Saturday, September 2, 2017

Best Quote/Photo Caption from Berkeley: "Nazis and KKK are Left-Wing Groups"

It still amazes me that a reported on the ground reported my statements about the KKK, Antifa, and the Nazis.

Here's the tweet, which raised such a stir on social media, but also helped the Trump movement and conservatism in general to take back the narrative for the truth:

Yes, they were.

They were progressives because of their frequent resort to force in order to impose their view of government, of the culture which they wanted to flourish in their states.

The Progressive movement has been dedicated to ensuring an imposed, rigid, government-defined hierarchy since its inception.

German views on the role of the individual within the state took a totalitarian turn in the early 1800's, especially following the state-sponsored tyranny of the French Revolution. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel imagined the role and relevance of the individual citizen completely in line with the government, or with the state. This progressive nonsense drew much of its inspiration from the hedonist Rousseau and his argument about the General Will for political power.

In effect, these arguments about one final authority making the decisions for all mankind within a government are tantamount to advocating for dictatorship, the rule of one strong man and his will over the interests or will of individual citizens.

The Framers never wanted such tyranny to hold sway in the United States of America. They were in fact wise, Biblically-minded men who understood that human nature is corrupted, and that power corrupts, especially when concentrated in the hands of many or few.

Progressives are dedicated to this perverse notion that human beings are basically good, that the proper environment and training will make people better people. This line of thinking fails to recognize that men and women are limited in their means and  their minds, that they will frequently seek what is best for themselves when challenges arise to themselves as well as to the state or the government they run.

Human history is replete with examples of men who intend to do good, but get sucked in by bad motives and bad people. The flesh of man, the sinful nature of man is strong and cannot be overcome by man's efforts or hopes. It takes the grace of God, the secure blessings of liberty. Consider that the Declaration of Independence mentions God five times, outlining that our rights come from Him, and not from ourselves.

So, progressives are dedicated to this strange notion that human beings are perfectible, that human nature is malleable and can be changed. This argument coincides very well with the agenda pushed by Antifa, Nazis, and the KKK, to create a perfect world, a perfect race--and to remove anyone and anything which adulterates the pure race, the ideal population which they wish to create.

Indeed, these three groups mentioned are Left-wing:

1.They rely on violence.
2.They believe that people can be perfect, or that they are basically good
3. They discriminate against people based on the color of their skin
4. They want to create a "perfect" society, which involves getting rid of "undesirables" and making people believe what they believe--or else.

Yes, and I am so glad that liberal mainstream affiliates reported my statement--and it's time for us to assert the truth about political history and ideologies. The Left, the Democratic Party, and their domestic terrorist wings have pushed violence and repression, while free market advocates and right-wing activists have sought liberty and respect for God's natural order.


  1. Curriculum Vitae Update
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  2. yes. violence means their views are progressive. the mental gymnastics on your blog are hilarious.
