Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Minnesota GOP Launches Recall Efforts Against No-Show Minnesota Democrats

Is there hope for the Republican Party of Minnesota?

They currently have a slim one-seat majority, and yet the Democratic Party is refusing to show up to work.

They want to wait until a special election is held to fill in a tie-breaking seat, which will force the House into a power-sharing agreement instead of allowing a Republican majority.

The Democratic Party across the country is doubling down on dumb rather than making an effort to win back voters they have lost over the last two election cycles.

Let's see if a GOP resurgence is on the horizon in Minnesota, as well (and perhaps a Republican will win the Electoral Votes in 2028?)


For nearly three weeks, House Democrats have refused to show up for work—while taking nearly $10,000 a day in taxpayer money.

They are holding the state hostage, ignoring their duty, and failing the people of Minnesota.

Enough is enough. It’s time to hold them accountable.

That’s why we are launching a new website —a statewide movement to recall every legislator who refuses to do their job.

Join us in this fight.Donate today to power this recall effort.

Why This Matters

Minnesotans go to work every day—if they don’t show up, they don’t get paid.

House Democrats are pocketing taxpayer money while refusing to do their jobs.

They are collecting nearly $10,000 a day—without showing up.

They think they’re untouchable. We’re here to prove them wrong.

This Is Totally Un-Minnesotan. It’s Egregious. It’s Irresponsible.

Minnesotans expect accountability, common sense, and leadership—not corruption, dysfunction, and excuses.

The Democrats’ failed leadership must end. This recall effort is our chance to take back Minnesota and restore integrity in government.

We need your help. Stand with us. Donate now.


For more information, visit

Together, we will hold these legislators accountable and bring real leadership back to Minnesota.

Let’s get to work.

Thank you for standing with us.

In service,

Alex Plechash, Chairman

The Republican Party of Minnesota


Time is of the essence. The Democrats think they can collect their taxpayer-funded paychecks and hide from accountability. Let’s show them that Minnesotans demand better.

Donate today to help fund the recall effort and send a message loud and clear.

You Can Help by donating to help us hold the Governor Walz and the DFL accountable and protect our election laws. Click here to help.

Hold Governor Walz and the DFL Accountable - Click Here to Help
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Friday, January 31, 2025

FIRST! Idaho State House Passes MassResistance Resolution Against Obergefell!


First ever: Idaho House of Representatives passes MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling.

During floor debate: Arguments from opponents fall flat, debunked and deflated by proponents.

A few RINOs defect, but resolution passes easily by 46-24.

Unhinged LGBT activists lose their minds. But coverage by mainstream Idaho press is surprisingly objective.

January 31, 2025
ALT TEXT A first in the nation: The Idaho House of Representatives passed the resolution to reject Obergefell by 46-24.

This is the first time that a state legislative body has gone on record rejecting Obergefell and demanding its reversal.

On Monday, January 27 – after some interesting floor debate – the Idaho House of Representatives easily approved its resolution opposing the Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Fifteen RINO Republicans voted with the Democrats (which happens frequently). But it still breezed through by 46-24. Last week, the resolution sailed through the introductory House committee by 13-2.

Legislators in ten states are in the process of filing similar MassResistance resolutions. Over the next few weeks, we expect them to be formally introduced in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Michigan.

Pushing back on the Supreme Court

MassResistance’s push for state legislatures across the country to pass resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling is moving forward. The ruling was a move by the activist SCOTUS Justices at the time to take away the rights of the states on that contentious issue.

The 5-4 Obergefell ruling stated that the 14th Amendment required that same-sex “marriage” be allowed by the states. The ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds, and Justice Thomas has stated that – similar to Roe v Wade – it should be revisited. Moreover, two of the Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings.”  

Such resolutions are not legally binding. They simply urge the Supreme Court to revisit the Obergefell ruling. But it’s a powerful message coming from a state legislature.

The Idaho House floor debate

The Idaho House floor debate was a glimpse of what we’ll probably see when other legislatures take this on. The Left doesn’t have any legitimate arguments, so they fall back on emotion and misinformation.

ALT TEXT The House Speaker calls on Rep. Scott to introduce the resolution.

The debate began with the resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Heather Scott, explaining the issues involved, emphasizing federalism and 10th Amendment guarantee of states’ rights. The ruling unconstitutionally took away power that the states had always had on the issue of marriage.

