Monday, July 15, 2024

MassResistance Exposes Child Abuse Policies of Mass. LGBT Youth Commission

 On the horizon: Prominent state-funded “Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission” calls for legalizing teenage prostitution, lowering the age of sexual consent, and more in its new report.

This Commission has a long record of pioneering changes in law and policy - that spread nationwide.

These are the battles that are coming up.

ALT TEXT This state-funded Commission's ghastly report is the LGBT movement's blueprint of the next steps for eventually the whole country.
July 15, 2024

The LGBT movement’s depraved obsession with children and vulnerable teenagers does not have an end point. The new issues that will come up in the legislatures and schools across the country are more obscene than ever.

If you want to know what’s on the horizon nationwide, the state-funded Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth is the place to watch.

The Commission was established in 1992 as the “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” by then-Governor Bill Weld (a RINO). Weld and his Dept. of Education collaborated closely with Kevin Jennings (the founder of GLSEN) and other radical “gay” and transgender activists. Through its annual “reports” outlining the “needs” of the LGBT “youth community” (now defined to include adults up to age 25) the Commission has considerable influence in the Legislature and other state agencies.

A long history of instigating horrible new legislation & policies across the country

The Commission has been the starting point for horrible LGBT legislation and policies that eventually make their way across the country. In the early 1990s, this Commission was pivotal in forcing gay clubs (GSAs) into the schools, introducing student “safety” as a ruse to pass pro-LGBT laws and mandated school policies.

First, the Legislature passed a “gay and lesbian students’ rights” law, then so-called anti-bullying laws (which are meant to punish any criticism of LGBT behavior). Then came LGBT “surveys” in schools, and then transgender “protections” for students. Virtually all of this has since been replicated across the country.

ALT TEXT Back in 1998, the Commission was already sponsoring "Youth Pride" events for "gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth under 22."
ALT TEXT The Commission sponsored 2005 Youth Pride: Leslie Feinberg, editor of communist Workers World and trans author/activist (holding left end of banner), was the main speaker, and Drag Queen Story Hour founder Michelle Tea was emcee.
ALT TEXT This was a scene at the Commission's Youth Pride march for "transgendered youth" back in 2007.

And the Commission has continued its long march. For example, in 2021, it complained of an “emergency” and implored the state Legislature to force foster parents to fully support the LGBT agenda or be disqualified. (They began his push in 2013!) This is now happening in Massachusetts and has since spread across the country.

In 2023, the Commission’s annual report demanded that parents who don’t support their child’s LGBT self-identification be criminalized as child abusers – and their children could possibly be taken away. This hasn’t completely passed into law yet in Massachusetts, but the idea is alive and spreading across the country.

ALT TEXT In 2007 MassResistance showed up at a Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission meeting and took this photo of the proceedings. But the photo doesn't really reflect how weird it actually was!

This year’s report: an even bigger nightmare for the future

In this year’s 330-page report the Commission is pushing for an even more nightmarish LGBT assault on children and society. Like most LGBT “demand” pieces, much of it is rambling, hysterical, and at times incoherent. It was released as “Pride Month” began.

Here are some of the Commission’s legislative goals:

  • Decriminalize prostitution for teenagers and adults 18 and older. One reason they give is that transgender youth need “to engage in sex work for funds to purchase items such as wigs, binders, packers, and makeup.”
  • Lower the age of consent for sex so that all teenagers can freely have sexual relations, effectively lowering it to 13. This also would allow all teenagers to send pornographic photos of themselves to others. Lowering the age of consent for sex has been a desire of the LGBT movement for decades – but now it is becoming an official demand.
  • Mandate that all schools have comprehensive LGBT-based sexual education – thoroughly normalizing and teaching about LGBT sexual behaviors. This includes coaching children that they can “consent” for sex rather than say no, and teaching how to use various sexual devices.
  • Change the state’s family and adoption laws, re-defining the concept of parenthood to include LGBT desires, and allowing women to sell children they carry to LGBT couples – in the name of “parentage equality.” This is now happening: Bill H4672 in the Massachusetts legislature and was passed by the House unanimously, 156-0 last month (during Pride Month) and is awaiting Senate passage. It is considered the most radical bill of its kind in the country.
  • Provide state-funded housing and living expenses for “LGBT” children who decide to leave (or are coached to leave) their parents’ homes. Also provide those children with special state ID cards.
  • Provide children with pro-LGBT “mental health care” without their parents’ knowledge or consent. This is extremely dangerous.
  • Update the state plumbing code to require gender-neutral bathrooms in schools and other buildings.
  • Update a range of state forms to include questions about sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
  • Take aggressive legislative action to stop the so-called “attacks on LGBTQ freedoms” across the state and around the country. These “attacks” include: Drag Queen Story Hour protests, “banning” pornographic books for children, protesting at school board meetings, curriculum disputes, and LGBT flag complaints. Thus, providing pornography to other people’s children is considered an “LGBTQ freedom.”
ALT TEXT From the report: A chart for teenagers on how to make prostitution "safer" by using "internal and external condoms."

