Thursday, June 20, 2024

Idaho GOP Grassroots Getting Things Done


The Republican Grassroots Won

by Dorothy Moon, IDGOP Chairwoman

The 2024 Idaho GOP State Convention concluded with a clear mandate, in Coeur d’Alene last weekend, as conservative candidates won every officer race. The convention also adopted a new platform that strengthens our party’s positions on the sanctity of life, constitutional governance, and economic freedom.

A lot of hard work went into making this convention a success. I want to thank the Kootenai County GOP for hosting the event, as well as the staffs of the Coeur d’Alene Resort and North Idaho College for keeping things safe and smooth. I especially must thank the Idaho GOP staff and volunteers for their many days and weeks spent preparing committee packets, name badges, swag bags, and everything else that was necessary.

The convention was a time for party business as well as fellowship with Republicans from throughout the Gem State. It was my honor to be reelected chair, and I am excited to continue the work we began in Twin Falls two years ago. Since that time, we have raised more money, empowered county and legislative district committees, and hosted a caucus that nominated Donald Trump for president.

The resolutions, platform proposals, and elected officers represent a mandate from the grassroots of the Idaho Republican Party. The results show that, despite what you might read in the newspaper or see on TV, and no matter how many deceptive fliers are dropped in mailboxes, there is a conservative movement in Idaho that is only growing stronger. The people have awakened and they have spoken.

I am sure you have already seen the hit pieces — they started churning out even before the cheering had died down in the Schuler Auditorium at NIC. “Extremists have taken over the Idaho GOP,” they say. Well, let me tell you, it is not extremists who are in charge. It is the people. Idaho Republicans want a party that will fight for faith, family, and freedom, and that is what we are doing.

What is so extreme about saying that the government should only spend tax dollars where constitutionally required? What is so extreme about opposing abortion and euthanasia? What is so extreme about protecting children from exploitation?

If you want to find the real extremists, look no further than the opposing party. Abortion on demand until birth, legalized drugs, obscene materials in every library, and spending your last dollar on government programs — that is the real extremism lurking in Idaho. Where are the hit pieces on these radical positions? We all know that the legacy media agrees with them, so they will not tell you how out of touch the other party is with the people of Idaho.

The Idaho Republican Party is stronger than ever and will continue to keep Idaho the best state in the nation.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Idaho Freedom Foundation: Pride in America Month

 Dear Arthur,

It’s “pride month,” and if you’re like I am, you’re probably tired of having the LGBTQA+ agenda shoved down your throat at every turn.

Last year, the Idaho Freedom Foundation decided to flip the script on the month of June. Instead of spending a whole month celebrating the left’s bizarre obsession with your bedroom, we decided to declare June as Pride in America month.

We’re doing a repeat act this year, and sharing with you some of our favorite Pride in America articles. It’s not enough for us to simply stand against the bizarre and often grotesque antics of the pro-trans left. Opposing the woke agenda certainly has value, and I don’t discount the courage we often need to stand against the intolerant culture.

But, Pride in America is about celebrating those on whose shoulders conservatives now stand. We must remember and emulate the brave men and women whose convictions, honor, integrity, and wisdom shaped our country into what it is today.

First up, President George Washington:

    In the annals of human history, a select few rise head and shoulders above their peers. These men single-handedly changed the course of history, and the United States was blessed to have one of these men at her very birth.

    Up until the War for Independence, George Washington was fairly unremarkable. The eldest son of a wealthy Virginia planter, Washington worked as a surveyor, as a planter, and served in a militia unit that fought with the British Army in the French and Indian War. He traveled to Philadelphia at the outbreak of the Revolution in 1775 and was made commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.

    Every schoolchild knows the stories of Washington’s valor during the American Revolution. His victories at Boston and Trenton are heroic tales, but his defeat at Long Island is perhaps an even greater story. Faced with overwhelming odds, Washington began an orderly retreat, keeping his army intact as they withdrew over the Hudson River. In the hands of a lesser general, this retreat might have become a rout, and the Revolution would have never gotten off the ground.

    After independence, Washington could have seized as much power as he wanted. Yet, like the Roman statesman Cincinattus, he retired to private life once more. That was not the end of his story. When it was clear that the Articles of Confederation had failed to create a stable government, Washington returned to preside over the Constitutional Convention. When it came time to choose the first president of the United States, Washington was elected unanimously.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Idaho MassResistance Big Protest in Treasure Valley!


