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Team -- In just seven days, New Jerseyans will decide who will be our next Governor, and the choice could not be more clear. Phil Murphy is an out-of-touch Goldman Sachs millionaire turned politician, who has promised to raise our taxes by billions and put our families in danger by making New Jersey a sanctuary state. If Phil Murphy's unsafe and unaffordable plans have you worried about the future of our state, the time to act is now. Every dollar contributed right now will go directly towards getting our supporters to the polls. This is the most critical phase of our campaign so far, and we need your help now more than ever. The future of New Jersey will be determined in just one week, and we can't afford to risk it on Phil Murphy's irresponsible tax hikes and dangerous plan to make New Jersey a sanctuary state. Chip in now to help us get out the vote for Kim, and help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends! Dave Huguenel Campaign Manager |
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Phil Murphy for New Jersey: Unsafe + Unaffordable
PragerU is Fighting Back: Lawsuit Filed Against YouTube, Google

We Are Suing YouTube for Censoring Our Videos
Dear Freedom Lover,
In case you haven’t heard of us, PragerU is a conservative educational non-profit that reaches millions of young people on the internet every day. PragerU was founded by nationally-syndicated radio host and bestselling author Dennis Prager. I’m writing to you because on Monday, Oct. 23, PragerU filed a lawsuit against video giant YouTube for its systematic censorship of our videos.

YouTube has chosen repeatedly to restrict and/or demonetize 50 PragerU videos for violating their “Community Guidelines.” Those guidelines are meant to protect users against viewing sexual content, violent or graphic content, and hate speech.
If you’ve seen any PragerU videos, you know as well as I do that they contain nothing even remotely close to any of these categories.
YouTube has restricted videos on topics ranging from the Ten Commandments to the history of the Korean War to free speech on college campuses. Some of the restricted titles include:
The Ten Commandments: Do Not Murder, presented by Dennis Prager
Why Did America Fight the Korean War? Presented by scholar Victor Davis Hanson
Israel’s Legal Founding, presented by scholar and author Alan Dershowitz
Is Islam a Religion of Peace, presented by author Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Why America Must Lead, presented by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark’s former Prime Minister
Why America Invaded Iraq presented by noted historian, Andrew Roberts
Why Did America Fight the Korean War? Presented by scholar Victor Davis Hanson
Israel’s Legal Founding, presented by scholar and author Alan Dershowitz
Is Islam a Religion of Peace, presented by author Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Why America Must Lead, presented by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark’s former Prime Minister
Why America Invaded Iraq presented by noted historian, Andrew Roberts
Not exactly “sexual content, violent or graphic content, and hate speech.”
More than a year ago, when we discovered what YouTube was up to, we filed a complaint with them, hoping that this was some kind of innocent mistake.
That’s when we were told by YouTube that after reviewing our videos they determined that our videos were indeed “not appropriate for a younger audience.” Of course, we have this in writing.
Think about the millions of actually inappropriate videos on YouTube and then ask yourself, “Why are PragerU’s educational videos restricted?”
The answer is rather obvious, isn’t it? YouTube has restricted PragerU videos for only one reason: Ideological discrimination.
Of course, YouTube is owned by Google, which was founded to, ironically, “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
YouTube has made some of our most important videos inaccessible to the very audience PragerU seeks to reach: young people.
Let me be clear: they don’t like what we teach and so they intend to stop us from teaching it. This kind of censorship is what we have seen on college campuses for years. But it is far more dangerous in this circumstance because the internet is where the world goes to get informed.
Can you imagine if the left owned the internet the way they own our universities?
Can you imagine what the world would look like if Google is allowed to continue to arbitrarily censor ideas they simply don’t agree with?
Well, this is why PragerU filed suit against YouTube and Google. We are not fighting this only for PragerU—we are taking this on for America and for freedom of speech in general.
Fighting back against Google was not an easy decision for PragerU.
Over the summer, former Governor of California Pete Wilson — who has been a longtime supporter of PragerU — approached us and said: “We have to sue them. Google is hubris.”
Those words weighed heavily on our entire team as we considered our options.
We of course knew that a fight with Google would be hugely difficult and costly, and we hated the idea of deploying energy and resources away from producing more content and reaching new audiences. We simply couldn’t do that.
So, before taking any such action, we decided to try one final diplomatic approach. On the one-year anniversary of Google blocking our content—or the “BANniversary” as we had come to call it—we renewed our complaints to YouTube and re-circulated an online petition urging Google to change course. Many articles have been written and many people, including many very prominent and influential people, rallied in support of our cause. To date, over 300,000 people have added their names to our petition.
