Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Tenth Amendment Center: The Real Constitution that Politicians Don't Want You to Know About

The Real Constitution

the politicians don't want you to know about

I’ve been told that law students prepping for the Bar Exam are told that if the Tenth Amendment is ever among the answers on a multiple-choice question, they can immediately rule it out.

For the "experts," the Tenth Amendment is never the right answer.And politicians today - love it that way.

Thomas Jefferson had a little different view of the Tenth Amendment. He called it the “foundation of the Constitution.”

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That ‘all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.”

The Tenth Amendment makes it unquestioningly clear that the Constitution constrains the general government to very specific and very limited powers. As James Madison explained in Federalist #45, “The powers delegated to the federal government by the proposed Constitution are few and defined.”

James Wilson told us that "every thing which is not given, is reserved."That’s the dirty little secret politicians don’t want you to know.
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John Jay - the first Chief Justice - described things this way:"The Constitution only serves to point out that part of the people's business, which they think proper by it to refer to the management of the persons therein designated"

That's nowhere close to what how things operate in practice today - the largest government in history.Now – brace yourself. This might come as a shock. But the people in power are perfectly happy to operate with an undefined, boundless field of power.The founders referred to that as "arbitrary power" - one of the "injuries and usurpations" listed in the Declaration of Independence.

And that’s why the Tenth Amendment is never the right answer according to the politicians, and the academics, judges, power brokers, lobbyists and talking heads that support them.

Before the ink was even dry on the Constitution, the political class was already “interpreting” the document to expand its own powers. For example, by changing the meaning of the word "necessary" into merely "convenient" for federal power, Alexander Hamilton got his first national bank. And we're all paying the price for it too.Today, that federal government controls nearly every aspect of your life. It runs your healthcare, educates your children and monitors your every move. Bureaucrats in Washington D.C. even tell you how much water you can flush down your toilets.

So much for powers “few and defined.”

Sadly, most Americans accept this state of affairs. They even embrace it. In fact, most Americans actually believe that the federal government legitimately exercises all of this authority. After all, they’ve been taught all their lives that the Tenth Amendment is the wrong answer.

View of the Constitution

St. George Tucker: Our Original Originalist

He wrote the first systematic commentary on the U.S. Constitution - and was one of the most influential jurists and legal scholars during the formative years of the United States.Article HereGet Tucker's Book Here

The nature of the American political system today exacerbates the expansion of power. “Democracy” gives everybody the false sense that they have some hand in exercising power – or that they will at least benefit from its expansion.This creates a dilemma, as political economist Bertrand de Jouvenel explained.

Under the ‘ancient regime,’ society’s moving spirits, who had, as they knew, no chance of a share in Power, were quick to denounce its smallest encroachment. Now, on the other hand, when everyone is potentially a minister, no one is concerned to cut down an office to which he aspires one day himself, or to put sand in a machine which he means to use himself when his turn comes. Hence, it is that there is in the political circles of a modern society a wide complicity in the extension of Power.”

A written constitution was meant to lay down rules that check the tendency for government to grow. It erects barriers to government power that must not be crossed.As Jefferson put it, “in questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”As John Hancock put it, "the powers reserved by the people render them secure"

But like most things, a constitution won’t ever work if the people don’t know how to use it.While we do a significant amount of work to help reach and teach people about the original, legal meaning of the Constitution - based in principles from the Revolution - "how to use it" is probably our most important work.

But for far too long politicians, bureaucrats, judges, law professors, and chattering pundits have told us how the Constitution should work - instead of the other way around. The political class has “interpreted” the rules. And it’s interpreted to give them more and more power over you and me.They teach us from day one that the way to keep the government in check is to convince the government to keep itself in check.Thomas Jefferson warned us how that would play out, noting that allowing the government to determine the extent of its own power would put the people of the several states "under the dominion, absolute and unlimited, of whosoever might exercise this right of judgment for them"

After generations of interpretation by the people in power - just like Jefferson warned, we now have a federal government that claims the authority to do virtually anything and everything. Along the way, our liberties have been whittled away. The power of the politicians grows at the expense of our liberties.

