Sunday, October 1, 2017

Schwilk Reports: Congressman Demands Full Pardon for Border Agents

Thank you, Duncan Hunter!   It is long past time to right this wrong that occurred 11 years ago under the open border Bush Regime. 

I have personally met Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean and they are great American Patriots who were just trying to keep us all safe under a hostile Bush Administration that wanted to keep our southern border wide open to and for all his amigos south of the border, namely Mexican Presidente Vicente Fox.  The vicious prosecution and persecution by George Bush hack Johnny Sutton, U.S. Attorney assigned to the case, was a national disgrace and fueled a huge backlash which finally resulted in Bush commuting parts of their sentences, but only after they had spent much time in prison and even enduring beatings from Mexican gang members there.

We all need to push President Trump grant these Pardons to Ramos and Compean and do it soon!

Attached is a photo I took of Duncan Hunter with the Ramos family at our large Patriot Picnic on Independence Day 2008 in Boulevard, CA near the border.  Nacho was still in prison at the time. 

 The following year Nacho had just been released from prison and attended our 2nd Annual Patriot Fest on Independence day 2009 along with his beautiful family.  That was a patriot celebration that we will never forget!  Congressman Tom Tancredo and many other border and law enforcement dignitaries attended that event along with hundreds of patriots and border watchers from all over SoCal that welcomed Nacho back to freedom.  Many tears were shed that day…

Rep. Duncan Hunter has asked President Donald Trump to pardon two former border patrol agents who were convicted in the shooting an unarmed marijuana smuggler as he tried to run from Texas and into Mexico, a case that fanned an international debate about security at the border.

“In the course of a struggle, and in what appeared to be the suspect brandishing a weapon, these agents fired their guns and hit him in the backside as he escaped back into Mexico,” Hunter, R-Alpine said in a statement.

“Rather than reward these agents for their $1 million seizure, a U.S. Attorney offered the drug smuggler immunity in exchange for testimony to prosecute and convict them.”

Isn't that outrageous? Since when did we prosecute police officers and border patrol agents for doing their jobs?

This is wrong! Please contact Duncan Hunter's office and thank him for stepping up to push for a full pardon for those two border control agents!

2429 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5672
Fax: (202) 225-0235
Hours: M-F 9am-6pm EST

1 comment:

  1. As the old cliche goes, two wrongs don't make a right.

    If these were South of the Border Police (border patrol), what do you think would have happened to them if a US citizen had been shot fleeing the scene and potentially armed?

    Very likely nothing other than perhaps a protest or two. But in the end, I manage nothing would have happened to any federales. It would have been a news story for a day or two and then subside/forgotten.

    This to me seems like it was a politically correct "PC" motivated conviction more so than determining justice. Poor innocent Mexican national drug smuggler fleeing border patrol who was shot. Bad guy wins.
