Thursday, October 17, 2013

Great Britain Gets Britons off the Dole

British Prime Minister David Cameron's conservative government would not strike many hard-lined conservatives as such.

This party stands by the National Health Service, even though socialized medicine as it stands, no matter which country, actually falls, and fails to meet many of the taxpayers' needs.

Rationing is the rule of the orderly in British hospitals.

Still, the British Government has intervened on so many public purse issues, one wonders how the country has lasted as long as it had.

Under Thatcher's tenure, Britons could afford a home. Major industries were privatized, at great effect.

The crippling strikes of public sector unions came to an end, as well.

Cameron is no Thatcher, but the appalling, excessive number of Britons on public service is a travesty and an insult.

Cameron's government has begun requiring all disability recipients to attend an interview with the government, to determine whether they need the subsidies or not.

As soon as the notices were filed, half the recipients quit receiving.

As for those who did show up, half of those interviewed were deemed capable of some work, and taken off the dole, as well.

States in the United States need to enact the same process. Too many people are taking advantage of a system which has no safeguards, no oversight, and even less accountability.

The British Government has also discussed privatizing the Royal Mail by offering stocks in an IPO for individuals to own a piece of the system.

Cameron and his conservative caucus have also discussed ending automatic subsidies for housing for British youth.

Great Britain is revisiting the same lesson offered by PM Margaret Thatcher:

"The problem with socialism is that the government eventually runs out of other people's money."

Great Britain is out of bounds when it comes to revenue, and so to save some pounds they are slashing the generous welfare state in the UK.

USA ought to take on these reforms ASAP.

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