What was the result of our efforts?
Nothing. YouTube ignored us. In fact, they have since restricted 11 more PragerU videos.
With our hands tied, we knew Governor Wilson was right—Google’s hubris had to be challenged.
So, we have built an all-star legal team, including Governor Wilson’s Law Firm, Eric George, Alan Dershowitz, Barak Lurie, Kelly Shackelford, Mat Staver, and more.
It’s an impressive group, because this is an important case; not only for PragerU, but for the fundamental American right to freedom of speech.
But this is not going to be easy and it isn’t going to be cheap.
Despite the fact that our amazing attorneys have agreed to reasonably cap their legal fees, there will be additional personnel, research, marketing and public relations costs to PragerU.
This case will be tried in the court of public opinion as much as in the courtroom, and we intend to win on both fronts.
However, PragerU cannot deplete its operating budget to fight this case. Thanks to our thousands of generous supporters, PragerU has reached more than 1-out-of-4 Americans on the internet. Sixty-three percent of them are under 34. We plan to continue to focus on this growth and reach 3 out of 4 Americans. We can’t let up now.
We are fully committed to the lawsuit but we won’t let Google slow down PragerU growth.
This is why PragerU’s board of directors and many staff members have donated—in addition to our annual gift—to our “YouTube Action Fund.”
Now, here is how you can help:
- Please go to our website and sign the petition against YouTube censorship. It already has over 300,000 signatures; please add yours if you haven’t done so already, and ask 10 of your friends to do the same.
- More importantly, please contribute to our action fund if you can. Our initial goal for the legal fund is $1 million, and we think we can reach that goal with your help.
If you think this fight is important please support us in whatever way you can.
It seems like a lot to ask…until you consider how much we have to lose.
Perhaps Goliath could teach Google a little bit about where hubris leads ... when a David comes slinging.
Thank you, and God bless you.
Dennis Prager
Founder, PragerU
Founder, PragerU
Marissa Streit
CEO, PragerU
CEO, PragerU

Happy Halloween: Triggered Anti-Trumper Gets Owned!
Can I just eat in peace?
I was at the local fast-food joint, and this guy comes up to me.
He sees my hat and my shirt--"If this is your country [USA], then Trump is your President!"
He started getting a little triggered, then said to me:
"Is he going to still be your president when he is impeached?"
Funny! He wanted to start something, and I finished it.
I had him right away.
"Why is he going to be impeached?"
He then went off on the collusion bit with Russia.
I really let him have it when I said: "Be an adult. Tell me why President Trump is going to be impeached."
He had nothing.
This guy was so disruptive, that two people at the table near me ended up leaving.
At the end, I took out my camera to record him, and he got really nervous, then turned away from me.
He couldn't handle a well-informed Trump supporter, and that's part of the reason why I do what I do--to ensure that more people are well-informed to take on liberals, leftists, and SJWs who are more interested in harassment than hearing others.
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 30, 2017
5 Reasons America Will Be More Conservative, via Daniel Lang
I recently discovered an article by author Daniel Lang, an incredible piece brimming with optimism for us conservatives. This quote in his article sums up his argument: “I think that the political landscape in America is going to be drifting towards conservatism for the next 20-40 years.”
Do his hopes for an American conservative ascendancy seem ideal or quixotic?
Here are his five reasons for his beliefs, and I agree with him. If all things continue as they have for the last ten months, we should to prepare for a compelling conservative pre-eminence:
- The Federal judiciary will be more conservative
The Number One argument from Trump supporters to convince dubious fellow conservatives to vote for Trump was the United State Supreme Court. Scalia’s death had placed the court in a precarious 4-4 split between liberals and conservatives. Hillary Clinton’s appointees would have reduced the United States Constitution to a parchment of suggestions.
Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to replace Antonin Scalia have confirmed that will reshape SCOTUS with a clear and convincing constitutionalist temperament. Trump’s long list of potential judicial nominees, along with toughened resolve in the US Senate to confirm judges despite politicized filibusters, all but assure a federal judiciary that will preserve and protect conservative ideals.
- Mass immigration (including illegal immigration) will decline
Immigrant populations tend to vote Democratic. They want government largesse, or they find more appeal from the political party playing identity politics. Political assimilation takes time, too, just like cultural assimilation. Now that immigration is declining due to enforcement and robust international economic growth, the large immigrant communities in the United States will settle down, assimilate, develop prosperous careers, lasting legacies, and commit to limited governance and self-rule.
This trend will hurt the Democratic Party in particularly and liberalism general, as they have doubled down on seeking amnesty for illegals and raising immigration levels. Now all of that is going away.