ALT TEXT Rep. Scott began the debate session by describing what the resolution says and explaining the many reasons why it should be passed.

The opponents of the resolution ignored the stated reasons for it. Instead, they recycled various LGBT talking points: that the Legislature is wasting its time when more important issues are pressing; that this is deeply hurting the feelings of “married” gays; that it is unfairly taking away “LGBTQ rights; and that it will lead to a ban on interracial marriage.

The proponents jumped right in and responded to those points. They described the result of the heavy-handed approach the Supreme Court took: People’s lives have been destroyed because they disagreed with “gay marriage,” were aggressively prosecuted, fired from their jobs, or otherwise attacked. Other proponents spoke of the religious freedoms lost. One Rep listed the health, moral, and spiritual problems associated with homosexuality and the radical redefinition of marriage. They also brought up the fact that two of the SCOTUS justices should legally have recused themselves, which would have resulted in the case failing.

One opponent said that 99% of the messages that the Legislature has received were against it. (That’s not surprising, given the national outcry that the LGBT movement has raised.)

ALT TEXT This proponent reiterated that Obergefell is "bad jurisprudence" that overruns the 10th Amendment and usurps the right of the states to regulate marriage.
ALT TEXT LGBT talking points: This opponent of the resulution compared the resolution to banning interracial marriage and bringing back segregated lunch counters. She said that states must abide by "uniform rights" and that gays are "afraid that they are unwanted." She then talked about her gay son who fears he won't be able to marry his boyfriend.

At the end, Rep. Scott spoke again and summed up everything, pro and con. At that point, all the opponents’ arguments seemed weak and simply emotional.

Mainstream press is surprisingly objective

The reports in the Idaho mainstream media were surprisingly objective and not sensational or angry. We’re not sure why, but it was interesting.

LGBT activists more livid and unhinged than ever

It’s academic to say that the issue of “gay marriage” is properly in the purview of the states, not the federal government, and is not in any way dictated by the 14th Amendment. That’s certainly how it’s always been universally understood.

But the reaction by LGBT activists was so bizarre and unhinged that we plan to do a separate post on it. It was infantile. The torrents of hatred and profanity that we saw were a stark reminder that we are dealing with very troubled and emotionally dysfunctional people. But anyone who’s witnessed a “gay pride” parade or argued for removing LGBT sex books from a school library already knew that.

Here's a sample email that was sent to MassResistance. We can just imagine what the Idaho legislators have been receiving!

I wanted to let you know that you should buy a gun and stick it in your mouth and ensure the safety is off and it’s loaded, then pull the trigger.

You know the world would be a better place if you weren’t in it.

You don’t contribute anything to society and you don’t have any friends.

Fucking kill yourself you pathetic incel.

The LGBT websites were much more subdued. They basically wrapped their talking points around the various aspects of the Idaho situation.

It was even reported on a German LGBT news site. The article title is translated as: US state of Idaho calls for abolition of marriage for all - and it apparently also attacks MassResistance.

Final thoughts

An interesting question: Why are these resolutions in state legislatures – which have no power of law – causing such a firestorm from the pro-LGBT Left? It’s because they know that the Obergefell ruling is a house of cards. It was raw judicial activism with no constitutional leg to stand on.  The idea of having to fight the “gay marriage” battle legally scares and angers them.

An ordered society cannot run this way. That’s why it’s important for more states to do it! Eventually, the Supreme Court will take notice.

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Monday, January 27, 2025

Idaho Moves MassResistance Resolution Forward


LGBT activists are unhinged at public hearing as Idaho Legislature committee votes to move “gay marriage” resolution forward to House floor

Hysterical LGBT protesters fill committee room, but legislators not intimidated.

Resolution passes committee by 13-2 vote. Will likely be voted on by full Idaho House this week.

Media (including New York Times) warns of apocalypse!

January 26, 2025
ALT TEXT The committee members (including Rep. Heather Scott) faced the horde of angry LGBT activists without flinching at all.

MassResistance’s push for state legislatures across the country to pass resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling is moving forward in the Idaho Legislature. 

Last Wednesday, January 22, was the first step. The House State Affairs Committee held a public hearing on the resolution and then voted 13-2 (along party lines) to send it on to the full House.

