Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Founding of our Founding Charter: The Gospel

Most of us are taught that the Framers of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers were atheists, deists, that they despised godly references and rejected Divine Providence.

True, there were a handful of deists: Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.

But the record actually affirms that many of the leading Constitutional lights for our country's founding were Christians.

The research from CBN News outlines the Biblical, Judeo-Christian roots of our country and our culture

The Spiritual Mission of America's Founding Fathers

Here are some key remarks from this study:

Thus, the Biblical foundation devised by America’s Founders achieved “unprecedented stability, prosperity, and liberty produced by the institutions and policies based on concepts, such as God-given inalienable rights, individualism, limited government, full republicanism, separation of powers, and an educated and virtuous citizenry.” (3) Where do you suppose the Founders happened upon these unique ideas?

The point is "God-given."

Dr. Daniel L. Dreisbach writes, “The first English settlers in New England were engaged in building Bible commonwealths; accordingly, they looked to the Bible in establishing political and legal institutions. The Bible was often the explicit basis of early colonial codes, and colonial judges frequently cited Scripture as legal authority. And the work of these legal craftsmen gives evidence that they were well acquainted with the Bible. (4)

The Bible represented, established the values of this country.

Following an extensive survey of American political literature from 1760 to 1805, political scientist Donald S. Lutz reported that the Bible was “referenced more frequently than any European writer or even any European school of thought, such as the Enlightenment or Whig intellectual traditions. Indeed the Bible accounted for about one-third of all citations in his sample. According to Lutz, ‘Deuteronomy is the most frequently cited book, followed by Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws’.” (5)


We are very much a Judeo-Christian culture and a Christian-based country.

Os Guinness explains the defect in the underpinnings of Secularism:

“Freedom requires a framework of order, which means restraint, yet the only restraint proper to freedom is self-restraint, which freedom undermines.

Individuals must make the choice to be free, and to say no to enslaving impulses within oneself.

The curb on sin in the flesh cannot be the state.

It has to be the grace of God

America’s Founders believed that they were on a spiritual mission as they deposited Christianity in the New World. For two and a half centuries, orchestrated by the Divine, they stoked “virtue” as the way to establish righteousness in the public square. Righteousness is the key component of freedom.

Final Reflection

Contrary to the lies of the secular left, the United States is a country founded on Judeo-Christian values. This country is indeed a Christian country, in the sense that it is founded on Biblical values.

Not on Islamic or Hindu values.

The notion that every human being has value and deserves respect is a Biblical revelation. Why would we back away from this reverential truth?

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