A long fight that must continue

The LGBT official demands in this report are all frightening concepts that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable.

In fact, we go back a long way opposing them. In 2006 we actually convinced then-Governor Mitt Romney to disband the (then called) Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth! Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a day. The LGBT movement descended on him with fury, and Romney caved in and brought it back. (Note that Brian Camenker of MassResistance is quoted in the Boston Globe article about it.) The LGBT lobby then persuaded the Legislature to remove it from the Governor’s direct control and make it a state agency with powers to “collaborate” with all other state agencies.

But all this madness can be stopped! MassResistance is dedicated to helping people across the country fight back.

Final thoughts

We keep butting heads with “pro-family” parents (and organizations) who boldly speak out against “gender” indoctrination in the schools and “transgender” counseling of children – but refuse to criticize the larger, allied LGBT movement.

This refusal to understand the long-standing alliance between “gay” activists and the trans movement has become a liability in this battle. Not confronting gay activism early on has allowed the transgender nightmares we are now enduring.

As the new Commission report shows, the situation will only get unimaginably worse unless we forthrightly oppose these people and agencies.

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Do Not Remove Ancient Landmarks -- Anti-Sodomy Statute in Singapore


Singapore made a grave mistake when the national government repealed Section 377a.

Repeal of that moral sanction sent the false message that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal behaviors, and therefore should face no moral sanction or approbrium.

And look what has happened.

LGBT themed museums, classes, programs are becoming all too common in the city state.

When public sanction is rolled away for private perversion, private perversion becomes public pollution.

Dear Singaporeans, you should have looked to the West, and you would have seen what a foolish move it was to repeal Section 377a.

Saturday, July 6, 2024 Announces the Obvious: "That Debate Was Tough"

 Even could not paper over the obvious.

Joe Biden did very badly in the debate!

Dear MoveOn member,

This is Rahna Epting, MoveOn's executive director. I want to level with you. Thursday's debate was very tough—and we still have an election that we absolutely must win, together. More could not be on the line—freedom, democracy, justice, our shared humanity, dignity, and hope.

And just four months before the most important election of our lifetime, MoveOn's fundraising is also hundreds of thousands of dollars behind our target.

But here's the good news: With just ONE day left until the end of this quarter, MoveOn's fundraising is finally starting to surge—in response to our plan to scale up a team of social media influencers to respond to Trump's dominating lead on TikTok and help combat Trump's surge with young voters.

When Trump joined TikTok in June, he amassed 5 million followers within three days—14 times as many as President Joe Biden has.1 This is a huge problem because about one-third of people younger than 30 regularly get their news from TikTok.2 And now, the most recent polling shows that support for President Biden among young voters is low and trending in the wrong direction.3

To reach young voters where they are, MoveOn has big plans to build our presence on TikTok and other social media platforms. We're scaling up a team of social media influencers to spread the word to young people about Trump's terrifying plans. We're partnering with influencers to flood social media with compelling, persuasive content to combat the right. These influencers have hundreds of millions of followers on social media sites where young people get their news and are already engaging on these issues.

But we can go all-in on this only if we can raise the funds.

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, one of the few progressives with a large following on TikTok, has warned that "progressives need many more voices with many more followers on TikTok, Discord, Instagram, and other social media." And that's exactly what we are doing.

