Sunday, September 15, 2024

"SHAME ON YOU, AL! HOW DARE YOU!" Muratsuchi Gets Hit Hard at September 7, 2024 Torrance Towm Hall


I have attended a number of Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi's (D-Torrance) town halls.

For the last year, I have been taking a slightly different approach.

I am listening to more of the concerns of other people in the audience. Instead of simply spouting off my outrage with his terrible governance, I want to know if other people share my concerns.

In the past, I didn't really care or concern myself with how other people felt about local or state issues. Now, I am letting other people have their say first.

I have been pleasantly and gratefully surprised that many residents in the South Bay are sharing my frustration with Al Muratsuchi's abject liberalism. He puts illegal aliens, teachers unions, and left-wing woke policies head of the needs of his constituents.

And they are calling him out on it!

A number of people confronted Al Muratsuchi for wanting to keep obscene materials in libraries, available for children. A number of residents blasted Muratsuchi for pushing all the benefits for illegal aliens, while ignoring American citizens.

And then I pounced.

As in other town halls, Muratsuchi was clearly shaken when I confronted him for voting to undermine voter ID laws. I also blasted him for protecting pornographic books, keeping them available for children. I also brought up the horrific tenure of LA County District Attorney George Gascon, and how he should be supporting Nathan Hochman.

As expected, he accused me of stating outright lies, and his sycophant supporters all applauded him. I do appreciate, though, that other members of the audience pushed back on his charges against me, especially regarding voter ID laws.

Check out this confrontation with Asm. Muratsuchi, and let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Single Mother Complains About Home Loans for Illegals (AB 1840)


On September 7th, 2024, CA State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), hosted a town hall in the city of Torrance.

He always uses the Torrance City Council chambers for his meetings.

Like the last town hall in 2023, the crowd was filled with a number of outraged citizens fed up with the terrible mismanagement in Sacramento.

The hottest topic? Illegal immigration, and the fact that the state legislature passed a bill that would allow illegal aliens to qualify for home loans and grant them $150,000 in loan payments!

This is beyond disgusting! The state legislature is using our money to aid and abet illegal aliens not only breaking into our country, but giving them housing, while American citizens struggle to make ends meet and cannot even afford basic necessities.

There were many comments slamming the state assemblyman This woman shared the plight that AMERICAN CITIZENS are facing just to purchase a home.

She is competing with all kinds of difficult challenges to purchase her own home.

"It's already harder for Americans to qualify."

She was really upset, and she was right!

This woman listed all the conflicts and challenges that American citizens face just to get a home.

And then the state legislature wanted to add illegal aliens to the mix!

It's just unbelievable how callous and uncaring our representatives have become.

This lady said it perfectly: "The system is against us."

Yes, indeed.

Monday, September 9, 2024

MassResistance Exposes 2024 Boston Gay Pride Parade


At the 2024 Boston Gay Pride – Handouts provide a dark look behind the LGBT propaganda curtain.

Insight into the terrible problems accompanying LGBT behaviors – promiscuity, mental health issues, STDs, and more.

The side of the LGBT movement that they don’t want you to see.

September 9, 2024
ALT TEXT This LGBT "health" booth featured colorful dildos, free condoms, and a wheel to spin to, apparently, spark a conversation about STDs. [All photos by MassResistance]

Throughout the year you’ll see lots of parades put on by various cultural communities, especially if you live near a big city. In the Boston area there’s a Puerto Rican parade, a Chinese New Year parade, an Irish St. Patrick’s Day parade, Caribbean carnival parade, Italian parade – just to name a few.

Almost all of these are accompanied by a festival. These festivals mostly include food, or souvenirs, maybe some musical or dance acts, etc. They celebrate cultural practices and achievements that people can be proud of.

The annual Boston “Gay Pride Parade and Festival” held in June (“Pride Month”) tries to fit into that mold, but it is strikingly different. It celebrates depraved behaviors rather than a legitimate culture. And the accompanying Boston Gay Pride Festival certainly isn’t like any of the other festivals. There isn’t much food or music. But there’s a lot of material being handed out on perverted sex and related disease, partner abuse, and mental health issues.

