Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Comments to Huntington Park City Council: April 5th, 2016

Good Evening Huntington Park City Council.
This past Sunday, I attend a funeral service for a wonderful man.
I never met him, but I know that he was a good, godly man, because of the children he brought into and brought up in this world.

Jose Guadalupe Amezquita (right)

Jose Guadalupe Amezquita represent everything that is honorable in this world.
When times get tough, you seek a better place for yourself and your family.
He came to this country legally.
He worked for his family, and they all thrived in incredible ways.
It was an honor to know that Valentin is respected as the only honest elected official in the greater part of this region.
So many friends and family members spoke in loving memory of Senor Jose Amezquita.
The remaining four of you seated on this council are bringing shame on your families. How do you look your fathers, your mothers in the face, knowing that you have chosen to form a league with corruption, fraud, and lawlessness?
And in a way, your wrongdoing has produced much good, in spite of the evil you intended.
I have gone on to know and revere a wonderful man—and a wonderful family.
I met Nick the Greek, and was there to help him in his time of need.
I have connected with other honest, honorable, wholesome men and women in this area.
I got to meet and work with We the People Rising.
The whole world knows and reproaches wrong that you are doing. Enforcement of the law has become a focal point again.
Freedom of speech has received due respect once again, even under your corrupt auspices.
Most importantly, I have come to see integrity and principle at work in the face of insurmountable odds.
And I was permitted to pay final respects to the father who instilled such integrity and principle in the one honest councilman sitting at the dais of this city council.
Think of the memory you would like to leave for your parents, your ancestors. Your actions need to measure up to a better standard.
Rescind the appointments of the two illegal aliens. Resign your posts. Remind every community to respect the rule of law and the citizenship of every American, including those who have recently departed.
Thank you.

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