Friday, November 16, 2012

Bill Clinton on Honesty

"If a president of the United States ever lies to the American people, he should resign."

Jennifer Evans of The Beach Reporter chose this quote to represent our 42nd President, Bill Clinton.

Not that he had an affair with a White House intern, but that he lied about it under oath to a grand jury: for this reason the House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton.

How many lies has President Obama told the American people?

That there would be less unemployment now than at the beginning of his first term in office.

That our troops would be out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The armed forces has remained, with a remnant, in Iraq, and our troops are still fighting a fool's errand in Central Asia. When will we bring our troops home?

President Obama offered to usher in a post-partisan era. This country has never been divided along such partisan and arbitrary parameters. Following billions of dollars spent, the country is more sharply divided than ever, and unlike George W. Bush from 2004, Obama has not mandate nor political capital to play with in the US Capitol.

President Obama has not kept any promises, yet the lingering hurt from the "Naughts" has not left us, and Romney was not a hardy alternative to the hard eight years of welfare-warfare the seething Democrats and limited government advocates had to sit through.

Bill Clinton was dishonest in his personal life, but he cut taxes and spending, and the budget deficits were negligible compared to the Bush Presidency.

Barack Obama has been dishonest about his domestic policies, which are progressive "in name only".

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