This is the kind of fighting that we need from our elected officials. We see this kind of fighting spirit more and more from primary challengers across the country.
Roy Moore encapsulated the power of the American people, men and women who are fed up with the Swamp dictating who wins and who loses.
We want the wall built.
We want Obamacare repealed.
We want to see illegal immigration reduced to a net zero, and we want American jobs, American lives, and American values placed as pre-eminent.
In no wise did we send people to Washington DC in order to represent a permanent political class more interested in their own interests while disregarding the needs of the American people and the dictates of the United States Constitution.
Dean Heller is a Swamp creature at this point. He is more interested in deceit than he is in operating as a straight shooter, to do what is best for Nevadans and to follow the outlined mandates in the United States Constitution. He repeatedly campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Now he is skittish about the whole affair. He supposedly railed against illegal immigration.
But now he wants to co-sponsor the BRIDGE Act, to provide legal status to illegal aliens while ignore the needs and concerns of law-abiding citizens.
His stark challenger is Danny Tarkanian, and he is not playing nice.
His latest eblast, he has come out swinging against Heller!
Did you see the email Danny sent out on Thursday about Deceitful Dean Heller?
Dean Heller is running scared after what he saw in Alabama: His favorite establishment Republican Mitch McConnell couldn’t buy the seat for the swamp dwellers in Washington DC.
So he’s resorting to deceiving and outright lying about Danny in an attempt to save himself from conservatives like us who are tired of establishment politicians obstructing President Trump’s pro-America agenda.
The reason we’re resending this email is because tonight is our end-of-quarter deadline when we will have to file our fundraising numbers with the FEC and it will be available for everyone to see.
Team Tark
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Danny Tarkanian Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 Subject: Deceitful Dean
There's been nonstop coverage of Roy Moore’s victory in the Alabama Senate primary runoff. It's nearly impossible to turn on a television or open a computer without seeing or hearing something about it.
That's why I was completely taken aback when Dean Heller stated he hadn't heard who'd won.
“Who won? I wasn’t paying attention,” Heller told the Associated Press. “I’m just worried about taxes.”
He hasn’t heard who won? Is Senator Heller living under a rock? No...
He is lying through his teeth. Deceitful Dean Heller and his friends were heavily invested in this election.
Establishment Republicans spent a lot of money in an attempt to buy the seat back for Luther Strange.
Mitch McConnell pitched in $10 million to attack Roy Moore and Mo Brooks.
Additionally, Heller donated $10,000 out of his own Leadership PAC to help Luther Strange.

If you made a significant political donation, don't you think you would pay attention to the results of the election?
But the dishonesty and deception doesn’t end there.
He recently sent out a letter, that falsely claimed I received an “F” rating from the NRA.
This is a flat out lie. The NRA recognizes me as a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment.
They have given me an “A” rating. They both endorsed and financially supported my 2016 campaign.

Nevadans have had enough of Deceitful Dean.
I have overtaken him in the polls, and his approval ratings continue to tank, as more and more people get fed up with his dishonesty.
A JMC Analytics poll showed just 34% of Nevada Republicans have a favorable opinion of him and an astounding 48% have an unfavorable opinion.
Of course we do. It's understandable that people don't like Dean Heller when he lies to them again, and again, and again.
Let’s put an end to the deception and dishonesty in 2018. When I go to Washington DC, I’ll do everything in my power to make things more transparent.
I will never forget I am there to serve you, not the interests of Mitch McConnell and the Republican establishment.
Are you ready to replace Deceitful Dean with a US Senator that won’t turn his back on you and will tell you the truth?
Let’s send the establishment a message in 2018.
In Liberty, Danny Tarkanian

It's time for the DC Hustle to take a shuffle and get lost.
US Senators need to represent the best interests of the states, and protect the rights of the citizenry.
Let's hope that Danny Tarkanian can turn the populist outrage of Election 2016, and the upset of Judge Roy Moore of 2017 and Make Nevada Great Again!
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