Friday, August 27, 2021

The Right as Structured in Modern Times is Inevitably Controlled Opposition

When did the political provides of left and right emerge in our modern political discourse?

It happened during the French Revolution. What happened was a mighty populist uprising of angry farmers and disgruntled middle income merchants who were tired of being pushed out of the well being and healthy wishes that every human being women being enjoys.

The driving force was the push to liberalize, to remove the long, centuries-old trappings of tradition, all wrapped also in borders language and culture. The desire to change things in any society will inevitably sponsor a backlash. The right has always been been viewed as the backlash, or the response to slow or deliberately stalliberately stall the changes that a political mood is political movement Has always wanted.

It's inevitable that the political right will become controlled opposition, if we insist on staying stuck within this paradigm of political jockeying of power that emerged during the French revolution. The Left wants to change things, and the Right is committed to keeping things the way they are.

In contrast, the United States paradigm was based on the proper scope of the state and a commitment on how to ensure that the natural rights of all would be protected. It was not about changing everything, but it was about ensuring that the promises and the policies laid down in the long tradition of God-centered Judeo-Christian liberty, that these values would be protected and realized for all.

American politics has turned into the slow, desiccated, degraded modern-day grudge match of the French Revolution, and is now turned into a more sophisticated version of the World Wrestling Dederation. Republicans are now pretty much destined to lose, and all they want to do is just slow things down, because that's what conservatism has been viewed as.

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