Monday, September 23, 2024

About the Second Coming of Noah's Ark in "Random Lengths News"

I was surprised to see a writer in Random Lengths News reference the Bible. Maybe things are turning for the better in this country. Maybe …

Of course, the main thrust of Terrelle Jerricks’ article was “Black Liberation,” which cannot emerge without freedom from the lies that “systemic racism” is holding back black communities.

Kweisi Mfume, former President of the NAACP, debated conservative radio host Larry Elder about the troubles facing American black communities.

This was one key part of their discussion:

Larry Elder: Mr. Mfume, as between the presence of white racism or the absence of black fathers, which poses the bigger threat to the black community?

Mfume: The absence of black fathers.

Liberal Mfume clearly asserted that the biggest issue plaguing black communities is the fatherlessness crisis. All kids need their mom and dad, but especially their fathers. Fix the Fatherhood crisis, and Black Liberation is all but guaranteed.

On another note, the 1920’s Black Liberation Movement was wrong-headed to think that shipping black Americans “back to Africa” would solve their problems.

They are AMERICANS! Why should they have to leave their own country?!

Racial grievance always finds a way to make a buck.

Frankly, the whole scheme was racist. Just because someone has dark skin does not make that person “African,” though of African descent. The African continent is not a cultural monolith, either, and African nations are embracing an increasingly conservative, pro-family stance, very much in conflict with the “pro-black” Democratic Party of the United States.

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