- The next generation of voters is already conservative
Post-Millennials, or Generation Z have lived through the hard times of 9-11 and the housing crises during their formative years. They experienced the devastating policies of the Obama Administration. Secular progressive puritans in the press and in education have shoved anti-American arrogance down the throats of this younger generations. Now, they are rebelling against liberalism. They are also enjoying the opportunities of a more open, entrepreneurial economy and society, brought by conservative policies. Recent discoveries in biological sciences have made them staunchly pro-life, too.
- Liberals are not reproducing
The sexual resolution of abject liberals and progressive leftists has ended up decimating their numbers. Christians, populists, and nationalists believe in natural marriage, biological recognition of gender, and the sanctity of life. They will continue to have children, and they will replace the liberal cohorts which are dying out of their own free, misguided will. One clear proof of this is Germany, where childless Angela Merkel’s Party had the worst showing since 1948, while the Alternative for Germany enjoyed an immense surge in numbers. Frauke Petry, their party’s leader, is a social conservative with five children.
- Academia is going down, and with it left-wing indoctrination
Young college graduates realize that they got sold a bill of goods, with nothing to show for it but grievance and debt. All that useless theory and fantasy shoved down their throats, with the tens of thousands of dollars attached as a price tag, has woken then out of the dogmatic slumbers of subtle socialism.
Colleges are also on the brink of their own “housing" crisis. The excessive costs of a college education are turning off prospective students. Fewer kids will enroll, and the universities will have to lower costs while grappling with their overleveraged assets, including non-essential programs. This economic bubble burst in the next five years. Universities will have to shutter down operations, or shut down completely. Students will go straight into the workforce rather than take on massive debt for a worthless diploma. Nothing ensures a conservative populace than facing, embracing, and overcoming the vagaries of the real world.
Final Reflection
Daniel Lang’s analysis was thorough and engaging. Are his hopes too bullish to believe? I disagree. He provided examples which have been consistent enough to justify political and cultural projections in our favor, based on facts and discernible trends, rather than political bonhomie.
With all things considered, including a consistently conservative Trump administration and effective Congress in terms of political appointments and policy, America will not only become more conservative, but witness a dominance of center-right political victories.
Travis Allen: Save Prop 13!
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Friend, Prop 13 is in trouble -- and I need your help to save it! My liberal opponent Antonio Villaraigosa was recently caught saying "Prop. 13 is broken" and he wants to "fix" it. I need to beat Villaraigosa in the Primary and make it to the November runoff in order to stop Democrats from eliminating this taxpayer protection and raising your taxes even more. Will you chip in $25 or more right now to help me save Prop. 13? SAVE PROP 13 Fighting for taxpayers has been among my very top priorities since I was first elected to the State Assembly. And now, for the 5th straight year, I have received an "A" rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association -- this year with a perfect score of 100%. I am the only candidate for Governor of California to receive a "A" rating from the HJTA, and the only one who will fight to lower your taxes. But I need your help now if we're going to win this fight. Just this year alone, Democrats have proposed nearly $375 billion in new taxes, including the $52 billion gas tax. And now they want to take away Prop. 13! SAVE PROP 13 I need your help to save Prop. 13 and roll back the billions in tax increases the Democrats have forced on us. Send a strong message to Democrats now that you won't allow them to tax you into poverty! Stand with me and chip in $25, $50, $100 or even more to help me save Prop. 13 and stop the Democrats from raising your taxes. Thank you for your support! Sincerely, Assemblyman Travis Allen SAVE PROP 13 |
We the People Rising: Monterey County GOP Club
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Arthur Schaper Misses Activism Events Because He Needs a Car--Help Him Out!
This is a great video put together by Gary Grindall61 Galino.
He shares with the public all about the work that I have been doing to fight against Big Government along with the various, perverse anti-American forces attacking our liberties and undermining our country.
I also appreciate how he blasts the manifold critics who shame people like me who spend our time as journalists, activists, and organizers for Constitution and country.
Thanks, Gary!
Indeed, I am without a car at this time. I need your help to raise funds to get a new vehicle.
Please donate!
My PayPal account is: arthurschaper@hotmail.com
My GoFundMe account to raise funds for a new car is here.
Or click below:
Thank you again!
Major Fail: DACA Brats Now Taking a Knee for DREAM Act
Wow, the regressive Left in this country is doubling down on stupid.
First, the illegal alien kids overrun a press conference.
Then they badger the House Minority Leader for a clean DREAM Act during a CNN town hall. She lies to them that she will get a bill passed.