This is crucial now, especially as we sound the alarm about Project 2025—the right's nearly 1,000-page blueprint for turning America into a fascist police state, by executive order and without an act of Congress, if Trump is reelected.

After a difficult first half of the year, MoveOn just received a burst of donations from members like you—so many of your fellow MoveOn members are excited about this campaign. I want to go all-in on this new micro-influencer program without making cuts to our other critical work, which includes phone-banking, canvassing, postcards, and other efforts to reach voters. But to do that, I need to know that we can start the third quarter of the year strong.

Will you start a donation of $5 a month by midnight tonight, so that we can start the third quarter strong?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Your donation will help MoveOn inform young people about Project 2025 and Trump's agenda on social media, via SMS, through digital ads, and more.

We need to do so much, and quickly. Your support couldn't be more critical.

Election Day feels far away, but the reality is that it'll soon be too late to launch new major initiatives, to book online advertising inventory, to build up our infrastructure … And too late to go all-in on our efforts to effectively combat the unprecedented pro-Trump propaganda that's poisoning the minds of Generation Z on TikTok and other social media outlets.

Our end-of-quarter deadline is this Sunday, at midnight! And the third quarter will be the last full quarter before Election Day.

Please start a $5 monthly donation, TODAY! Help MoveOn end the quarter strong, to fight back against Trump and the MAGA influencers who are spewing propaganda and hate to young voters.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

We can't do it without you, Arthur. It's not about what you give, but that if you can afford to, you give right now, today, so that we can start the third quarter of the year strong.

I hope that you have a great summer, and thanks so much for all you do.

–Rahna Epting, Executive Director


1. "Trump quickly surpasses the Biden campaign on TikTok," NBC News, June 4, 2024

2. "More Americans are getting news on TikTok, bucking the trend seen on most other social media sites," Pew Research Center, November 15, 2023

3. "The Voters Who Don't Really Know Donald Trump," The Atlantic, May 21, 2024

All of this is part of the calculated plot to replace Joe Biden. He is more than outlived (literally?) his usefulness to the Marxist cause.

He is a drag on the Democratic ticket (so they think). One has to imagine, then, that the voter fraud machine is not effective enough to overcome the lack of support for Joe Biden. All of those uncommitted votes sent a loud message to the Democratic Party. They don't have enthusiasm, and that includes the enthusiasm to Cheat the Vote.

CA MassResistance HUGE VICTORY in Norwalk, CA!


After a year of activism: CA school district shuts down high school “Wellbeing” Center with Planned Parenthood-trained staff.

Parents were fiercely opposed by leftist media, pro-LGBT activists, and School Board.

Not giving up yields big results!

July 3, 2024

ALT TEXT The parents made sure that their school officials - and the public - got the message!

Norwalk and La Mirada are adjoining suburbs of Los Angeles. The Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District (NLMUSD) serves largely minority families.

A horrible “wellbeing” center at the high school

In July 2021, the School Board signed a three-year agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to have a “Wellbeing” Center at the district’s John Glenn High School, funded by federal grant money. The agreement went until June 2024, at which time it would need to be re-approved by the School Board – or the center would close.

ALT TEXT John Glenn High School in Norwalk, CA, was the center of attention.

The push for "Wellbeing Centers" is part of a larger, leftist federal agenda to turn schools into community and mental health centers, while cutting out parents.

Local parents began to discover that these “wellbeing” centers are a nightmare. They were staffed by people trained by Planned Parenthood. Students were given access to a range of birth control (by so-called “trusted adults”), and referred to abortion providers and transgender sex-change clinics. There was “mental health” counseling by people with questionable credentials – including by students who were recruited and paid to “counsel” other students. Parental consent was not required for any of this.

The School Board members were open about their personal support for the Wellbeing Center. The Board Chairman at that time was particularly passionate about it, saying that he could see how it might help even his own children.

This was extremely upsetting to parents whose children were being affected. And the school district was purposely dishonest about the true nature of these clinics, so most of the community had no idea what was happening. Parents felt helpless.

Parents begin fighting back

In May 2023, local parents reached out to MassResistance. Our national field director, Arthur Schaper (who lives in Los Angeles County) helped them organize and spread the word. The local Norwalk-La Mirada MassResistance team began protesting relentlessly at the School Board meetings! The School Board members were not pleased because the parents kept coming and refused to quit.

