Sunday, October 1, 2017

Cut the Crap! Why Cheating Kristin Resigned as CAGOP Vice-Chair

Two bloggers have done an incredible job of outlining their outrage and the consummate victory of the grassroots Republicans of California against the SWAMP that is CAGOP Leadership, going hand-in-hand with Third House Money, including Chuckles Munger and his patrimony wasting big money to watch the Republican Party brand go to nothing.

Here are the full comments from Cheating Kristin Olsen about why she is retiring, and my thoughts about what is really going on--and what she should have written if she were the least bit honest:

Dear Fellow Delegates,

As Vice Chair, I have focused on building unity, enthusiasm, and hope among the grassroots, growing fundraising efforts beyond Sacramento, and articulating our core principles in a way that resonates with everyday Californians.

Wow, when Kristin shovels it, she uses both hands, plus her behind-the-scenes boy toy's hands, too"!

Unity? I don't think so, especially when she was fighting tooth and nail against President Trump, until she put on a nice "about face" in February. She had told me after I had questioned her about this issue earlier this year.

Enthusiasm! I guess you can say that a lot of us our excitied, in that we are as mad as hell, and we are not going to take the boot in our faces anymore! We insist on leadership, and we insisted on principled victory. None of that is happening right now, and it needs to change! FOR THE BETTER!

As for hope among the grassroots, it is growing at a frantic pace. HOW? Kristin, you hit the road! We are feeling our roots and spreading out oats again, and we are not going to allow you and other leaders to get away with doing a bad job and telling us with a smile that there is nothing that can be done about it ...

She claims that Republican core principles can and need to resonate with everyday Californians. Then why did she spend so much time running away from them? How come she brokered tax increases many times while "serving" in the state assembly?!

California desperately needs a viable Republican Party, and maintaining the status quo will not get us there. We must be committed to building a bigger tent and articulating an optimistic message that resonates in diverse communities across the state.  Our principles of freedom, opportunity and limited government are timeless. Our challenge is to define and apply them for a changing California.

Yes, we do, Krappy Kristin! We don't have a viable Republican Party because of leaders like you, who have given away the store to Third-House consultants while undermining the cause you claim to represent and kicking grassroots activists in the teeth.

Instead of standing for values, you caved to the political culture of wheeling and dealing, doing what the special interests and the big money players wanted, so that they could purchase your seat on the Board of Supervisors in Modesto.

"The Big Tent" argument comes up next. Lady, a tent has to be grounded in something, stand for something, and cover something, or it's just a piece of cloth on the ground. With the kinds of leadership that you and your CAGOP Executive Corps were engaging in, there would be nothing but a limp cloth on the ground!

She talks about the "timeless values" of freedom, opportujnity, and limited govenrment. How can those values flourish when she has redefined them to mean compromise, tax hikes, and regulatory schemas which benefit the rich while costing the rest of us?!

Given the challenges before the Party, it is essential that we have officers who can fully commit to their volunteer positions. For both personal and professional reasons, I no longer have sufficient time to do so. As a county supervisor, I have been working on important and time-consuming issues. As a single mom, two of my three kids are now teenagers whose busy schedules often conflict with CRP activities. As a consultant, I am growing a new business and must dedicate more time to clients and provide for my family.   

She worked very hard to get this Vice-Chairmanship, did she not. Only about nine months later, and suddenly she finds that she does not have the time to do this job? REALLY? Uh .., no. The truth is that she cheated on her husband, her party, and her state to enrich herself and prepare a political consulting business, all while working a nice, cushy job as a County Supervisor.

The "Single Mom" bit is just too precious to ignore. It's her own fault! She stepped out on her own husband, sleeping with former minority leader Chad Mayes, and now she goes on about how overwhelmed she is? What shameless and yet shameful behavior all around!

"Personal and professional reasons ..." Yes, like cheating on your spouse, and betraying the California Republican Party and the conservative grassroots who expected leadership and victory, not accommodation and controlled failure. By the way, Kristin, you have always had kids, you had those children with you when you became Vice-Chair, and now they have become too time consuming? You're not even a good liar.

In the midst of this final kiss-off to the CAGOP delegates, she talks about her new business. She is already advertising her business? Really?! What does she do? Yes, Crash-And-Burn Kristin is a consultant, now, and it looks like she is spreading her RINO disease to Colorado!

She wants to follow in the failing footsteps of Joe Justin and the rest, doesn't she? She wants to get rich off of running candidates for office, but for some reason, she did as much damage as one could imagine

Check out the candidate whom she is getting excited about:

For these reasons, today I am stepping down as Vice Chair. I sincerely thank you for the opportunity to have served and wish you the best.

You are stepping down before we kicked you out and let the door hit your butt on the way out!


Kristin Olsen

Here's all that I've got to share on this:

And of course ...

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