Now the United We Dream coalition is taking a knee against the American Flag, along with the arrogant, spoiled football players?
Have they learned nothing in the last two months?
They are losing the media war, and the American public is no longer going to be bullied by these hateful, shameful, anti-American tactics.
Oh, and notice once again their tone-deaf appeal to white supremacy, even though they are the loudest, most arrogant racists in the public square.
This insanity pretty much ensures that Americans will rise up and demand that their rights and dignity as Americans be respected. These agitators are in for a rude awakening, to put it mildly!

First, the illegal alien kids overrun a press conference.
Then they badger the House Minority Leader for a clean DREAM Act during a CNN town hall. She lies to them that she will get a bill passed.
Now the United We Dream coalition is taking a knee against the American Flag, along with the arrogant, spoiled football players?
Have they learned nothing in the last two months?
They are losing the media war, and the American public is no longer going to be bullied by these hateful, shameful, anti-American tactics.
Oh, and notice once again their tone-deaf appeal to white supremacy, even though they are the loudest, most arrogant racists in the public square.
This insanity pretty much ensures that Americans will rise up and demand that their rights and dignity as Americans be respected. These agitators are in for a rude awakening, to put it mildly!

Our courage to speak truth to power has fueled our movement, bringing undocumented immigrants out from the shadows and into the streets to reclaim our humanity, winning countless victories for our community. Now, despite it being our First Amendment right, white supremacists continuously seek to stop Black and brown communities, and anyone who disagrees with their racist views, from exercising their constitutional right to free speech.
NFL owners and the league itself are suppressing their players right to free speech. It's unacceptable. Will you join our action today, together with other allied progressive organizations, calling on the NFL and its owners to support their players' right to free speech?
As immigrants, our bodies, and very existence have become criminalized. From the harsh imprisonment of detention centers, “randomly selected” for screenings at airports, homes raided by ICE to being handcuffed in front of our children -- we too feel the injustice of this country. That’s why we kneel unapologetically, with those who kneel to protest police brutality and the deep structural and institutional racism that fuels it.
Remember, Arthur, we have nothing to lose but our chains,
Adrian and the rest of the team at United We Dream
Hollyweird Spacey-ing Out: "House of Cards" Collapses
That was fast!
First, Anthony Rapp comes forward about Kevin Spacey's sexual assault against him when he was only 14--and Spacey 26!
Then Spacey tries to space himself away apologizing for behavior he had committed when he was drunk, although he said that he was drunk at the time, so how would he know about it?
Then the outrage across social media went viral.
Check out how some of the media elitists tried to handle this:
Can you imagine a Hollywood elitist who tries to give himself a pass for sexual assault against a minor by playing the "I am gay" card?
Now, guess what?
The award-winning House of Cards program on Netflix has been cancelled:
Justice is finally overtaking Tinseltown.
For decades, the regressive Left has been selling us anti-American messages, telling us to feel bad about ourselves because we were all hardworking Americans, or that we lived in the greatest country in the world.
Media elites, star athletes all believed that they had every right to shame us and belittle us, then make us pay for the privilege of letting them talk down to us.
Now they pay the price!
That was fast!
First, Anthony Rapp comes forward about Kevin Spacey's sexual assault against him when he was only 14--and Spacey 26!
I came forward with my story, standing on the shoulders of the many courageous women and men who have been speaking out 1/3— Anthony Rapp (@albinokid) October 30, 2017
Then Spacey tries to space himself away apologizing for behavior he had committed when he was drunk, although he said that he was drunk at the time, so how would he know about it?
— Kevin Spacey (@KevinSpacey) October 30, 2017
Then the outrage across social media went viral.
Check out how some of the media elitists tried to handle this:
If true, acting on impulse while inebriated speaks to over-indulgence, not predatory behavior. You're good & decent, deserving forgiveness.— Kim Richards (@kimrichardsaa) October 30, 2017
Can you imagine a Hollywood elitist who tries to give himself a pass for sexual assault against a minor by playing the "I am gay" card?
Now, guess what?
The award-winning House of Cards program on Netflix has been cancelled:
Here is the full statement from Netflix:#BREAKING: @netflix cancels @HouseofCards after upcoming season following allegations against @KevinSpacey— Kris Cruz (@realKrisCruz) October 30, 2017
Netflix Cancels ‘House Of Card, “Deeply Troubled” Over Kevin Spacey Sexual Advances Claims. https://t.co/enOXXkdANo pic.twitter.com/3xuKXOlk9h— Kris Cruz (@realKrisCruz) October 30, 2017
Justice is finally overtaking Tinseltown.