Idaho citizens protest outside “Pride” event. Unhinged LGBT crazies harass and attack them, but they stand their ground.

A bizarre display of dysfunctional people and their weird, angry behavior.

A view beneath the façade of “normalcy” that the media and LGBT movement tries to portray.

June 17, 2024
ALT TEXT Our people demonstrated across the road from the park. LGBT activists came out to prance around, scream, and confront them. But the intimidation didn't work.

If you want to know what small-town “Pride Month” events are actually about, the one in Nampa, Idaho’s this year is Exhibit A. They violate all the norms for civilized public spaces.

Nampa is a city in Canyon County in southwestern Idaho just west of Boise. The area is largely conservative, as is most of the state. Known as “Treasure Valley,” the area has seen big population growth in recent years as families have fled the left-wing West Coast states. But assorted leftists have also moved in and brought their agendas.

“Pride” event comes to Nampa

So when a group calling itself Canyon County Pride applied for a permit for a June 9 “Pride Month” event in a Nampa public park, people were alarmed. The vulgarity and sexual paraphernalia at the Pride event held last year in Rexburg, Idaho – and the MassResistance protest there – were fairly well known in pro-family circles in Nampa. Pro-family activists there reached out to MassResistance to help them organize and protest the event in their town.

Our activists and other residents asked the Nampa City Council not to allow the event. The City Council felt they legally had to give them a permit, but issued a statement regarding that:


Deranged LGBT activists come out to attack demonstrators

On the day of the event, a group of MassResistance citizens from the area came to demonstrate. They didn’t go in. They gathered and protested just outside of the park.

They thought the whole thing would be fairly peaceful. But that isn’t what happened. Instead, groups of abusive and clearly dysfunctional members of the LGBT “community” came out of the park and across the road to harass and scream at them, display lewd behaviors, and even assault them.

But our demonstrators stood their ground and didn’t back down – which seemed to anger the LGBT crowd even more.

ALT TEXT Our group walking over to the "Pride" event ...
ALT TEXT When they got there, an LGBT activist (in short skirt) ran up and assaulted one of our group and then attempted to take her sign.
ALT TEXT Then more weirdos came over to confront the demonstrators.
ALT TEXT People dressed as dogs came over.
ALT TEXT Skulls and Satanist imagery were popular that day.
ALT TEXT This very disturbed man with breast implants came to confront the demonstrators. Yuck!
ALT TEXT ... And our people showed him this sign: "Real Females Have XX Chromosome - Anything else is mental illness."
ALT TEXT This man running for Idaho State Senate (as a Democrat) tried to confront our people.
ALT TEXT This is their message for children, which they also brought over..
ALT TEXT This seems to be some kind of Satanist in a dog mask. Par for the course for "Pride Month."
ALT TEXT After a few hours of facing weirdness, it's really good to get out! Some of our group in the parking lot.

Final thoughts

This is a very sad situation. The media and LGBT movement go to great lengths to present “gay pride” events as fun, normal, loving, and peaceful – even family friendly. (There were certainly many children who were brought to this one!) On the surface it sometimes looks that way. But just beneath the surface there is anger, dysfunction, perversion, violence, and emotional or mental health issues. The Satanic inspiration was on surprisingly open display. Normal people don’t behave this way. These people need help, not pandering.

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Jordan Peterson

 The Brilliance of Jordan Peterson re: the Divine Origins of Science

Idaho MassResistance Protests Pride in Treasure Valley


Idaho citizens protest outside “Pride” event. Unhinged LGBT crazies harass and attack them, but they stand their ground.

A bizarre display of dysfunctional people and their weird, angry behavior.

A view beneath the façade of “normalcy” that the media and LGBT movement tries to portray.

June 17, 2024
ALT TEXT Our people demonstrated across the road from the park. LGBT activists came out to prance around, scream, and confront them. But the intimidation didn't work.

If you want to know what small-town “Pride Month” events are actually about, the one in Nampa, Idaho’s this year is Exhibit A. They violate all the norms for civilized public spaces.

Nampa is a city in Canyon County in southwestern Idaho just west of Boise. The area is largely conservative, as is most of the state. Known as “Treasure Valley,” the area has seen big population growth in recent years as families have fled the left-wing West Coast states. But assorted leftists have also moved in and brought their agendas.

“Pride” event comes to Nampa

So when a group calling itself Canyon County Pride applied for a permit for a June 9 “Pride Month” event in a Nampa public park, people were alarmed. The vulgarity and sexual paraphernalia at the Pride event held last year in Rexburg, Idaho – and the MassResistance protest there – were fairly well known in pro-family circles in Nampa. Pro-family activists there reached out to MassResistance to help them organize and protest the event in their town.

