Saturday, July 27, 2024

LA County Democratic Party (Has To) Line Up for Kamala

I wonder if the president for the Democratic Party will be unburdened by the past.

Kamala Harris was so bad, so unlikeable, so unwatchable, that she was polling 1% in Iowa.

Nobody wanted her. She dropped out before the first primary in 2020!

And now, she's the Democratic Party's nominee.

And, she has a long history of screwing over LA Democrat politicians. When Congresswoman Maxine Waters was trying to stop th sale of the Keiro Japanese-American retirement homes in Gardena, then-California AG Kamala Harris didn't care, and she just rebuffed Waters without blinking.

She didn't care. Maxine Waters, for all her political clout, couldn't get anything done because Harris wouldn't budge.

Have you noticed that most local LA-area politicians are not lining up and throwing their support openly behind Kackles Kamala? They don't like her.

But the Democratic Party has never been democratic, so everyone has to line up look good-little, goose-stepping nazis and stand behind their new queen.

Check out how little the LA County Democratic Party reported on Kamala this week:

Hi Arthur,

We are all in for Kamala Harris. 

Restore_24_No_Back.pngThe last few days we have seen Democrats across our nation activated and fired up to elect Vice President Kamala Harris! 

Listen, Arthur, President Joe Biden said it best: Vice President Harris is ready to lead our country as President of the United States of America. Not only is she qualified, competent, and ready to serve, Vice-President Harris will also become the FIRST African-American, South Asian WOMAN to be President of the United States.

Democrats, it's time to make HISTORY!

VP Harris' record speaks for itself. Under the Biden-Harris administration, we have seen record job growth, historic student debt relief for middle-class Americans, and aggressive climate and environmental protection. Vice President Harris has proven she will stand up for women's reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ Americans. 

Project 2025, Donald Trump, and JD Vance are dangerous for America. We need a candidate like Kamala Harris who can fight against MAGA extremism and protect our country against fascism. 

Not only do we need Kamala Harris in the White House, but she needs a democratic majority in Congress so that she can fight for the middle class! The path to VICTORY RUNS THROUGH LA COUNTY!

Folks, the road ahead is not easy. That is why we are asking for your help: 

 Will you give $10 to help Democrats restore our nation in 2024?


When Democrats work together, we win together. It's time to give it our all, together. 

In Solidarity, 

Mark RamosChair

Patt SandersVice-Chair

Jacob HaikVice-Chair

Susan SheuRecording Secretary

Shanna IngalsbeeCorresponding Secretary

Ben SeinfeldController

Garry ShayParliamentarian

Jamie Kennerk, Treasurer

Mark Gonzalez, Chair Emeritus

One would think that they could have written so much more about this lady. After all, she is their presidential nominee!

The reports in background suggest that she is going to lose, and the Democratic Party throughout the United States is scrambling to ensure that they do not lose the US Senate and they can get back the House.

It's going to be an interesting election year, that's for sure.

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