Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Boxer, Babies, and the Democratic War on Women

Junior US Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) has tricked out the same tired arguments about Republicans and women.

In a Monday Press Conference, Boxer asserted, with little suppport, that Republicans in the House of Representatives were discriminating against one group of people:


This tired tirade of misogyny and the Republican Party has gotten as old as Boxer herself. With no ideas, with no spirit to support compromise, with no willingness to accept the brazen reality that the Democratic Party's policies and purposes have increased the national debt, with trillion dollar annual deficits, Boxer plays the woman card.

Let's talk about the Republican "War on Women."
The first woman in Congress was a Republican: Jeannette Rankin.

Texas' last US Senator, who had retired for the 2012 election, was a woman: Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

Yet the argument continues that the Republican Party is anti-woman because the party is anti-choice, or rather pro-life, and seeks to limit abortions.

What do the women of America think of abortion?

A majority of women support Texas' twenty-week abortion ban (per the Washington Post, not FOX News, by the way)

Women overwhelmingly oppose late-term, partial birth abortions. Boxer supports them, and even shamefully admitted that a baby is a baby when the mother takes the child home from the hospital.

In her charged exchange with US Senator Rick Santorum, Boxer disputed that life begins at conceptions. Medical professionals from wide-ranging stations and universities disagree with her.
Barbara Boxer is the one waging war on women, as she trots out empty arguments about women's beliefs, the origins of life, and the irresponsible recalcitrance of the Democratic Party to principled compromise on budgets, debt, and Obamacare.

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