Our activists and other residents asked the Nampa City Council not to allow the event. The City Council felt they legally had to give them a permit, but issued a statement regarding that:


Deranged LGBT activists come out to attack demonstrators

On the day of the event, a group of MassResistance citizens from the area came to demonstrate. They didn’t go in. They gathered and protested just outside of the park.

They thought the whole thing would be fairly peaceful. But that isn’t what happened. Instead, groups of abusive and clearly dysfunctional members of the LGBT “community” came out of the park and across the road to harass and scream at them, display lewd behaviors, and even assault them.

But our demonstrators stood their ground and didn’t back down – which seemed to anger the LGBT crowd even more.

ALT TEXT Our group walking over to the "Pride" event ...
ALT TEXT When they got there, an LGBT activist (in short skirt) ran up and assaulted one of our group and then attempted to take her sign.
ALT TEXT Then more weirdos came over to confront the demonstrators.
ALT TEXT People dressed as dogs came over.
ALT TEXT Skulls and Satanist imagery were popular that day.
ALT TEXT This very disturbed man with breast implants came to confront the demonstrators. Yuck!
ALT TEXT ... And our people showed him this sign: "Real Females Have XX Chromosome - Anything else is mental illness."
ALT TEXT This man running for Idaho State Senate (as a Democrat) tried to confront our people.
ALT TEXT This is their message for children, which they also brought over..
ALT TEXT This seems to be some kind of Satanist in a dog mask. Par for the course for "Pride Month."
ALT TEXT After a few hours of facing weirdness, it's really good to get out! Some of our group in the parking lot.

Final thoughts

This is a very sad situation. The media and LGBT movement go to great lengths to present “gay pride” events as fun, normal, loving, and peaceful – even family friendly. (There were certainly many children who were brought to this one!) On the surface it sometimes looks that way. But just beneath the surface there is anger, dysfunction, perversion, violence, and emotional or mental health issues. The Satanic inspiration was on surprisingly open display. Normal people don’t behave this way. These people need help, not pandering.

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Our successes depend on people like you.

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Your support will make the difference!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bonne fête des Pères ! (Happy Fathers Day, from Citizen Go!)


Bonjour Arthur,

J’ai deux pères, ce qui complique un peu parfois les choses : un père biologique avec qui j’ai renoué et un père d’adoption, celui que j’appelle Papa. Et c’est en pensant à mon papa, qui s’est investi dans ma vie pour m’inculquer ses valeurs, la droiture et l’intégrité, que j’écris ces mots. 

Son amour inconditionnel pour moi, qui n’était pas de son sang, m’a permis de passer du statut d’”orpheline de père” à “fille de”, du statut “d’abandonnée” à “aimée”, me permettant de devenir la femme que je suis aujourd’hui.

Les papas sont nos héros au quotidien. Ils travaillent dur pour subvenir aux besoins de leur famille. Ils nous apprennent à être forts, responsables et aimants. Ils nous montrent comment faire face aux difficultés de la vie avec courage et détermination.

Même si leur rôle est souvent sous-estimé, les papas sont des piliers de force dans nos vies. Ils consolent nos chagrins, essuient nos larmes, et célèbrent nos victoires. Leur amour protecteur nous porte et nous motive.

Chers Papas, vous êtes les architectes de la force et de la compassion dans le monde de vos enfants, construisant des fondations qui dureront toute une vie. Vous nous avez inculqué des valeurs et une morale, nous avez appris l'importance de se relever après une chute et nous avez encouragé quand nous doutions de nous-mêmes. Vous avez célébré nos réussites, grandes ou petites et consolé après un échec.

Que vous soyez un papa biologique, d’adoption ou de substitut, vous êtes un reflet de l’amour du Père, alors profitez de votre journée, détendez-vous en sachant que vous êtes apprécié plus que les mots ne peuvent l'exprimer, et n'oubliez pas que votre rôle de père est le plus important que vous ne jouerez jamais.

Même sans super pouvoirs ni capes flottantes, vous restez nos héros du quotidien.

Bonne fête des Pères !

Anne et toute l’équipe de CitizenGO

Friday, June 14, 2024

Chanting "Death to White People" is Not Strength

 Now, this is a disturbing development in Neo-Apartheid South Africa:

Apartheid South Africa has not abandoned its hateful policies. 

