Friday, October 11, 2024

Torrance School Board Debate, 2024: Very Disappointing

On October 11, 2024, The Torrance-area League of Women Voters hosted a debate for the school board candidates running to replace Jeremy Gerson (who was elected to the city council) as well as for the two candidates running for state assembly.

I was really surprised to hear about this. Last year, Al Muratsuchi didn't bother debating George Barks for the state assembly seat. I assumed he would just ignore Barks again and "coast" to re-election. However, there is a growing unease among Democrats across the country, including in California, so it seems.

Not only that, but it seemed as though there was very little notice for this debate. Normally, I am pretty well on top of information like this. Someone in Hermosa Beach had to inform me about this debate, and it was only the day before!

Why are Democrats like Al Muratsuchi participating in debates? Adam Schiff debated Steve Garvey, as well. Are things more competitive on the ground than I had realized?

California is a battleground state, at least as far as the Congressional races are concerned. Kamala Harris is not as popular as people think she is, and she is bleeding support with key Democratic demographics. Add to that the fact that the California Democratic state legislative supermajority basically defied and dismissed the Black Supremacist movement and rejected all the major reparations legislation this past session ... and Democrats are feeling nervous!

Before I talk about the state assembly debate, I want to comment on the school board debate for Trustee Area E. David Zygielbaum, Tony Yeh, and Charles Deemer are all running to replace Jeremy.

Tony Yeh

That debate was ... disappointing.

It's clear that Zygielbaum is the establishment favorite, based on all the endorsements has has racked him, which he repeated at length. He spent so much time talking about his endorsements, including from the hostile Torrance Teachers Association, that he failed to answer a significant question: how did he feel about California AG Rob Bonta's lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District regarding their transparency policy about student identity issues?

Dave Zygielbaum

He refused to answer the question, but dodged with the empty pablum about making schools "Welcoming for all students."

Of course, how can a school be welcoming for anyone if biological males are using female facilities on a campus? He also dismissed that concern as a "national issue," even though candidate Tony Yeh clearly addressed the issue, and that parents in the district were raising alarms about this issue.

Charles Deemer

I will add, however, that Yeh spent so much time focusing on the transgenderism problems in the school district, that he spent very little time explaining anything else. Yes, I am glad that he wants children to be safe, and I am really pleased that he directly answered the question about Rob Bonta. On the other hand, I was really unhappy with the lack of preparation or attention to school issues evinced by the candidates, aside from Zygielbaum.

 Charles Deemer may be a perennial candidate, but he sure didn't act like one tonight. He seemed unsure of his answers, or unfamiliar with the school district. He actually said that he would visit all the schools in his trustee area if he gets elected. Zygielbaum boasted that he had already visited the schools and the principals (and the teachers union--can't forget that!), and Yeh informed the audience that he had spoken with parents about issues with the school district.

Zygielbaum was certainly polished and prepared in his presentation. The only problem is that he wants to keep the status quo of moral lassitude in our schools. He is not a leader. He will just do whatever the teachers unions tell him to do. That's that basic trend in Torrance: people line up behind the person with all the big name endorsements, and hope that he won't make any noise or any real improvements.

And another issue about endorsements ...

Tony Yeh shared that he was endorsed by the Torrance Police Officers Association. Then Dave Zygielbaum countered and contradicted him, stating that since both of them had been endorsed by the TPOA in the city council elections in previous years, that neither one of them was endorsed. I followed up with the TPOA after the debate tonight, and I am waiting for them to get back to me about this controversy.

All in all, the candidates seemed either very polished (and fake) or unprepared or unfocused: a very disappointing debate.


  1. My question which Zygielbaum,avoided answering, was about Attorney General Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District regarding their policy on parental notification about student identity issues. His refusal to respond suggested to me that he agrees with Bonta.


  2. My question to Zygielbaum, which he avoided answering, was about Attorney General Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District regarding their policy on parental notification about student identity issues. His refusal to respond suggested to me that he agrees with Bonta. Patsy Okada