Not surprisingly, the LGBT activists and leftist media are losing their minds over it. LGBT protesters disrupted the hearing, walking out en masse during sponsor’s speech in an attempt to intimidate the legislators.


The Idaho Resolution was filed earlier this month by State Rep. Heather Scott, who is also the vice-chairman of the House State Affairs Committee.

The 2015 SCOTUS 5-4 Obergefell ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds. In fact, the US Constitution does not address marriage. And two of the Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings.”

Such resolutions are not legally binding; they simply urge the Supreme Court to revisit the Obergefell ruling, as it recently did with Roe v. Wade – culminating in overturning it. But it’s a powerful message coming from a state legislature. There are now eight states where legislators will be filing similar resolutions this session.

Hysterical pro-LGBT activists pack the public hearing

Most of the testimony before last Wednesday’s committee hearing came from people who personally attended, but some testimony via Zoom was also allowed during the time period.

As expected, the vast majority of witnesses were LGBT activists or connected with other radical interests in the state. Idaho is overwhelmingly conservative and Republican. Hard leftists and LGBT activists make up a very small portion of the population. But they were well organized and came to the State Capitol that day to vent their emotions against the resolution.

Their behavior was childish and embarrassing. The LGBT crowd arrived early and filled up most of the seats in the room. The hearing began with Rep. Heather Scott formally introducing the resolution and explaining the legal basis for filing it and the constitutional issues involved. Immediately as she began speaking, the entire pro-LGBT crowd stood up in unison and walked out of the room as a rude protest. They stood outside in the hallway as she spoke. When she finished, they marched back in and took their seats. But that was just the beginning of their clown show.

ALT TEXT As Rep. Scott takes the podium to formally introduce the resolution, the LGBT activists stand up and walk out of the room in "protest."

The LGBT activists’ testimony did not address the issues of federalism or constitutionality that are the basis of the resolution. They whined about their “marriages” and “equal rights.” They trotted out hackneyed LGBT talking points and logical fallacies. They claimed that they were victims being persecuted by this resolution. Many blamed religion for not recognizing homosexuality as “equal” and insisted that there are “bigger problems” that need to be addressed instead.

ALT TEXT Transgender activist (who appeared to be mentally ill) testifies with an AR rifle strapped to his back. In Idaho you can legally carry a firearm into the State Capitol, but the ammunition must be removed.

Much of the opposing testimony came from far-left clergy claiming to be Christians. But they presented a stunning inversion of commonly understood biblical principles concerning marriage and homosexuality.

ALT TEXT This openly homosexual Church of Christ minister said that he loves Jesus and also loves other men. He explained that all the passages in the Old and New Testaments that appear to ban homosexual behavior have been misinterpreted, and they actually mean something completely different.

During the testimony, Republican committee members posed excellent questions to the leftist speakers. They exposed the weak arguments and the lack of thought or clarity on these issues. Many of the so-called religious speakers were unprepared and uninformed about their scriptures. For example, one left-wing pastor was asked to show where the Bible supports homosexual “marriage.” She could not provide a verse.

ALT TEXT A committee member probes one of the LGBT clergy about his radical interpretation of Scripture.

Also at the hearing: Some strong testimony from our side

Not as many supporters of the resolution testified, but their words were more pertinent and addressed the legal and constitutional issues behind it. Their testimony also directly debunked the emotional and logically flawed LGBT talking points. Some highlights include:

Former Idaho State Representative Julianne Young gave an impassioned defense of the resolution. She directly rebuffed one of the most outrageous lines of attack from the leftist opponents: the “rights” argument. While homosexual activists love to talk about their rights, what about the rights of everyone else? What about our freedom of speech and freedom of conscience? What about our right to live our lives according to common-sense norms that recognize the importance of natural marriage?

ALT TEXT Former Idaho State Rep. Julianne Young gave a clinic on the moral and religious problems with the Obergefell ruling!

The Pacific Justice Institute, a pro-bono conservative law firm based in California, weighed in on the resolution via Zoom. An attorney from that group discussed the “sheer judicial hubris” of the Supreme Court’s activist Obergefell Justices who ignored the clear wording of the Constitution.

