Saturday, October 12, 2024

Democrats Worrying about California?

Adam Schiff just sent out a fundraising email that headlined "Republicans are bullish about California."

California Will Determine the House's Balance of Power

Then there's this report from ABC news.

There are a couple of trends that this article is not referencing. 

Latino voters are moving to the right. That is a fact. 

Public safety issues are playing such a large role, that Democrats who were registered as such for a long time are now switching their registration just out of sheer frustration with the rising crime. Democrats are lining up behind Republican-turned-Independent Nathan Hochman in order to oust pro-criminal LA County District Attorney George Gascon.

A friend of mine, his wife was a poll worker in the primary this year. She noticed that a lot of black voters were requesting to change their registration to Republican. This polling station was located in Downtown Los Angeles, one of the most Democratic sections of one of the most Democratic counties in the most Democratic state in the union.

On another front, the black reparations activists are so angry, because the state legislature killed most of the reparations legislation this year. A number of them said they were going to sit out the election and harm Harris' chances. Black progressive activists are so angry at the state Democratic Party, that they are willing to throw an election or two to help Republicans this one time ... or are they?

I guess there is something going on in the state that I wasn't aware of!

Regardless of the troubling internal numbers or external activism efforts of the California Republican Party (including the fact that Republican registration has increased ever so slightly compared to Democratic registration), Democrats are worried about California, and they are particularly concerned about not flipping a number of (what they perceive as) winnable Congressional seats.

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