Friday, November 24, 2017

More Running: Cudahy (Illegally) Cancels Three City Council Meetings in a Row

Now this is really disturbing. The city of Cudahy is basically run by little children in adult bodies. They claimed to have run on a platform of Reform, but they are the same corruption wrapped and younger bodies, they are old wine in new wineskins, and it looks like they are bursting forth. They have spilled out whatever political capital they claimed to have accrued for themselves.

Cudahy City Council: Brown Supremacists
The vendors in the political machines all over the South East Los Angeles region have put their hands on Cudahy. They are pushing around the city council members, and making them do whatever they want them to do. But now they facing at a problem. For the past two years, we the people rising have demanded that the city send the sanctuary City policy was enacted in 2015. Since January 2016, we the people rising and other citizen activists have attended the City Council meetings arraigned the elected officials, and it put more pressure.

Open-border bigots, illegal alien panderers, and brown supremacist zealots have now become another staple attending the meetings. They have shown up with masks on their faces, they have harassed individual citizens, and they have ushered in with them aggressive destructive left-wing agendas. The conflicts have gotten worse since February 2017. The city council chambers was filled with angry bigots and hostile forces against conservatives, Republicans, and especially president Donald Trump. They were targeting city councilman Jack Guerrero, the only elected Republican and the five major South East LA City cities in the county.

The left-wing elements were unsuccessful at removing Jack Guerrero. Pro-American Pro law enforcement activists have continued to attend the meetings. The conflict reached a fevered pitch in mid-april, when violence broke out and individual Trump supporters were attacked by the brown Supremacy bigots. A large assembly with in the city council chambers then Spilled Out into the park, conflicts and articulate issues occurred. Eventually the supervising sheriff called for backup 20 other police officers, sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene and a helicopter swooped over the city hall and announced that it was an unlawful assembly and everyone needed to disperse.

Since that time, Cudahy has relied on a massive police presence in order to ensure safety and decorum in the city hall Chambers. The city is already depleting money. From a 10 million dollar reserve the city is down to less than $500,000. The massive costs for hosting City Council meetings has taken its toll, and now Cudahy has cancelled 3 City Council meetings in a row. There was not one city council meeting scheduled for the month of November, and that is a violation of state law.

The city council has raised the parking and license fees, as well as the punishment for bad parking and has band overnight parking on the streets, especially for a working-class community where many people live in homes or share one home and are struggling to find adequate parking. They have given out large bonuses and raises to city workers at the expense of the employees. Employees by and large are now getting overtime every day because they work 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, and the City Hall is closed on Fridays. The cities going bankrupt, the city council has cave to and granted major handouts to private vendors at the expense of the citizens. They even enacted massively unpopular marijuana ordinances in a city that is 1 square mile, which will find these marijuana dispensaries within walking distance of churches schools and private homes.

It should come as no surprise that the city council does not want to confront or be confronted by the outraged citizenry. It should also come as no surprise that they have sought to cancel meetings in successive order to try to wear down the outraged voters in their city. We need as many people as possible to issue complaints to the Public Integrity division of the District Attorney's office and demand that the Cudahy city council open for a public meeting in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown act and all other public access laws and coded in the state of California registry.

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