The Idaho Family Policy Center also testified in favor of the resolution. Its representative discussed the constitutional overreach of Obergefell, and the “doctrine of lesser magistrates” that counters that. Clearly, marriage is a state issue, not a federal issue.

ALT TEXT The Idaho Family Policy Center representative

Arthur Schaper, our MassResistance field director, was the last person to testify in favor of this resolution. Speaking via Zoom, Arthur enumerated the legal and constitutional reasons this resolution is necessary. The Obergefell decision improperly removed the discussion entirely from all the states and the people. He also responded to several of the Left’s talking points. He pointed out that since people are not born homosexual, the comparisons to race and other “discriminations” have no merit.

Committee votes 13-2 to move the resolution forward

At the end of the testimony, the two Democrat members of the committee attempted to table the motion and keep it in committee. That failed. The committee then voted to move it to the House floor for a full vote. That will likely take place sometime this week.

Committee vote reported by leftist media far and wide!

Here are the breathless reports from corporate/legacy media regarding the public hearing and committee vote. As expected, they portray the resolution as leading to the apocalypse.


Idaho media:

Far-left / Pro LGBT:

Final thoughts

It was interesting that the proponents of the resolution discussed the serious legal and constitutional issues surrounding the Obergefell ruling.

But the LGBT activists were unable to defend Obergefell on that basis. Instead, they mostly wanted to talk about homosexuality – normalizing it, institutionalizing it, the emotions they feel about being “threatened” when it's not welcomed, its Biblical context, etc. They are fanatical about defending their “right” to force every state to recognize their marriages.

The organized LGBT swarm was clearly out to intimidate the Republicans with their “protest” and tried to smother the committee with nonsensical arguments. But in the end, it was difficult to take them seriously. These are obviously disturbed people.

Coming this week: The full House votes on the resolution.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Statement of Field Director of MassResistance on Idaho HJM1, Resolution Against Obergefell

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Field Director for MassResistance, the international pro0family group that makes the difference.

On behalf of our activists throughout the beautiful State of Idaho, I want to express my gratitude to State Rep. Heather Scott and her colleagues for hearing this common-sense, straightforward Resolution Against Obergefell v. Hodges.

For too long, the United States Supreme Court has made decisions and imposed rulings that it did not have the right, authority, or even the power to implement.

First of all, two of the justices who weighed in on this decision had officiated so-called same-sex “weddings.” They were not impartial triers of fact or law, and they should have recused themselves.

Second, United States v. Windsor, a previous Supreme Court ruling, clearly established that legislation regarding marriage is not one of the enumerated powers in Article One, Section Eight of the United States Constitution. Obergefell never addressed that issue properly.

Third, The Tenth Amendment is germane to this discussion, and the Supreme Court should have respected the Constitution and respected the power to define and enforce marriage contracts to the several states and the people.

Fourth, our constitutional republic is based on common law, and for centuries, marriage has been recognized as the union of one man and one woman. The Supreme Court had neither the right nor the reason to undermine the fundamental tenets of Anglo-American jurisprudence when they issued their poor decision.

Other problems with Obergefell include its disturbing precedent that liberty and human dignity are gifts only bestowed by the state. Nothing could be further in conflict with our Constitutional norms or our Founding principles. The rights of men come from God, not the government, as declared in the Declaration of Independence. They are not gifts that must depend on the government or the state to be distributed. Such a flawed legal theory will only invite more government tyranny at the expense of the rights of the states and the American people.

Some will argue that revisiting and overturning Obergefell v Hodges would also mean preventing interracial couples from marrying. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are born of diverse ethnic or racial backgrounds. However, there is no evidence that individuals are born homosexual, and therefore such acts are behaviors, not identities. They are not civil rights.

Furthermore, in the ten years since Obergefell was imposed on the United States, an abundance of research has come forward indicating that children do indeed need their mother and their father. One of the poor reasons one of the justices gave to support redefining marriage was that he didn’t want children not to have their parents. But Marriage as an institution is not just about the husband and the wife, but about the rearing of children and the basic cultural underpinnings which make civilization possible. Children need mothering and fathering, not just mere parenting.

The State of Idaho should be commended for taking this bold stance, and I urge the House State Affairs Committee to support this Resolution.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Refreshing: Head of State Denounces Feminism

I have waited all my life for a HEAD OF STATE to denounce feminism and call out all the lies of that horrible ideology. 

