showed up to confront this abusive conduct.

One person on the dias, Cindy Scotto, was particularly disturbed by the photo.

Final Reflection

The double standard ends.

Enough is enough. We are not going to tolerate two sets of law in our society, where illiberals, regressives, and leftists are allowed to break the law in the name of social protest, and we have to tolerate it.

We need to stop being afraid, and stand for truth.

We need to step up to spoiled, entitlement anti-social in-justice warriors and hold them accountable for their criminal behavior.

Let us not forget that the anti-SWJs tresspassed on private property, stolen a man's phone, spit at people, and pushed people to the ground.

Here are my comments to the Torrance City Council from October 4th to get a full understanding of what happened and who was involved:

Enough is enough. Give the illiberal protesters a taste of their own medicine!


  1. My admiration to you Christopher who Rises up to the occasion. God bless you patriot. Let the TRUTH BE REVEALED! !

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong: but in legal settings, the omission of truth is considered a lie. Under sworn testimony, omitting the truth would be perjury.

    The public comment made at the dais omitted a very salient truth about former Sheriff Joe Arpaio: a convicted felon. Any social group can invite an out-of-state convicted felon to speak about to them about any range of topics. But perhaps, your ire at protesters, including a social commissioner, is a bit ironic considering a putative upstanding social group invited a known criminal element.