If we want to reclaim our liberties, something has got to give. It’s time for dis-interpretation. It’s time for “we the people” to reclaim their own Constitution and their own liberty.To do that, we have look at the Constitution through the eyes of the generation who wrote and ratified it.We’re have to follow Jefferson’s admonition and “carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”And then we have to follow what the founders told us has to be done to keep the government in check when it refuses to follow the rules. Today, of course, that's 24/7/365James Madison told us that states and individuals should use a "refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union."James Iredell - one of the first Supreme Court Justices - told us that the ONLY way to deal with usurpations of power is through "the inherent right of the people to prevent its exercise."Not just a mere good idea - but the only way to deal with federal overreach.And Jefferson said "where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy"Also, not just a mere suggestion to try after everything else fails - but THE rightful remedy to all undelegated power.This is the real Constitution that the politicians don’t want you to know about.The one where the people of the states themselves determine the limits of federal power. The one where the people of the states themselves enforce the constitution through non-compliance and resistance. The one where no one who violates their oath of office is given support. As John Dickinson put it, when there's a "bad administration" (which we sure do have) - the answer is to be found "before the supreme sovereignty of the people."IT IS THEIR DUTY TO WATCH, AND THEIR RIGHT TO TAKE CARE, THAT THE CONSTITUTION BE PRESERVED; Or in the Roman phrase on perilous occasions—TO PROVIDE, THAT THE REPUBLIC RECEIVE NO DAMAGE.(yes, he used the all caps in the original!)In other words, in the American political system, as originally conceived, the Tenth Amendment is always the right answer.We've got a lot of work to do - but with your support, we're building a strong foundation for today and the future. Brick by brick. Person by person. State by state: For the constitution and liberty.Thank you so much for reading and your support!--Michael Maharrey, Michael Boldinalong with TJ, Alan, Mike and the rest of the TAC Team.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Patrick Amoresano: "Why Nominating Gov. Ron DeSantis Makes Sense" (Open Letter to Open-Minded MAGA)

I had a civil exchange with a courteous and open-minded MAGA yesterday, which for me was a welcome change from seeing so many nasty gifs and comments come our way every day. This man took a rational position, but I wasn’t prepared to do a deep dive, and didn’t want to rush a reply.