ALT TEXT This mother described how one girl recorded the wellbeing staff referring her to Planned Parenthood for the 'Plan B' pill. "What about the side effects?" the mother asked the board.
ALT TEXT These parents and grandparents filled the room at the August 24 School Board meeting.

Leftist forces attack the parents (and MassResistance)

The leftists in the area were infuriated that parents were standing up to their Wellbeing Center and began campaigns to intimidate them and demonize them in the community.

The hostile press. The local newspapers smeared and defamed our activists. They published numerous slanted articles portraying the parents as misinformed and accused them of lying to the School Board and the public. They claimed that the Wellbeing Center was just about providing services for troubled teens. One liberal newspaper even described Arthur Schaper as a “white supremacist.”

ALT TEXT The left-wing media tried its best to smear the parents and MassResistance. But it didn't work. Most people just ignored that.

Pro-LGBT PTA leader. The president of the local Parent Teachers Association (PTA) – who proudly has a “transgender” daughter – was featured in a prominent newspaper article saying that the Wellbeing Center is strongly needed as a “safe space” for children like hers.

School Board attempted to silence testimony on the Wellbeing Center. The School Board announced that only testimony on “current business” would be allowed and no signs could be brought in – and brought the school district’s attorney and police to the meeting to enforce that. But Arthur came and cited state law to the contrary, the parents refused to be silent, and the school officials were forced to back down.

ALT TEXT The School Board's attorney at the doorway telling parents what they couldn't talk about.

Phony School Board survey. The School Board tried to quell outrage by conducting a survey of parents and students about the Wellbeing Center. The survey “miraculously” showed that there was great approval for it!  But the survey was shamefully unscientific. It did not include any reference to parents’ complaints. And suspiciously, the surveys given to the students could not be seen by the public (or by parents).

Misleading “Fact Sheet” by the School Board. The School Board members attempted to answer parents’ complaints with a “Fact Sheet” about the Wellbeing Center which they published earlier in the year.  But the Fact Sheet was misleading and dishonest. For example, it correctly said that the Wellbeing Center does not “perform abortions,” but it failed to mention they did (as parents have seen) refer girls to abortion clinics. The Fact Sheet said that the School Board had rejected the requirement that Planned Parenthood be at the school. But the Wellbeing Center staffers were trained by Planned Parenthood.

Nevertheless, strong community support for parents as the word got out!

None of the leftist attempts to attack parents or discredit their position on the Wellbeing Center had much effect in the Norwalk-La Mirada community. In fact, as the word got out, the opposition to the Wellbeing Center increased substantially as the parents pushed forward.

Churches jumped on board. In early December 2023, a few Catholic Churches – St. Linus and St. John of God in Norwalk, and St. Paul of the Cross Church in La Mirada – offered to spread the word about the student Wellbeing Center and our activists’ ongoing protests. One of the pastors even made announcements from the pulpit.

Local custodians’ union admitted we were being effective. Early in 2024, one of the local school custodian union reps told us that, in her opinion, we had been so effective getting the word out about the student “wellbeing” center, that parents were pulling their children out of the district’s schools.

Neighborhood outreach. During spring and early summer of 2024, our activists also canvassed in the neighborhoods around John Glenn High School. They urged residents to contact the school district officials and urge them to shut down the Wellbeing Center. The reception we received was very positive. Many residents were completely unaware of the Wellbeing Center and were grateful for MassResistance’s outreach.

ALT TEXT Canvassing near the high school.
ALT TEXT Our team of canvassing activists!
ALT TEXT At the June 10, 2024 meeting this mother told the Board, "I'm here to speak out and say that we want that center out! We want it out!

The pressure on the School Board continued unceasingly!

Success – the School Board doesn’t renew the agreement!

All that pressure on the reluctant school officials finally paid off. The Wellbeing Center is closing!

In mid-June, the Principal of John Glenn High School sent an email to the staff that the Wellbeing Center agreement would not be renewed. And sure enough, during the two School Board meetings in June there was no action to renew the agreement. On June 30 it officially expired. School officials have privately admitted they had no interest in continuing this fight.

ALT TEXT From the email that the John Glenn HS Principal sent to the staff.