ALT TEXT Parade onlookers wearing BDSM dog masks.

This year, a few MassResistance activists dropped by the Boston Gay Pride Parade and Festival. Over the years they’d been to many of the other culture parades and festivals, but they’d never been to this one. It was certainly a shock.

The Gay Pride Parade, of course, was a long train of weirdness and dysfunction, mixed in with corporations, politicians, schools, and other institutions paying homage and virtue signaling. It was sad to see that there were many children involved.

ALT TEXT One of the Gay Pride Parade marchers that day.
ALT TEXT The LGBT movement's obsession with grooming kids is evident at every Boston Gay Pride parade.
ALT TEXT This leftist Democrat politician was appointed by the recent Republican governor.

But it was the Gay Pride Festival on the nearby Boston Common that really blew our activists away. The distributions at various booths revealed the dark side of the LGBT movement that the public doesn't see.

ALT TEXT The Gay Pride Festival at the nearby Boston Common featured lots of booths.

Below are samples of what our people saw and picked up that day. Would one see any of this at a normal cultural festival?

“Safer sex” paraphernalia

It seemed like there were tables everywhere giving out condoms along with other sexual devices. Unlike normal society, it’s well known that “gay” men are vastly and destructively promiscuous, many having over 1,000 sexual partners, and that a high percentage of their "steady partnerships" and “marriages” are non-monogamous.

But instead of saying “Stop this destructive behavior,” the mantra is “Keep doing it, but try to be ‘safe’.”

ALT TEXT This booth was giving away condoms (center), lubricant for anal sex (left) and "sex dams" for oral-vaginal and oral-anal sex (right).
ALT TEXT Another booth giving out rainbow condoms, sex dams, and lubricant.
ALT TEXT Some samples the activists were given.
ALT TEXT The anal sex lulbricant comes in tubes and round packages.
ALT TEXT This group with the Orwellian name "Dignity Boston" purports to be a Catholic organization. They gave out flavored sex dams! Note: "Your Sexuality is a Blessing" – claiming that God blesses "gay" sex.
ALT TEXT Instructions for condoms and sex dams were also handed out.

Help dealing with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The obvious result of unbridled promiscuity is a range of sexually transmitted diseases, which continues to dominate the “LGBT” community. Thus, a staple at Pride events is a barrage of information on getting tested and medicines to deal with the effects.

ALT TEXT Disease handouts.
ALT TEXT Bribing homosexual men with gift cards to get them to test for HIV has become common.
ALT TEXT The state of Massachusetts ran this table.
ALT TEXT Other related HIV services being offered.
ALT TEXT There are several other diseases associated with homosexual behavior that also need attention: Hepatitis A & B and meningitis.
ALT TEXT Monkeypox (now called "mpox") is the latest LGBT disease.

PrEP is medicine taken to help prevent getting HIV while continuing to engage in promiscuous homosexual sex. So of course, it is promoted at LGBT events.

ALT TEXT PrEP's drug advertising campaign.
ALT TEXT Outside one of the booths.

Mental health issues and partner abuse

Mental health problems and partner abuse are rampant in the LGBT “community.” The average “gay” newspaper usually has lots of advertisements for therapists and other mental health help. So it wasn’t surprising that this “festival” included some of that.

ALT TEXT A pamphlet about unhealthy LGBT relationships, including dealing with partner abuse (which is quite common in LGBT relationships).
ALT TEXT Naturally, the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health had a very visible presence here!

Final thoughts

The well-crafted marketing that’s been selling the LGBT movement to America – and the public schools – rarely allows a glimpse behind the curtain.

But it has always been there. (We’ve documented this in our landmark 600-page book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals.”) In addition, recent U.S. government statistics on "Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Behavioral Health" reinforce those observations of higher incidence of mental health problems and also substance abuse.

Now more than ever, people need to know and understand that this new “normalcy” being pushed - especially on vulnerable schoolchildren - is all a lie.

Those close to the LGBT movement who are promoting this (including activists, teachers, administrators, elected officials, and media people) know that. Others try to block out the truth from their minds. To them, this radical ideology is more important than children's health, and they demonize those who get in their way.

But MassResistance will never back down – and we will help speak the truth and derail this train.