Today there’s more time, so I thought it might be best to post this open letter and send it to him by DM, but that's not an option for him, so I'll just post this, send it as a reply, and hope for the best. Please do add your own thoughtful and respectful comments to flesh out, enhance, and amend the macro points in this letter. Here goes: Why Nominating Makes Sense Point 1: Donald Trump is unlikely to win the general election (a) Trump is unlikely to beat Biden should he be the nominee. Yes, liberal pollsters are busy pushing the narrative that Trump is beating Biden in the battleground states. But even if this were true for the moment, consider the shitstorms that those same liberal pollsters, the liberal media outlets, the DNC, and last but not least, the Deep State DOJ, are going to unleash should Trump actually secure the nomination. Child’s play, IMHO, compared to what they did to him from 2016 through 2020; (b) What the liberal pollsters aren’t advertising, but what you can see from their internal data, is that Trump gets beaten badly by the generic Democrat, that is, anyone not named Biden. Given this data, and daily watching dead-man-walking Biden on TV, does anyone really think he’s going to be the nominee? Point 2: Donald Trump is unlikely to get much done (a) Even if Trump wins, there’s every reason to believe there will be no “honeymoon” awaiting him in Congress. In fact, the 2020 and 2022 election data strongly suggests that Trump no longer has true coattails, and is likely to face a Congress which is no less divided than it is right now, if not measurably worse; (b) Faced with such a daunting challenge, is it a good idea to have someone in the White House who is clearly showing cognitive signs that his age is starting to catch up with him. No, not as bad as Biden, but won’t the situation demand a much better standard than that? (c) Faced with such a daunting challenge, how will it serve America’s immediate needs to have someone in the White House whose most fervently expressed desire has been to exact revenge rather than actually complete the things he promised to do in 2016; (d) Faced with such a daunting challenge, and even with a focus on achieving things instead of exacting revenge, how will he be able to attract the kind of talented and experienced people needed to thread the needles. Every worthwhile new cabinet member already knows that 40 of Trump’s 44 former cabinet members have refused to endorse him for 2024, and many have explained how insufferable it was to work with him and accomplish things. If it were just a few formers, the claim that they were just disloyal traitors would have merit. But when it's 40 out of 44, something has to be off with the man at the top. Have new cabinet prospects any reason to believe it will be better this time around, with Trump having 91 felony charges weighing him down? Point 3: DeSantis has already proven he can win the general election Prior to 2022, Florida had been a deeply divided battleground state for decades. But after Ron DeSantis had been Governor there for just 4 years, he won in an historic 20-point landslide by assembling a coalition of voters that included winning the womens vote by 10 points, independents by 18 points, and traditionally democrat Hispanics by a whopping 24-point margin. What reason is there to believe that he can’t do the same thing in the remaining battleground states by telling the same demographic groups all that he promised and delivered upon in Florida? (If your answer is abortion, bear in mind DeSantis has repeatedly advocated that the voters in each State should be the ones who decide how their State should handle that issue ). Most importantly, DeSantis has very smart and well-educated lawyers, like himself, already hard at work examining voter laws in every State and strategizing the best way to either prevent ballot-harvesting in 2024, or beat the Dems at their own game wherever ballot-harvesting remains in play. Point 4: DeSantis has already proven his has long Coattails A key reason why DeSantis won big in 2022 and has gotten so many things done in Florida over the past 12 months is the fact that on his watch, Florida voters have switched their registrations from D to R in droves – from +D 257,175 in 2018 to +R 680,030 as of Nov. 2023, for an astounding total R gain of 937,205 voters. This is compelling evidence of the fact that DeSantis at the top of the R ticket next November is likely to strengthen the R majority in the House and give Rs a working majority in the Senate, and to increase those majorities during his tenure, especially if he serves 2 terms. Point 5: DeSantis has already proven he’s an exceptional Chief Executive The accomplishments of are almost too numerous to mention - fighting for freedom from Covid tyranny; ridding Florida of China's influence; reducing Florida’s debt by 25% while creating a multi-billion-dollar surplus, all without an income tax; firing liberal prosecutors, preventing riots, and bringing Florida’s crime rate to a 50-year low; protecting parental rights and insuring that their kids are well educated in the subjects needed to help them succeed, not indocrinated by harmful woke propaganda; etc., etc., etc. In addition, DeSantis is already at work assembling lists of potential cabinet members and others to help him accomplish crucial objectives such as really building the entire wall, really paying for it with Mexican remittances to Mexico, really dismantling the Deep State by going 3 and 4 and 5 levels deep; and really kneecapping the unelected administrative state by severely cutting its workforce and transferring many other unelected Libs to boondocks far away from DC. Point 6: DeSantis would make an exceptional Commander-in Chief Who better than a highly educated decorated veteran trained in mission-focus to make the right moves to restore and rebuild American military might and deploy it to all the right places, most notably to the Indo-Pacific theatre, where China must be held in check from advancing on Taiwan or elsewhere. Point 7: DeSantis would serve 8 years in the prime of his life. If you’ve been paying any attention to what DeSantis has been doing since May 24th, you cannot help but marvel at his extraordinary energy and unwavering determination in the face of relentless opposition from every direction. Have to think one of the things the military taught him was maximum efficiency on maybe 4+ hours of sleep? Imagine having a guy like that in the Oval every single day for two thousand nine hundred and twenty (2,920) consecutive days. THAT is a formula for “getting shit done.” Once again, it would be great to get thoughtful and respectful comments from anyone who feels they have something to contribute which would add more detail, context, and/or points to this letter. 👍Thanks to all in advance.

Rebel News at the London "Opposition to Anti-Semitism" March


Dear Arthur,

For nearly two months, I’ve watched the great city of London, England, overrun with terrorist supporters.

That’s not an exaggeration: hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets calling for the extermination of Jews in Israel (“from the river to the sea”), and world-wide (“Intifada revolution”).

I went to one of those hate marches, and I could only find a single person who was willing to call Hamas a terrorist group (but still not denounce them). My colleague Alexa Lavoie went to another London hate march, and even found some people praising Adolf Hitler and his Final Solution.

But Sunday was when Britain’s Jews and many righteous Gentiles took to the streets of London in a giant rally against antisemitism. I was there, and I made a 50-minute mini-documentary about it.

Click here to watch it now:

What do you think? Do you think I was too tough on liberal Jews, who for years have promoted open-border immigration and “woke” ideology in national institutions? I think those are the very forces devouring Britain’s Jews today.

Let me know what you think. I’m worried about the UK because every day it bears less resemblance to the land that Shakespeare described as “the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.” And as the UK goes today, Canada goes tomorrow.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant
Rebel News

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

LA County GOP Deep in Debt, Can't Get a Quorum, Hiding Financials

Well, here we are, six years after the LA County Republican Central Committee revoked the charter for the Beach Cities Republicans.

And now, they can't even get people to show up to their meetings, and they don't have the money to keep the lights on or the doors open.

