First ever: Idaho House of Representatives passes MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling.
During floor debate: Arguments from opponents fall flat, debunked and deflated by proponents.
A few RINOs defect, but resolution passes easily by 46-24.
Unhinged LGBT activists lose their minds. But coverage by mainstream Idaho press is surprisingly objective.
January 31, 2025

This is the first time that a state legislative body has gone on record rejecting Obergefell and demanding its reversal.
On Monday, January 27 – after some interesting floor debate – the Idaho House of Representatives easily approved its resolution opposing the Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Fifteen RINO Republicans voted with the Democrats (which happens frequently). But it still breezed through by 46-24. Last week, the resolution sailed through the introductory House committee by 13-2.
Legislators in ten states are in the process of filing similar MassResistance resolutions. Over the next few weeks, we expect them to be formally introduced in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Michigan.
Pushing back on the Supreme Court
MassResistance’s push for state legislatures across the country to pass resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling is moving forward. The ruling was a move by the activist SCOTUS Justices at the time to take away the rights of the states on that contentious issue.
The 5-4 Obergefell ruling stated that the 14th Amendment required that same-sex “marriage” be allowed by the states. The ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds, and Justice Thomas has stated that – similar to Roe v Wade – it should be revisited. Moreover, two of the Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings.”
Such resolutions are not legally binding. They simply urge the Supreme Court to revisit the Obergefell ruling. But it’s a powerful message coming from a state legislature.
The Idaho House floor debate
The Idaho House floor debate was a glimpse of what we’ll probably see when other legislatures take this on. The Left doesn’t have any legitimate arguments, so they fall back on emotion and misinformation.

The debate began with the resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Heather Scott, explaining the issues involved, emphasizing federalism and 10th Amendment guarantee of states’ rights. The ruling unconstitutionally took away power that the states had always had on the issue of marriage.

The opponents of the resolution ignored the stated reasons for it. Instead, they recycled various LGBT talking points: that the Legislature is wasting its time when more important issues are pressing; that this is deeply hurting the feelings of “married” gays; that it is unfairly taking away “LGBTQ rights; and that it will lead to a ban on interracial marriage.
The proponents jumped right in and responded to those points. They described the result of the heavy-handed approach the Supreme Court took: People’s lives have been destroyed because they disagreed with “gay marriage,” were aggressively prosecuted, fired from their jobs, or otherwise attacked. Other proponents spoke of the religious freedoms lost. One Rep listed the health, moral, and spiritual problems associated with homosexuality and the radical redefinition of marriage. They also brought up the fact that two of the SCOTUS justices should legally have recused themselves, which would have resulted in the case failing.
One opponent said that 99% of the messages that the Legislature has received were against it. (That’s not surprising, given the national outcry that the LGBT movement has raised.)

At the end, Rep. Scott spoke again and summed up everything, pro and con. At that point, all the opponents’ arguments seemed weak and simply emotional.
Mainstream press is surprisingly objective
The reports in the Idaho mainstream media were surprisingly objective and not sensational or angry. We’re not sure why, but it was interesting.
Idaho Statesman: Idaho effort against same-sex marriage heads to Senate after Republican divide emerges
CBS Ch.2 News: Idaho House passes memorial asking Supreme Court to revisit same-sex marriage ruling
Idaho Capital Sun: Idaho House calls on U.S. Supreme Court to reverse same-sex marriage ruling
Boise State Public Radio – NPR: Idaho House tells SCOTUS to reverse same-sex marriage ruling
KMVT-Ch.11: Idaho House approves memorial calling on Supreme Court to overturn gay marriage decision
Idaho Press: Idaho House approves memorial to ask Supreme Court to overturn gay marriage decision
Also: Canadian Chinese-language site: Idaho lawmakers push for Supreme Court bill to overturn same-sex marriage
LGBT activists more livid and unhinged than ever
It’s academic to say that the issue of “gay marriage” is properly in the purview of the states, not the federal government, and is not in any way dictated by the 14th Amendment. That’s certainly how it’s always been universally understood.
But the reaction by LGBT activists was so bizarre and unhinged that we plan to do a separate post on it. It was infantile. The torrents of hatred and profanity that we saw were a stark reminder that we are dealing with very troubled and emotionally dysfunctional people. But anyone who’s witnessed a “gay pride” parade or argued for removing LGBT sex books from a school library already knew that.
Here's a sample email that was sent to MassResistance. We can just imagine what the Idaho legislators have been receiving!
I wanted to let you know that you should buy a gun and stick it in your mouth and ensure the safety is off and it’s loaded, then pull the trigger.
You know the world would be a better place if you weren’t in it.
You don’t contribute anything to society and you don’t have any friends.
Fucking kill yourself you pathetic incel.
The LGBT websites were much more subdued. They basically wrapped their talking points around the various aspects of the Idaho situation.
The Advocate: Idaho Republicans' resolution to repeal marriage equality is 'foreshadowing' for the U.S.
It was even reported on a German LGBT news site. The article title is translated as: US state of Idaho calls for abolition of marriage for all - and it apparently also attacks MassResistance.
Final thoughts
An interesting question: Why are these resolutions in state legislatures – which have no power of law – causing such a firestorm from the pro-LGBT Left? It’s because they know that the Obergefell ruling is a house of cards. It was raw judicial activism with no constitutional leg to stand on. The idea of having to fight the “gay marriage” battle legally scares and angers them.
An ordered society cannot run this way. That’s why it’s important for more states to do it! Eventually, the Supreme Court will take notice.
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"Here's a sample email that was sent to MassResistance. We can just imagine what the Idaho legislators have been receiving!"
ReplyDeleteWhy not post a photo to prove its real?
How come most molestersare Priests and not lgbtq:
"It’s academic to say that the issue of “gay marriage” is properly in the purview of the states, not the federal government, and is not in any way dictated by the 14th Amendment. That’s certainly how it’s always been universally understood."
Really? Then marriage in general shouldn't be federal, yet Loving said otherwise
"People’s lives have been destroyed because they disagreed with “gay marriage,” were aggressively prosecuted, fired from their jobs, or otherwise attacked. Other proponents spoke of the religious freedoms lost. One Rep listed the health, moral, and spiritual problems associated with homosexuality and the radical redefinition of marriage. They also brought up the fact that two of the SCOTUS justices should legally have recused themselves, which would have resulted in the case failing."
Turns out that this is a lie:
"The debate began with the resolution’s sponsor, Rep. Heather Scott, explaining the issues involved, emphasizing federalism and 10th Amendment guarantee of states’ rights. The ruling unconstitutionally took away power that the states had always had on the issue of marriage."
What lovely bs:
Modern Supreme Court Due Process cases recognize a constitutional right to make free sexual and co-habitation choices, both heterosexual and homosexual. People also have the right to obtain religious sanction for unions not recognized by state civil marriage laws.
Does a state’s decision to grant benefits to just one sort of union violate the equal protection doctrine? A grant of special privileges to one group while excluding others does violate that doctrine unless the state can point to legitimate public reasons for its decision.
That's where gay marriage bans violates the 10 Amendment.