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why I Support Israel, by Pat Condell


I love this guy!

You need to hear this guy defend the state of Israel.

Friday, September 6, 2024

CA Republican Registration Growth


For Immediate Release

September 6, 2024

Contact: Duane Dichiara

GOP Gains Voter Registration Advantage in Assembly District 74

Laguna Niguel – The Secretary of State’s August voter registration report shows a shift in Assembly District 74: Republicans now hold an edge over Democrats. The GOP leads with 35.2% of registered voters, compared to 35.1% for Democrats. This shift marks a significant change from 2022, when Democrats held a 0.8% lead in registration.

“Taxes are too high, grocery costs are out of control, and California is on the wrong track,” said Laurie Davies’s consultant, Duane Dichiara. “Voters are fed up with the Democrat one-party rule that has led us into this mess. They’re turning to candidates like Laurie Davies who will work across the aisle when it comes to common sense policy.”

As November's race heats up, this shift in voter registration tallies yet another advantage for Laurie Davies’s campaign. For further information about Laurie Davies and her campaign, please visit her website at

Thursday, September 5, 2024

TAC: Treaty of Paris 1783, How the War for Independence Almost Didn't End


Treaty of Paris 1783: How the War for Independence Almost Didn't End

Free and Independent States: Forgotten Conclusion of the American Revolution

Signed on Sept 3, 1783 – the Treaty of Paris has long been called the formal end to the War for Independence. But the war didn’t officially end on that date with the signatures of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay.

The treaty, made with 13 free, sovereign, and independent states, still needed their approval according to the rules of the Articles of Confederation, and it almost didn’t happen. This forgotten history reveals the true nature of the system as understood by the Founders and Old Revolutionaries.


The starting point of this story is with the Declaration of Independence, which established “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES.”

Free and independent states. That’s plural.

As Mike Maharrey points out, “The colonies declared their independence from Great Britain as 13 independent, sovereign states.”

Unfortunately today, most people look at the word “state” as some kind of political subdivision of a larger nation, but this wasn’t the case in 1783. Maharrey continued, noting that state and nation were synonymous in this context, “When they declared independence, Georgia and New York placed themselves on equal footing with England and Spain. And the Declaration also referred to the ‘State of Great Britain.’”

Back to the Declaration, where Jefferson and co. continued with this:

“as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do.”

Writing to Gen. Washington on July 6, 1776, John Hancock affirmed this view:

“The Congress have judged it necessary to dissolve the Connection between Great Britain and the American Colonies, and to declare them free & independent States.”


We see the same principle included in the treaty of Paris – officially titled The Definitive Treaty of Peace Between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America. Here, from the very first sentence of Article I of the treaty:

“His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and Independent States”

Joe Wolverton emphasized the importance of this, writing, “Notice, moreover, he is not signing a treaty with one nation; he is signing a treaty with 13 nations, each of which is listed at the beginning of Article 1.”

Article 5 of the Treaty also tells us about the relative status of the Congress in relationship to the  states comprising that confederation:

“Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the Legislatures of the respective States to provide for the Restitution of all Estates, Rights, and Properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British Subjects”

Notice how the Congress is only empowered to RECOMMEND to the state legislatures that they restore property, but the decision is actually up to the states, not Congress.

Wolverton continued, noting that “next, in Article 7 peace is explicitly declared between ‘his Britannic Majesty and the said states.’ The states are now at peace with Britain, if Congress is able to convince the state legislatures to agree to the terms.” [emphasis added]

This point is essential.



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While most people look to the signing of the Treaty on Sept 3, 1783 as formally ending the war, this is historically and factually false. It still needed to be approved by at least 9 states, and that wasn’t an easy thing to get done in 1783-84. In fact, it went down to the wire and almost didn’t happen!

First, from the Articles of Confederation, Article IX:

“The united states, in congress assembled, shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque and reprisal in time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances …

unless nine states assent to the same” [emphasis added]

Delegates from the several states were called to assemble in Annapolis, Maryland – then serving as the capital – in Nov 1783. Because the Treaty itself stipulated that it be approved and returned to England within six months of being signed – the deadline being Feb 3, 1784 – time was of the essence.