Check out the latest report from Steve Frank:

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/20/23


Los Angeles County has the most registered Republicans in the State.  It has more Republicans than many States.  Yet, on Saturday, once again, they were unable to have a quorum.  This, even though they had Carl Demaio as a speaker, an important Treasurers report, endorsements, plans for GOTV (they do not have a plan, nor believe in voter registration.  Literally, the agenda for this meeting did not have voter registration on the agenda—nor making sure we had candidates in every legislative district).

Saturday, Tim told those that attended why they couldn’t obtain a quorum for an early endorsement in CD28 (Bonnie Wallace, April Verlato, Mayor of Arcadia). Blame the bylaws for allowing Ex-Officios to be part of the quorum.  They cannot be compelled to come. Robert’s Rules says it. It’s one thing he missed taking out of his LAGOP bylaws  (he chaired the Committee that created the new by-laws and created this mess, making it difficult to have a quorum). 

Chairman Tim O’Reilly always says that of the many purposes of RPLAC, the list does not include raising funds for the candidates. The candidates have to raise it for themselves. Then he cites the Democrat strategy. No sense of irony here. Democrats win elections with their fundraising strategy; Republicans lose with theirs.

Since Hollywood is in L.A. County, I guess he was auditioning for an actor’s job—now that the strike is over.  He pretended to cry because of a conspiracy theory that forced the CRP to move the March convention to May.  He claimed it was a conspiracy—and he was correct.  The conspiracy was by the CRP to hold a convention the weekend before the March primary, forcing leaders and activists to be in San Jose instead of working on GOTV to assure our candidates got into the Top Two.  To O’Reilly the truth is a conspiracy—sounds like the Democrats.  He needs to act like an adult and stop whining and pretending to cry.

Then you have the Assistant Treasurer Karen Siegmund—not the Treasurer or the Chairman proposed a new fund raiser. LAGOP does not have dues.  She wants everybody to pay $5 per month, preferably through their efundraising tool which is federal only. But since Chair O’Reilly says the LAGOP gives no money to candidates, what is this money going for and why not the general Account?

If everybody gave $5 a month for a year, it still would not pay off what is owed to the former Treasurer/ED, Julie Haff—who seems to be owed at least $15,000.  Then you have the $1,000 a month for a LAGOP HQ, in Encino, that appears to be a sublease from Richard Sherman, the former LAGOP Chair, psychology office.  In the July “treasurers report” it is listed as both an expense and a potential expense—whatever that means.  The Executive Committee does not meet there—they meet via ZOOM.   Anybody remember a Committee meeting at that address in the past year?

Oh, no report has been made on the John Eastman event.  It looks like they lost money on it—but do not expect a report anytime soon.  And, it appears NO money is going to the Eastman Defense Fund.  I was informed by an officer of the LAGOP this was not a fund raiser—and they were not kidding.

And it only gets worse:

Monday, November 20, 2023

Trump Doesn't Get It — DeSantis Does

he Night before Election Day 2016, I wrote "What I Like About Trump, and Why You need to Vote for Him." I mentioned that he was the street brawler we needed, not the professional we wanted, who would clean house, not just keep house. He did an estimable job. But, unfortunately, the 2020 election was stolen, and Joe Biden is a brazen usurper. 

If Trump wants the 2024 nomination, though, he must learn from Odysseus in Homer's eponymous epic poem. Sure, the suitors took him for dead and took over his home. Odysseus was the rightful king of the castle, but he had to fight for it. Instead of staging an epic comeback, Trump has turned into a cantankerous deposed monarch who thinks we should restore him to the throne. That's not how politics works. Andrew Jackson was denied the Presidency in 1824 due to a Corrupt Bargain in the House of Representatives. Old Hickory didn't pout but plotted, planned, and won the Presidency in 1828.  

Trump needs a primary. I want a knock-down drag-out fight for the GOP brass ring. And right now, Trump is not earning it. Instead, he reminds me of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie past his first-term prime: lots of bluster, no muster. 

Trump still surrounds himself with bad people. They told him to endorse Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) in a fraught primary when the opponent was the real deal. Gonzales is now talking up open borders and voted against the House Rules package effected by the dedicated MAGA populists in Congress. 