Final Thoughts

The two key elements in pro-family battles like this are perseverance and intelligent tactics. Unfortunately, most conservative groups give up too soon, and do not use effective tactics and strategy.

The Left can seem immovable and throws obstructions, roadblocks, and intimidation at you. But if you do the right things, you can find a way to win!

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Friday, June 28, 2024

American Scorecard: America is Exceptional


Friday Reflection
America is Exceptional

by Michael Quinn Sullivan

Listen to the Reflections Podcast


We live in an age with countless voices united against American exceptionalism. We are under an anti-American barrage every day from leftist politicians, actors, media personalities, college professors, and coffee shop baristas.

Here is why: The only way for them to install a tyrant who will implement leftist dogma is to convince us to forget just how extraordinary it is to be an American.

Their campaign began by selling the lie that there is nothing special about being an American, that we are just like everyone else. But the fact is, America has been anything but common from the start.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher understood that. She once said, “Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.”

But it was not just any philosophy, but one grounded in the simple truth – even if imperfectly applied—that all men are created equal and have the right to govern themselves.

In the early 1840s, a young historian named Mellen Chamberlain sought out one of the last surviving participants from the Battle of Concord to ask him about that experience. The minuteman’s name was Levi Preston, who was 91 at the time.

(The interview is found in Chamberlain’s work, John Adams, the Statesman of the American Revolution.)

Chamberlain asked Preston why he had fought the British. The answers weren’t what the historian expected, for Preston did not speak of the oppressive British rule, the stamp tax, the tea tax, or the writings of philosopher John Locke.

“Well, then,” asked Chamberlain, “why did you fight?”

Preston’s answer still takes my breath away: “Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: We always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn't mean we should.”

It was this concept of self-government, so natural to Levi Preston and his contemporaries, that changed the world. It is at the practical root of American exceptionalism. It’s why our nation has thrived, even as other older and more established nations withered and even died.

It is why tyrants abroad and would-be tyrants here at home run down America, denigrate our history, and seek to draw us away from our founding principles.

America is exceptional because we, the people, govern ourselves. Levi Preston and his generation had the moral courage to do what they knew to be right: reject an offer of tyranny so that self-government and liberty could thrive.

We do not elect almighty leaders, but public servants. We cannot tolerate unlimited government or make allowance for the divine right of politicians.

We must govern ourselves, thank you very much.

Yet modern events show that self-government is fragile; it only exists to the extent we continue to jealously guard it and actively participate in it. If self-government is to continue, if liberty is to flourish, if we are to remain independent, we must be informed, engaged and active citizens.

Every day, we must intentionally join Levi Preston in the fight for the right to govern ourselves.

Idaho MassResistance: East Idaho “Pride” event was subdued and diminished


East Idaho “Pride” event was subdued and diminished – after organizers feared a MassResistance protest like last year's.

Fewer attendees; many vendors stayed away.

But Idaho MassResistance activists took a different approach this time!

June 27, 2024
ALT TEXT This year it was mostly just a bunch of odd people walking around - quite unlike the depravity last year.

What a difference a year (and great activism) makes!

Last June in Rexburg, Idaho, over 100 local Idaho MassResistance parents protested at the LGBT “Pride Day” event held in the main city park next to a popular playground. Their main objection was to the use of a public venue to expose children to the range of deviance that this event brings. (Unlike what leftists do, our protest was completely peaceful.)

ALT TEXT Last year, local Idaho MassResistance people peacefuly protested the LGBT invasion of their town park.

As we reported last year, the protesters’ concerns were warranted. At that Rexburg pride event sex kit packets were handed out (which included various types of condoms, lubricant for anal sex, “dental dams” for lesbian sex). There were perverted Drag Queens and other dysfunctional behaviors on display in front of the many children. Outrageously, several local businesses participated in support as vendors.

After the event, we published the photos of what occurred. It certainly raised a lot of concern in the Rexburg area!

Pride organizers feared that Idaho MassResistance would be back this year!

The Pride organizers were clearly rattled that local Idaho MassResistance protesters might be back this year. They put up signs at the entrances warning people about MassResistance, and telling people not to talk to us!

ALT TEXT As people entered the area, these "warning" signs were posted!