 And Javier Milei has delivered once again!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kenya MassResistance Anti-LGBT Trainings ON THE MOVE!


Kenya MassResistance anti-LGBT training sessions taking off in high schools across Nairobi.

School administrators and parents are very supportive!

January 22, 2025
ALT TEXT Teaching the "resistance" course at a high school in Nairobi on Jan. 14, 2025.

MassResistance is helping the youth of Kenya – and their parents!

The LGBT agenda fully infiltrated the schools in America decades ago, as it swept through the whole of Western society.

But other parts of the world – particularly countries in Central Africa – stuck to their moral beliefs and refused to allow the harmful agenda to take hold. Pressure from the UN, United States, Britain, and others had minimal effect for a long period.

But in recent years, several Central African countries have been targeted by extremely wealthy foreign LGBT groups, United Nations money, and foreign government money. This funding goes to NGOs (non-governmental organizations) set up inside those countries to implement the LGBT agenda and change the country’s culture – and particularly to proselytize school children.

MassResistance has been contacted by pro-family people in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal for help. Homosexual behavior is technically illegal in all these countries. But the NGOs are making alarming inroads. Politicians have been caving in, and courts have been corrupted.

The foreign LGBT invasion of Kenya targeting students

In Kenya, a huge amount of foreign money is being used to target schoolchildren.

Across the country, LGBT groups are helping poor families pay for costs associated with educating their children. In return, the children must attend so-called “life skills” classes held off-site by the LGBT groups. The classes are basically fronts for normalizing homosexuality – and as a result, the number of students involved with homosexuality has shockingly increased, according to people involved with the schools.

Designing training for students to resist and push back

Since December, our new Kenya MassResistance chapter has been working hard to implement an organized pushback. As we reported, we worked with local teachers, pastors, and other professionals there to design training for students to help them to understand the dangers of what is being pushed on them by the LGBT organizations and to actively resist it.

MassResistance is uniquely qualified to design these sessions. We have dealt first-hand with the LGBT propaganda in our schools and helped parents and students across America oppose it for over 25 years.

In late December, our Kenya MassResistance chapter held its initial training sessions – a three-day course at a church and a one-day course at a local high school. That experience helped MassResistance to create a powerful, more compact course to take on the road.

Informing parents and community members

Parents in Kenya have been largely kept in the dark about the true nature of the “life skills” classes. So the Kenya MassResistance team has also begun a campaign to inform parents and community members about the LGBT insurgence into the schools, how it endangers youth, and Kenya MassResistance’s organized efforts to help stop it.

Parents have been very receptive – and they have encouraged their children to actively take part in anything offered by Kenya MassResistance.

ALT TEXT Pastor Benard, the leader of Kenya MassResistance, gives a speech to a group of parents about what's happening in their schools - and how to protect their children.

Taking the course to high schools across Nairobi

Most high schools in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, already have a regular course on Christian issues, with classes taught by local Christian groups. But those courses have not addressed the LGBT ideology confronting the students.

The pastors in Kenya MassResistance are affiliated with the groups teaching the Christian courses in many of those high schools across Nairobi. They have now secured permission to come in and teach the Kenya MassResistance course in high schools across Nairobi.

This effort is supported by school administrators, who generally do not support the LGBT agenda. They have seen the destruction it has brought to students and welcome training for students to resist it.

So starting this month, instructors from Kenya MassResistance began holding training sessions in Nairobi high schools. The students’ eyes are being opened as they hear this new information!

The required LGBT “life skills” courses are very slick, sophisticated, and seductive. But the students are now understanding the deception and dangers that those classes present to them. They are gaining skills to repel and debunk that. Moreover, they can effectively steer their friends away from believing any of it.

This is very exciting, and it’s just the beginning. After covering high schools in Nairobi, the MassResistance team plans to expand its reach across the country – as far as their resources and funds will allow.


Final thoughts

This is critical for children in Kenya. We’re thrilled to be able to help.

And we’re using this course as the basis for developing anti-LGBT propaganda tools for youth in America and other Western countries.

Students in the West go through a more intense experience, including propaganda on transgenderism and other perversions. It’s pushed at them in a way that’s very hostile to any disagreement. So any training must be geared to that. The Kenya effort provides an excellent starting point.

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