Trump lined up behind McCarthy for Speaker and expected everyone to follow. The next generation of America First politicians knows you never settle but fight for more. Trump inaugurated a movement, but now the movement is moving past him. Nothing showed this more than conservative Congressman Matt Rosendale (R-Montana) dismissing the former President's plea by phone on the floor of the House. Conversely, Trump refused to weigh in on the RNC Chairmanship, the more consequential race. DeSantis did, even if his candidate lost. Leadership means fighting for what's right, even if the outcome is likely lost. 

Trump tells South Carolina: "Let's go after the Deep State, the Democrats, and the RINOs." And standing next to him during that rant? Lindsey Graham, the biggest Deep State Democrat RINO in the country. Former Governor Sarah Palin tells DeSantis to "wait your turn." It sounds like McCain-Establishment Kool-Aid talk to me. Oh Yeah! She abandoned her governorship, couldn't get elected to Congress, but wants to play king-maker? Hit the road, Mammy Grizzly. 

Politics is not the Art of the Deal; it's the Art of "I Win, and You Lose." Trump still doesn't get this, either. DeSantis does. DeSantis has accomplished the most aggressive, radically right-wing agenda of any governor: a pro-growth, low-tax agenda and bear-hugging culture wars. He has beaten down Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Labor, and Big Academia. As a result, the little guy in Florida feels like "The Man," and they have DeSantis' leadership to thank for that. 

He outlawed sanctuary cities with more vigorous enforcement. He signed into law E-Verify mandates. He has taken on the Florida teacher's unions with gusto, pushing for more limits on their political power. He has been pressing for gun freedoms in a state gun-shy on the Second Amendment for the last twenty years. His Parents Rights in Education Bill has inspired similar reforms across the country. DeSantis is a conservative, and even Democratic voters support him!  

His election reforms are impeccable, too. Trump tweeted and whined about voter fraud during Election 2020. As soon as he was elected, DeSantis removed the corrupt Registrar of Voters in Palm Beach County, then cleaned up the election laws. Despite banning ballot trafficking and universal mass mail-in voting, DeSantis wisely recognizes that if "legal cheating" exists in your state, USE IT. Only recently has Trump joined this bandwagon. Trump is playing catch-up, while DeSantis has already caught on. 

Politics requires a keen sense of what works, what's possible, and knowing what is going on. At this point, one wonders if Trump is paying attention. It's 2023, not 2015. Riding an escalator doesn't impress anymore. I want results, and DeSantis is outdoing Trump on many fronts.  

Trump still pushes the vaccine. DeSantis has said, "Stop!" Trump locked down the country, but DeSantis reversed course within two weeks, and Florida enjoyed unprecedented freedom with little COVID-19 backlash. Leadership changes when things aren't working and learns from circumstances. DeSantis has led on stopping the sex mutilation of minors and LGBT indoctrination, too, and opposed the DIS-Respect for Marriage Act. Trump went all in on this anti-family folly, then celebrated with the Log Cabin Republicans at Mar-a-Lago, rebuffing the evangelical voters who got him elected. 

President Trump has become all talk, selling NFTs. DeSantis is walking the walk, guaranteed. He is smarter with the media, too. Trump slugged at the media but then got dirty with them. DeSantis sets up press conferences with supporters. He silences biased reporters with quick quips while humiliating Joe Biden. DeSantis doesn't rush to corporate media's camera for attention. He rolls them, then steamrolls them. 

From Congress to the Governor's mansion, DeSantis has been on a mission to accomplish. Today's populist Republican party grassroots are tired of politicians who want us to feel good; no more RINOs who say the right things on Fox News, then screw us over with betrayals and broken promises. DeSantis promises and keeps delivering. We need a president who wins, not just retains what little remains once Biden is gone. 

Trump was a street brawler, but DeSantis is a UFC fighter: sleeker, less flashy, but executes the win quicker, faster, and more robust. We need results, not rhetoric. I don't want rallies; I want to win elections and the culture war. I am not interested in the establishment (and yes, Trump is turning into their latest successor). DeSantis looks like the man to be President and the man to beat.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Gov. Kim Reynolds Announces Why She Supports Gov. Ron DeSantis for President

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds explains why she is endorsing Ron DeSantis: We need someone who puts the country first, not himself. Trump cares about himself. DeSantis cares about the United States.

These statements summarize everything I like about DeSantis! 

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Glenn Beck (Excellent Segment)

Governor Ron DeSantis lays out his complete plan to change Washington, deal with the swamp, clean out the corruption, and restore our country. It's now or never, at this point. 

Will the voters give him a chance? Or will they go with the old, and let Biden have four more years?