For decades, the regressive Left has been selling us anti-American messages, telling us to feel bad about ourselves because we were all hardworking Americans, or that we lived in the greatest country in the world.
Media elites, star athletes all believed that they had every right to shame us and belittle us, then make us pay for the privilege of letting them talk down to us.
Now they pay the price!
Good-Bye, My Buick Century
Saturday, October 21, 2017, was the last day that I drove my Buick Century as my own car.
The engine was stalling on me, the thermostat was going off the charts. The gasket was blown, and the transmission was finally on its last leg.
The cost to repair the vehicle, at least $5000, was too great to put into a car which had already been through so much.
I had to face the facts: it was time to let my Buick Century go.
Goodbye Buick Century. This car was literally a gift from God. I was really in a tight pinch. I needed to get a car. I got my first job. But I needed a good ride.
The engine was stalling on me, the thermostat was going off the charts. The gasket was blown, and the transmission was finally on its last leg.
The cost to repair the vehicle, at least $5000, was too great to put into a car which had already been through so much.
I had to face the facts: it was time to let my Buick Century go.
Goodbye Buick Century. This car was literally a gift from God. I was really in a tight pinch. I needed to get a car. I got my first job. But I needed a good ride.
The year 2006 was a rough time for me. So many changes, so many transitions in so little time. I had just received my credential in February. Then I was starting to substitute teach.
I then got hired at South East High School in April--barely two months after the credential. I had to get a car and then an apartment so that I could take off into the world. The car part was difficult. I had to deal with my mother, who was full of her usual fears. I had run into so many challenges.
When she was finally out of the picture, I walked down Pacific Coast Highway in Lomita, and I ended up at A+ Auto. The car dealership is no longer there, but at that time, I found that Buick Century. Year 2000, it had only 39,000 miles on it!
The sale price? $7,900! The final price was about $9,000 with taxes, fees, etc.
A real find!
This car had seen me through everything, and it was roomy to boot.
I drove it to San Bernardino, San Francisco, as well as all over the South Bay. What a treasure it was for me. I even paid it off ahead of schedule.
So sorry that I have to let it go. But I know a new car a better car is waiting for me.
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RIP Buick Century
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If there's anything you can contribute to help , please feel free to
donate to my PayPal account Arthurschaper@hotmail.com
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Bye-Bye, Buick Century |
Melissa Chen: Enlightenment Values Are Racist?
This is the insanity taking over the university.
First, the mischaracterizing of Western Civilization and thought as just "White."
Then to play "white people" as racist.
The syllogism ends with "Western Civilization is racist."
So now college students believe that freedom of speech is racist. They will start to believe that individual liberty is racist.
Where does this nonsense stop?
When we taxpayers stop subsidizing these cultural terrorist organizations.
Check out Melissa Chen's dire warnings about classical liberalism, liberal democracy, and the threats posed against them.
Dershowitz: Manafort Indictment is About Leverage
Alan Dershowitz outlines the truth about the Manafort indictment.
This is cover for Robert Mueller, who has found nothing on President Trump.
But he's about to find something about John Podesta, no doubt, along with Crooked Hillary, Creepy Bill, and the rest of the Clinton Clan.
This is cover for Robert Mueller, who has found nothing on President Trump.
But he's about to find something about John Podesta, no doubt, along with Crooked Hillary, Creepy Bill, and the rest of the Clinton Clan.
Conservative GOP Peter Kuo for CA Insurance Commissioner
I support Peter Kuo for Insurance Commissioner.
He is the one and only Republican in the race against Ricardo Lara, an openly gay, open-borders, socialist bigot who wants to force us all into socialized medicine and certain death.
Please support Peter for state insurance commissioner!
He is the one and only Republican in the race against Ricardo Lara, an openly gay, open-borders, socialist bigot who wants to force us all into socialized medicine and certain death.
Please support Peter for state insurance commissioner!
Winning! Major VA Newspapers Endorse Gillespie
This latest eblast from the Gillespie Campaign could not make it clearer.
The Virginia Commonwealth does not want Obama-nomics.
They don't want the rampant, repeated failures of Virginia Democrats like Ralph Northam.
They want to make Virginia Great Again, and they want Gillespie!
Guess what? So do I!
The Virginia Commonwealth does not want Obama-nomics.
They don't want the rampant, repeated failures of Virginia Democrats like Ralph Northam.
They want to make Virginia Great Again, and they want Gillespie!
Guess what? So do I!
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Trick, Not Treat: Vermont Democrats Want Cap and Trade
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