Even though the Idaho MassResistance protesters had been completely peaceful in 2023, the LGBT activists pretended that they were terribly fearful for their “safety” this year and were afraid of violence! So seven sheriff's cars were at the event. The Pride organizers also hired five private armed “security” people to be there. (This is a common tactic of the Left to portray conservatives as threatening, hateful, and potentially violent.)

ALT TEXT Armed security guards walked with groups of people to "protect" them. Of course, it was all nonsense.

They even brought in a professional photographer, apparently to document the “protesters” who showed up among the attendees.

ALT TEXT The videographer team they brought in holds up a "crowd release public filming notice" for the attendees. Somewhat unusual.

The “Pride” event was quite subdued this year!

The citizens’ peaceful protest last year clearly sent a strong message!

Unlike previous years, this Rexburg Pride event was pretty tame. It was held in a smaller area. There certainly seemed to be fewer attendees. If there were any “sex kit packets,” it was not obvious. There was only one tepid Drag Queen. A few men were walking around wearing dresses, but it was less flagrant and deranged than last year.

ALT TEXT This was their "Drag Queen" this year. Pretty lame.
ALT TEXT Even the cross-dressers were unimpressive.

Publishing the photos of last year’s deviance clearly had an effect. According to local news reports, several of the sponsors subsequently pulled out or “put distance between themselves and the event.”

Like last year, the attendees were mostly young adults dressed in weird clothes, colored hair, piercings, etc. – the usual LGBT adolescent “rebel” attire for these events. Like last year, they paraded through the event space, apparently to show their “pride.”

ALT TEXT Parading around the area. (Note the children's playground at left.)
ALT TEXT Instead of condoms, dental dams and sex kits, they were giving away krispy treats.

In many ways it was sad to watch. Normal people don’t carry on that way. The LGBT attendees seemed almost too eager to show their “happiness” and “pride” – while celebrating self-destructive behaviors.

ALT TEXT Of course, every LGBT event still has tables and resources for mental health and "crisis" issues. (Not surprising in light of the federal Dept. of Health and Human Services 2023 SAMHSA report documenting higher levels of mental health issues and substance abuse among the "LGB" population.)
ALT TEXT And no LGBT event would be complete without at least some weird sex literature.

Here’s what Idaho MassResistance did this year – they set up an information area!

The leftists all assumed that we’d be inside their event protesting. A few days before the event, a snotty local reporter even contacted us to ask questions about our upcoming protest – then published our purposefully vague response on their website – in a hostile article full of untruths.

But we didn’t hold any protests that day.

Instead, our Idaho MassResistance activists reserved a pavilion with a stage that was in the same park a few hundred feet from the Pride event. They put up a large banner, “Prideful no more” – a slogan of ex-gays and ex-transgenders.

ALT TEXT A few hundred feet away, the Idaho MassResistance reserved this pavilion.
ALT TEXT Almost immediately, people came up to hear what was said, ask questions, and offer support.

On the stage was a couch, two upholstered chairs, and a large TV screen playing a continuous video of “detransitioners” (people who have left transgenderism) talking about their experiences. We had a few activists on the stage, and other activists on the ground.

Throughout the afternoon, many people – especially many young people – came to the pavilion to talk. It seems that the signs at the Pride event warning people about MassResistance may have actually steered people over. Most of them had never heard our information before. Several of them thanked us for being there. No one was hostile toward us or our message!


Final thoughts

A key to winning “culture war” battles is having innovative strategies. Nobody was expecting this, and we brought a message to the “Pride month” event that people there needed to hear. All in all, it was a very successful day.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

American Renewal Project: Where Is the Church?


