Monday, November 19, 2012

Fewer Postmen, Late Mailing

Unlike in Santa Monica and Venice, where the New Deal era Post Offices have closed down and face either demolition or dilapidation, the Redondo Beach Post Office workers and mail routes are suffering a different problem: too much mail and not enough manpower.

"Neither snow nor sleet" now must include "late hours and darkness," two growing concerns weighing on Beach City letter carriers. First political mail, and now holiday mail, including packages for the high holidays, have more employees wishing for one thing in the coming season: a shorter route with better conditions.

Redondo Beach postal workers now have to fend off dogs and abusive supervisors, and the Postal workers' union has done little beyond comment and complain. Instead of hiring temporary relief staff, the United States Postal Service has taken on route supervisors to increase production and  decrease inefficiencies. When will the supervisors pick up a mail bag and help these harassed federal employees?

Perhaps the postmen should reconsider ringing twice, demand respect once more, or walk off their jobs entirely. Inclement weather is one thing; incompetent sorting services and inconsiderate management are more than any employee should have to suffer.

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