Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Government is Too Damn BIG!!!

Rent is too damn high!

People are too damn scared!

The Government is too damn big, and we are all getting too damn tired of it!

Don't like high rent? Then despise and denounce rent control.

Don't like rising food prices? Then despise and destroy the Fed, which inflates currency far beyond its fiat value.

Don't like tax-and-spend politicians who take and take, with empty promises and hollow gestures declaring that the will end the economic crises, create jobs, and induct a new era of prosperity? Then tell them to do what you want, or throw them out!

The government is too damn BIG!!!!

The government cannot give what it does not have, and it has nothing apart from what it takes from you.

Protect my rights, defend my country's borders, then leave everything else to the state's and the people, like me!

Government is too damn big, and I am too damn tired of it, and I am not going to take it anymore!

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