NBC News reports that the Biden campaign plans to mark the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade - which in 1973 guaranteed the federal right to abortion - by bombarding the country with messaging and events aimed at contrasting President Joe Biden’s views with those of former President Donald Trump.1
Planned Parenthood must have been throwing their hat in the air in clamorous celebration of its ruthless termination of 1.11 million unborn lives between 2019 and 2021 and, what counts for even more, having been on the receiving end of $1.78 billion in taxpayers’ dollars.2 Conservatives should denounce former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan [2015-2019] for this outrage.
The obdurate organization misnamed Planned Parenthood has been receiving federal goodwill tax dollars since 1970.
Christians will by now have had enough of the doublespeak of moderate establishment Republicans who run as conservatives and then govern as Obama clones. If Russell Kirk [1918-1994], the father of modern American conservatism, is correct that “politicians are actors performing a script that is written by the audience,” it still remains the question where then is the Church?
On June 24, 2022, Evangelical and Catholic Christians showed their happiness with the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision - i.e., the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and returning the decision to the States. But we cautioned:
Evangelicals ought to think through what’s coming soon to their surroundings and prospects. Specifically, with the U.S. Supreme Court looking as if it may overturn Roe vs. Wade in the Dobbs vs. Jackson case, tremendous pressure will now be applied to state legislators and courts.
The battle over snuffing out the lives of children in utero will move from the Judiciary to the Legislative Branch of government, hence to a place where grassroots, precinct-level organizing determines success or failure.
Christians will have to take their Civics game to a new level. Somebody’s values are going to reign supreme in the public square. If Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stay home from the voting booth - in a presidential year, no less than half of all Christians unfortunately refrain from being registered and voting - then those ‘who speak perverse things, who leave the paths of uprightness’ ... will elect their candidates, create and pass legislation, bringing about anarchy as its ‘natural consequence and fitting punishment’ to a spiritually apathetic nation.”3
Former President Trump conceded last week that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which overturned the constitutional right to abortion, was likely to blame for the GOP’s lackluster performance in the 2022 elections when an anticipated ‘red wave’ didn’t come to fruition.4 Simply put, Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stayed home on Election Day.
This was easily predictable since attendance, multiple buildings, sprawling campuses, and massive budgets are the contemporary measure for success in America’s churches.
Last year’s constitutional amendment in Ohio reinforces the point. Issue 1: the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions, Including the Abortion Initiative, was on the ballot on November 7, 2023, where 57% of Ohioans approved the amendment to classify abortion as a state constitutional right.
When asked where the pro-life organizations and campaign consultants were, in light of the anemic turnout for life, one could have heard a pin drop. It underlines John F. Kennedy’s observation that victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
Inside the Beltway and across the nation, family policy leaders are particularly proficient in public relations: boosting their reputation, improving their image, increasing their awareness, self-promotion, and raising money. However, winning elections and serving as a thermostat to regulate the moral climate in America turns out to be beyond their capabilities.
In modern culture, Christ’s Light is hidden under the bushel inside the church building [Matthew 5:15]. Having been sequestered there for the last 75 years, the Church exerts little cultural influence. Present-day American Christianity poorly understands how to muster and marshal the troops to the ballot box. Consequently, it leaves secularists unopposed to elect their representatives, to draft and pass legislation, and to codify into law their profane values.
The political ineptness of conservatives is mind-boggling. Wrapping an organization’s logo around a bus and running it across a state the week before an election - when 50% of the vote is already in from early voting - is political ignorance and self-destruction.
The good news on the other hand is that secularists have their problems as well. California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan will continue to lose congressional seats over the next decades as people flee self-righteous and heavy-handed leftism. Each of these states lost one congressional seat in the 2020 census.
California lost a congressional seat for the first time in its 171-year history. Had the 2020 census occurred not right before but after the despotic COVID edicts of Governor Gavin ‘Newsomlini’, the Golden State would have likely lost two more congressional seats. Unless, of course, California can figure out how to include foreign visitors and assorted aliens in the CA census count.
The difference between the early American Founders’ approach and contemporary American Christendom in regulating the moral temperature of culture is as different as darkness is from light. One ends in talk, while the other is expressed in deeds. One breaks down when put to the test, while the other survives every trial it is exposed to. One is inoperative and ineffectual, while the other is active and powerful.5
In speaking to those whom Jehovah is raising in the first quarter of the 21st century, we like you to remember that, as you hone your skills and walk in His stride, “Joseph didn’t have to tell Potiphar that the Lord was with him; Potiphar could see it for himself.”6
While God generally doesn’t announce His appointments in advance, it is still clear that Gideons and Rahabs meanwhile are beginning to stand. You may want to join them.
Watch Below: Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson speaking at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority event in Washington, DC. "I Came here to get something started!" A must see 60 seconds!