Drea McGriff: Short List of Reasons to Support Israel

Here's a SHORT list of reasons supporting Israel IS in America’s interest (via @DreaMGriff28)

)1. U.S.-Israeli alliance contributes more than ever to American security, as bilateral cooperation to deal with both military and nonmilitary challenges

2. Israel remains a counterweight against radical forces in the Middle East, including political Islam and violent extremism.

3. Israel prevented the further proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the region by thwarting Iraq and Syria's nuclear programs.

4. Israel and the US work together to develop sophisticated military technology, such as the David's Sling counter-rocket and Arrow missile defense systems

5. Israel's military research and development complex has pioneered many cutting-edge technologies that are transforming the face of modern war, including cyberweapons, unmanned vehicles (such as land robots and aerial drones), sensors and electronic warfare systems, and advanced defenses for military vehicles.

6. Economically — The United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement, established in 1985, was the first free trade agreement entered into by the United States.  Since its entry into force, trade between the countries has increased ten-fold to $49 billion in 2016.  The reopening of the Israeli market to U.S. beef in 2016 is a sign of Israeli interest in further opening our trade relations.

Israelis now invest close to $24 billion in the United States, nearly triple what it was a decade earlier.

7. The U.S.-Israeli economic and commercial relationship now spans IT, bio-tech, life sciences, health care solutions, energy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, defense industries, cyber-security, and aviation, to name just a few sectors

8. Critical components of leading American high-tech products are invented and designed in Israel, making these American companies more competitive and more profitable globally.   Cisco, Intel, Motorola, Applied Materials, and HP are just a few examples.


9. Cooperation in addressing water issues: Water is another area where the United States and Israel are increasingly working together.  After addressing their own century-long water crisis via breakthrough technologies in desalination, recycling, conservation, management and irrigation, Israelis are now working more closely than ever before with Americans—especially in the Southwestern United States—to help us tackle our huge water challenges. The new reverse osmosis desalination plant in Carlsbad, California, designed by IDE, an Israeli company, is one of the largest and most technologically advanced in that region


Israel is our ally. Our ally suffered a horrific terrorist attack. Defending our ally isn’t just something we should do morally it is in America’s interests

November 17, 2023 CAMERA Newsletter: There Are No "Two Sides"


If you missed our recent work, you can catch up right here. Below is a sample of articles, postings, and upcoming events. If you would like additional news and analysis, you can find more at CAMERA's website, our CAMERA on Campus blog, plus our British, Israeli, Arabic, and Spanish-language websites: CAMERA UKPresspectivaCAMERA-Arabic, and CAMERA Español. We also have a new website for our CAMERA Education Institute, which focuses on issues in K-12 education. 
 CAMERA Video: There is No 'Both Sides' 
Some people want to "both sides" the current war between Israel and Hamas.The truth matters. Hamas started this conflict when it committed the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Watch now
 Committee to Protect Journalists ProtectsHamas Murderers of Israeli Journalists 
The Committee to Protect Journalists claims it "defends the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal," but given how it has covered up Hamas's slaughter of several Israeli journalists on October 7, perhaps it should rename itself Committee to Protect Murderers of Journalists.Yaniv Zohar, a photographer for Israel Hayom, was murdered alongside his family inside his Nahal Oz home. According to CPJ, he was killed by a "political group" while on "dangerous assignment."Ynet photographer Roee Idan was murdered outside his Kfar Aza home while holding his three-year-old daughter, whom the terrorists then kidnapped. According to CPJ, he was killed in an "unknown" location by "unknown fire" while on "dangerous assignment."Shai Regev, an editor for TMI, a section of Maariv, and Ayelet Arnin, an editor with the Israel Broadcasting Corporation Kan, were both murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival. According to CPJ, they too were killed by a "political group" while on "dangerous assignment."It's inexplicable that more than a month after Hamas's unprecedented and widely documented massacre, CPJ is depicting Israeli journalists murdered while at home with their families, holding a toddler, or enjoying a music festival as "on dangerous assignment." Why the lies? Why is CPJ covering for Hamas? Read more
 After Mea Culpa, NY Times Coverage ofGaza Hospitals Only Gets Worse 
Last month, the New York Times rushed to trumpet Hamas's evidence-free claims that an Israeli strike hit Gaza's Al-Ahli hospital, killing hundreds. None of it turned out to be true - numerous intelligence sources agreed the damage was caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket which hit the parking lot, not the hospital, and the estimated dead were a fraction of the number originally claimed - and the Times published an editors' note acknowledging it "relied too heavily on claims by Hamas."Since then, the newspaper's coverage of Gaza hospitals has only gotten worse. On November 11, it amplified unverified, incendiary charges that Israeli tanks shelled Al-Shifa hospital and Israeli snipers attacked fleeing families, killing one. The Israeli "response" that reporters Raja Abdulrahim and Ameera Harouda halfheartedly included doesn't even address that shocking claim.The paper touts a "special obligation" to "let the subject respond in detail" to any serious criticism, but they obviously didn't try very hard. When CAMERA asked IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus about the charges, he promptly responded: "We are not shooting at and have not shot at the hospital, and surely not at evacuees. Hamas, on the other hand, has been documented firing at civilians attempted to evacuate." Even after CAMERA informed the Times of this direct rebuttal to its grave allegations against Israel, which included the newsworthy charge of Hamas firing at Gazan civilians, the paper refused to update the piece. Read more
 BBC News Promotes DisinformationAbout IDF Shifa Hospital Op 
The BBC promoted an incendiary lie to millions of viewers.The IDF posted a tweet concerning operations at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, which is being exploited by Hamas for military use. In its statement the IDF announced the forces involved would "include medical teams and Arabic speakers, who have undergone specified training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians being used by Hamas as human shields.""Reporting" on that statement for BBC news, presenter Monica Miller mangled the story with the outrageous lie that Israeli forces "are targeting people including medical teams as well as Arab speakers." She immediately repeated the falsehood, broadcasting it to viewers twice within less than a minute.Following swift complaints, the BBC issued an apology for the "error." But it speaks volumes about the BBC that no one questioned the absurd claim that Israel was targeting medical staff and Arabic speakers (which surely covers just about everyone at the hospital), and that no one bothered to fact check that "news" before amplifying it to millions of people. Read more
 The Washington Post's Blood Libel 