However, it was a full six weeks before there were enough representatives from the states to call a quorum and conduct business. But that was just 7 of the 13 states, not the 9 needed to approve the Treaty.

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina had full delegations in Annapolis. Only one representative from New Hampshire and South Carolina was present. No one was there from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Georgia.

There were multiple roll calls in December and into January. And as the deadline drew closer, all they could do was wait – and plead.

None of the absent states responded to a Congressional appeal on Dec. 23 that “the safety, honor, and good faith of the United States” required their immediate presence in Congress. Thomas Mifflin, president of Congress, sent a letter to the Governors of New Jersey and Connecticut informing them that the Treaty deadline would not be met without the votes of their states.

Neither responded.

Weather was a serious problem as the Winter of 1783-84 was one of the worst recorded at the time. Thomas Jefferson described it as “severe beyond all memory.” It brought the longest stretch of sub-zero temperatures to New England, froze over the Chesapeake Bay, where the capital was situated, and made roads nearly impassable all over.

Morristown, NJ was hit with over 80 inches of snow, temps dove down to -20 in Hartford, and ice closed down the harbors in both Philadelphia and Baltimore.

There was serious concern that the British would use a missed deadline as a reason to renegotiate the terms, or even restart the war. The Continental Army had mostly disbanded and the British still occupied forts on the frontier. This was recognized by all as a dangerous situation.


So some in Congress started pushing a more desperate approach. That is, ratify the Treaty with just the 7 states present, rather than the 9 required by the Constitution.

This is the old familiar approach of politicians – ignore the rules given to them because of an “emergency.”

Sure sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But it’s nothing new in American history either.

Thomas Jefferson, for one – was vehemently opposed to such a move.

Learn more about this essential history. They don’t teach this in government-run schools.

He explained why, noting that the British had obviously read and understood the American Constitution – the Articles of Confederation – and recognized that they would object to an illegal ratification of the Treaty. He wrote, “they knew our constitution, and would object to a ratification by 7.”

It appears that some had suggested trying to ratify with just 7, but keep it a secret, and Jefferson rejected that as well:

“if that circumstance was kept back, it would be known hereafter, & would give them ground to deny the validity of a ratification into which they should have been surprised and cheated, and it would be a dishonorable prostitution of our seal”

In short – never give your opponents any legal wiggle room. And never take any steps beyond the limits of the Constitution, even in an “emergency” situation. Once you do, you’ve established the precedent for more and more. And more.

Jefferson was chosen to head a committee comprising members of both factions and proposed a compromise.  Rather than violating the Articles of Confederation, or lying to the British about it, he suggested they do something that sounds pretty radical in today’s political world – tell the truth.

Congress, Jefferson recommended, could pass a resolution affirming that the seven states present were all on board in favor of ratification of the treaty, but they had a disagreement as to the competency of Congress to ratify with only seven states. They would send that to Europe and request an additional 3 months.

It was still risky, but it was agreed that Congress would hold a vote on this proposal on Jan 14, 1784 – less than a month before the deadline.


Meanwhile, express riders left Annapolis for the states to inform governors of the pending vote. And President Mifflin sent his aide Col. Josiah Harmar to New Jersey to plead for attendance. He also ordered him to stop in Philadelphia to press Richard Beresford, a delegate from South Carolina, to leave his sick bed and show up in Annapolis for the vote.

In a spectacular turn of events, on Jan 13, the night before the vote, Connecticut delegates James Wadsworth and Roger Sherman and New Jersey’s John Beatty arrived in Annapolis.

Congress was only one state away from the 9 needed. The next morning, Beresford arrived to complete South Carolina’s delegation, eliminating the need for the compromise resolution.

On Jan 14, 1784 Congress unanimously ratified the treaty with nine votes from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia.

That date is the real formal end of the War for Independence.

This is the kind of essential historical information we work hard every single day to get out to more and more people. We’ve got a long way to go, and a lot of work yet to do. But with your support, we can push back against the propaganda centers that make up the government-run school system.

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THANK YOU for reading - and for your support.

--Michael, Mike, TJ, Alan
and the rest of the TAC Team