Friday, October 13, 2017

Radical Muslim Hussam Ayloush Loudly Confronted at Scripps College Event (Update: Video ADDED)

UPDATE: Here is the video of the event!

Citizens Vocally Denounce Islamic Apologist from CAIR in Live Forum from Arthur Schaper on Vimeo.

On Tuesday, October 10, 2017 (Columbus Day, or should I write “Indigenous Peoples Day”?), I attended a talk at Scripps College based in Claremont, CA, one of the most liberal-leaning, SJW-oriented cities I have ever attended, besides Berkeley. The featured speaker? Hussam Ayloush, the Executive Director of Los Angeles Chapter of CAIR: The Council on American-Islamic Relations. Last month, Ayloush received the Social Justice Award at the 2017 Harry S. Trump Dinner, hosted by Democratic Party of Orange County.  

Ayloush has courted controversy, and not just because of the group he leads. He tweeted about a Russian plane crashing in Syria—that not enough Russians died on the plane! After Trump’s electoral victory, Ayloush sent out a tweet which seemed to call for the downfall of the “Trump Regime”. Very disconcerting. When I arrived, I received Mr. Ayloush’s permission to record. I even took a picture with him (See above). Click this link to see my recording of the event.

At the introduction, I learned that he was a recognized leader in the Democratic Party. I have often felt uneasy about the alliance of the progressive Democratic Party and Muslim groups. In Islamic countries, homosexuals are routinely executed, women are subjugated into second-class status, and religious minorities like Christians and Jews are persecuted or outright slaughtered, i.e. not very democratic.

It was advertised as a public event!

Ayloush argued that the United States was founded on “supremacy”. What?! Here’s a better term: exceptionalism, and that’s not a bad thing. The world is better off when American leads. Ayloush added that he has worked with Latino groups. He has also formed alliances with Japanese-American activists. The reason? 120,000 Japanese-Americans were interned during World War 11 since the (Democratic) President deemed a threat to the United States. That comparison was particularly offensive, since Japanese-Americans do not adhere to a radical political ideology masquerading as a religion.

Later in his talk, Ayloush marked that he was proud of his many ethnic heritages. I wish that he had highlighted his American heritage. His talk carried a deep veneer of elitist arrogance. He claimed that the audience was far more knowledgeable than “the public”. Really? That same attitude is part of the reason why the Democratic Party is falling apart, and why Crooked Hillary lost.

The meeting flamed into a more heated tone when one man blurted out a question: “What is CAIR’s stance on suicide bombings?” To my shock, Ayloush attacked the member of the audience and accused him of some kind of veiled, racist attack against Muslims. Not once did Ayloush personally denounce suicide-bombings. Not once! The arrogant speaker provided an insufficient answer, then mocked the audience member: “Do you not understand English?”! Wow! Then the meeting host shouted at the man: “Shut up!”

One of the students asked more of a soft-ball (scripted?) question. Ayloush discussed the rising number of hate crimes against Muslims. Immediately, a lady in the back shouted: “Most of those were hoaxes.” Indeed, there’s evidence to back up that assertion. Since someone was calling out, I added that while the press claims that Muslims are the #1 victims of hate crimes, the statistics suggest otherwise: Jews are targeted the most.

Ayloush then referred to President Trump’s initial travel ban as a “Muslim ban”. Immediately I called him out on that: “That’s a lie! It was a travel ban!” Other people in the audience erupted at him, too. It was an outrageous slander—and it was not the first time that Ayloush took subtle jabs at President Trump. He also claimed that he wanted to impose a Muslim registry, another lie.
Then I spoke. Quoting from verses in the Koran, I recounted these exhortations to slaughter non-Muslims. I also read from a passage from another sacred text Sahih Bukhari (52:177), which speaks of the very rocks crying out “Here’s a Jew. Kill him!”

He refused to answer the question regarding the verses, but made the oft-repeated argument that every verse must be read and understood in its context. The verses I cited give no impression that they were historical verses. They are religious edits, faithfully followed and executed by radical Muslims today. He then condescended to me: “I know the Bible better than you do.” WHAT?! I also listed the attacks on Jews and Christians in other countries. How can any Muslim apologist deny that these attacks are sponsored by literal readings of the Koran?

An academic in the audience attempted to cover for Ayloush. Despite the raging insults from the host, (he compared me to a toddler), the event turned into a lively, brimming shouting match. The host for the event then called security at the back. It became very clear that feel-good discussions with a Muslim apologist would not take place in uber-sheltered Scripps College. The host of the meeting brought the event to a close, all while summoning up police officers to escort Ayloush out of the building. Other members of the audience denounced his racist remarks, surrounding him in the process.

Incredible! Men and women in California attended this event, refused to allow this speaker to get away with coddling and defending Islam, nor would they allow him to get away with his anti-Trump—and may I write anti-America--rhetoric. Members of the audience also shouted at him about CAIR’s terrorist connections, but Ayloush said nothing. It was clear that the CAIR-LA Executive Director ended up getting far more than a quiet, compliant audience.

Shortly after posting my video of Ayloush’s talk, California residents (including one current Muslim) contacted me and affirmed tome about CAIR’s terrorist connections. It’s time for more debate and less peaceful discussion in the subject of Islam. When even Fareed Zakaria announce that Islam has a problem, it’s time to confront this religion and its arrogant, aloof Islamic advocates head-on, especially in the halls of hallowed, over-priced, trigger-warning academia. Just in case someone targets my video (since better angels rarely prevail with social media giants)—please download and share the video--you have my full permission.)


YouTube took down my video!

Unbelievable. I am seeking legal action at this time as to what I should do next about this issue,

Scripps College has gone fascist. They did not want the general public to see what happened at the Scripps College 

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