Israel is working to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza, Hamas is working to cause them, and the Washington Post is working to help Hamas in its battle for public opinion. In a recent column, Ishaan Tharoor amplifies claims that Israel is committing "genocide," concealing facts and falsely depicting Israel as wantonly slaughtering civilians. Accusing the Jewish state of the ghastly crime of genocide - which was infamously perpetrated on the Jewish people in the Shoah - is a blood libel and a staple of antisemitic propaganda. Read more

 The New York Times Has a 'Serious Jewish Problem' 
CAMERA's Alex Safian joins Mark Levin on Fox News to discuss the American media's failures and distortions in covering the Israel-Hamas war. Watch now
 ABC Significantly Improves Timeline on Israel-Hamas War 

An ABC News timeline of Hamas's ISIS-like October 7 massacre and Israel's ensuing military response in Gaza initially egregiously erred with the claim that Hamas "militants" shot at "Jewish settlers."The terrorists slaughtered the residents of the communities of southern Israel - Nahal Oz, Beeri, Kfar Aza, Sderot, Ofakim, Nir Oz; young people dancing at a musical festival; foreign workers employed in the local communities. All of those areas are well within Israel's internationally-recognized lines, and it's completely wrong to call their residents "settlers." Furthermore, it's wrong to refer to terrorists who butchered, raped, mutilated, and burned hundreds of innocent civilians as "militants."Following contact from CAMERA, ABC corrected the sentence to read, "Armed Hamas terrorists, many on motorcycles, storm blockaded areas, shooting at and slaughtering people in kibbutzim and small towns." Read more

 With Falsehoods and Bias, NY TimesReporter Slurs Israel as Akin to Assad 
The New York Times's Raja Abdulrahim has a long history of anti-Israel bias, but she outdid herself when posting on X the claim that Israel's "military tactics" are akin to those of the Syrian regime. Syria's crackdown during that country's civil war is widely understood to have included atrocities like systematic use of chemical weapons on civilians. Abdulrahim's post violates the Times's social media guidelines, but more importantly, it misinforms readers. Her absurd analogy is backed by lies and bias. Get the full story from CAMERA's Gilead Ini. Read more
 CNN Launders Hamas Propaganda 
Many people are justifiably skeptical of claims originating from Hamas, the genocidal terrorist group that last month committed the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. So what's CNN to do about Hamas-reported deaths in Gaza from the war triggered by Hamas's massacre? Launder those claims through the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.Since October 31, CNN has tried to shore up Hamas casualty claims with the phrase "according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, drawing from sources in the Hamas-controlled territory" or something like that at least 35 times. Those "sources" is in fact one source: Hamas itself.CNN must come clean and stop laundering Hamas's claims. It should also be upfront with audiences that a major part of Hamas's war strategy is hiding behind civilians in order to claim as many civilian deaths as possible. Read more
 AP Freelancer Celebrates 10/7 Massacre, Despite CAMERA's 5-Year Advance Warning of Extremism to AP Editors 
Five years ago, CAMERA presented evidence to the Associated Press that it was relying on the photojournalism of someone who "openly identifies with Hamas’ political platform and is a rabid anti-Semite who praises terrorists and expresses joy over the murder of innocent and unarmed Israelis." That someone was Hassan Eslayeh, a freelancer who has worked for Hamas-linked Quds TV. Eslayeh has continued to serve as a regular contributor to major international news outlets, including AP and CNN. AP failed to disclose his Hamas affiliation, even as it cited him as supposed independent verification of a dubious Hamas claim that Israel was responsible for the death of four-year-old Ahmed Abu Abed, reportedly fatally injured at a Gaza border clash.CAMERA's warning fell on deaf ears. Western media again used Eslayeh as a source during the October 7 massacre. That very day on X (formerly known as Twitter), he celebrated the carnage against innocent Israelis.That news agencies continued to rely on a Hamas operative for their information, despite CAMERA's clear warning that he is an extremist who cannot be treated as an impartial source, should be a wake-up call to both the media industry and the news consumers who count on it. Read more
 Guardian Erases Antisemitism andExtremism From London Hate March 
On a weekly basis since October 7, the most lethal antisemitic attack since the Holocaust, pro-Palestinian (read: anti-Israel) demonstrations have been held in London which have failed to condemn Hamas's massacre or call for the release of the more than 200 innocent hostages held by the terrorist group. The marches have in fact included many chants, banners, and other actions indicating support for the mass murder of Jews. But British media outlets including Channel 4, the Independent, and especially the Guardian seem determined to frame the demonstrations as "peaceful" regardless of the facts on the ground. Notably, the Telegraph stood out in reporting extensively on the antisemitic hate on display at Saturday's march which coincided with Armistice Day, including an official editorial entitled "A day of chaos that shamed Britain." Read more
 CAMERA Now Featured in the Jewish Voice 
The Jewish Voice is now featuring CAMERA columns on media criticism. If you're in the New York City, Tri-State area, don't miss out – grab your copy today and delve into CAMERA’s thought-provoking analysis of the media landscape. Stay informed, stay sharp, and be a part of the conversation with The Jewish Voice. Read more
 Taking a Stand: A Compilation of Letters toAmerican Universities on Anti-Israel Bias 

After the Jewish people suffered their darkest day since the Shoah, rather than straightforwardly condemning the horrifying attacks committed by Palestinian terrorists, many universities, faculty members, and students either openly glorified and justified the atrocities or made obscene equivalences between the Jewish state and the genocidal terrorist organization, Hamas.But others fought back. University leaders, faculty members, students, business leaders, and politicians, took a stand at a crucial time against those institutions that are equivocating, or worse, in the face of hatred and terrorism. They serve as examples, and hopefully inspiration, for others to speak up and do what is right. Read more

 Glorifying Atrocities: The Case of Brown University 
"After the Holocaust, many bought into the idea that the best way to prevent the reoccurrence of similar horrors was through education. If the world knows what happened, the thinking went, it’ll never allow such atrocities to repeat. But after the 10/7 Massacre in Israel, we’re seeing a much darker reality about education’s role in shaping society’s attitudes toward atrocities." - CAMERA's David Litman in Fathom Journal Read more
 Operational Briefing: Hamas-Israel War 
Thanks to all who joined us for this comprehensive update on the situation in Gaza, featuring IDF Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. Watch now
 Christians & Jews United AgainstAntisemitism: A Groundbreaking EventThursday, November 30 at 7pmNaples, FL 
CAMERA's Partnership of Christians & Jews and the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples invite you to join us as we bring Christians and Jews together to be informed, united and activated for the ongoing battle against rising antisemitism.Tickets are free, but reservations are required. Register now
 CAMERA UK Co-Editor Talks Media Bias 
CAMERA UK's Adam Levick joined Rolene Marks on Modiin - And Beyond to explain the importance of CAMERA's fight for accuracy, balance, and truth in media coverage concerning Israel.Now more than ever, we need your support. Thank you for joining us in this fight. Watch now
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