 It has just switched the targets or colored animus.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Downtown Torrance Association Took Another Loss, "Chalk Walk" Cancelled for Pushing LGBT Pride

Adam Schwartz, the LGBT bigot who wants to force "pride" on the city of Torrance, took another loss last month, May 2024.

Not only did the city of Torrance barely pass a pride resolution, despite massive outrcy from Torrance residents against the celebration of destructive behaviors, but their attempt to sneak pride into the city via a "Chalk Walk" in Downtown Torrance last month was also shut down!

Here's a statement from Councilman Bridgett Lewis:

It is really shameful how LGBT activists insist on sneaking in their celebrating of perversion and depravity into the city of Torrance. They are clearly the ignorant bigots, and arrogant bigots at that, since they are obsessed with normalizing this corruption.

Why would they lie to city staff? Why would they insist on taking a family-friendly event and use it as a pretext to push LGBT into the city?

One more loss for the LGBT crowd, for sure.

Torrance needs to be better than this, and the city council needs to keep pushing back on all this Woke LGBT nonsense once for all.

SAY HIS NAME! Aurelio Mattucci Beats Recall Effort (Where's the Money, Signatures, Jean?!)

The Daily BreezeThe Daily Breeze reported the news last week, but I was getting the updates from key contacts within the city, connected to city hall.

Of course, right after he got the news (May 31, 2024), Mattucci shared the news on his Facebook page:

Jean Adelsman has failed. She was not able to get the requisite number of signatures to recall Councilman Aurelio Mattucci.

She wanted to throw out an entire election because she lost. It's just that simple. She is a sore loser, and she wanted to pass on her bitterness to the city with another costly election.

What's really galling about this whole affair is that Adelsman opposed the recall of derelict LA County District Attorney George Gascon! He should be recalled, since he is deliberately, openly violating his oath of office, breaking the law, and not doing his job.

Councilman Mattucci HAS been doing his job. Is he rough around the edges for some people? Sure. Does he ruffle feathers here and there. Yes, and that is a good thing.

There is too much in Torrance politics that aims for moderation and quiescence. It's time for elected leaders to ask questions and push against the civil service status quo.

That "status quo" approach allowed young hoodlums to terrorize the Del Amo Mall for the last two years. No, a fresh approach to leaner, more effective government in order. Let's not fool ourselves, either on this point: the city of Torrance is not ready for the next economic downturn. The city of Torrance is still top heavy with administrative civil service bloat, and spends too much money.

All of this needs to be fixed, and it is not happening fast enough.

Jean Adelsman clearly had a problem with all of these reforms, or she just couldn't stand the fact that after working as a major opinion maker (supposedly) with the Daily Breeze all these years, she didn't have the pull or the political clout to get elected! After all, she was backed by every establishment interest in the city, Republican and Democrat, people who have gone with the "go with the flow" failed mentality for so long.

Yes, she lost by sixteen votes, a very close race, to be sure, but she lost. And there is no evidence of voter fraud, ballot stuffing, voter suppression, etc. In fact, Adelsman didn't even challenge the results! She was willing to let the whole thing go. Following her loss, she even reached out to Mattucci, asking him to join her for a cup of coffee so that they could discuss city issues going forward. What a betrayal that followed!

Now, the next questions come up, and I would ask Jean Adelsman these questions directly:

1. How much money did you raise for this recall effort? We know that you raised money, so what happened to the money? We want to see the financial records!

2. How many signatures did you actually collect, Jean? In Downey, CA, voters went to great pains, including two recall efforts, to get rid of pro-LGBT felon Catherine Alvarez, and they were not afraid to reveal that they were 34 signatures short on the first round. If you were so close, Jean, TELL US! How many recall signatures did you actually collect?!

God Is Not Mocked

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Tenth Amendment Center: Rights are not gifts from government


It’s not really “liberty” if it requires a government permission slip.

This view is almost totally lost among the general public today - but it was common among the founders and old revolutionaries. Thomas Jefferson may have summed it up best:

“A free people claim their rights, as derived from the laws of nature, and not as a gift from their chief magistrate.”

This “natural rights” view is the foundation for all the rest. And getting the foundation right is essential for getting the solution right too - that is, going from where we are today to a real “land of the free.”

That’s why we focus so much time and energy on teaching people about these foundational principles from the American Revolution.

There’s absolutely nothing that helps us roll up our sleeves every single day to reach and teach more and more people - more than the financial faith and support of our members.

We are proud to have you as part of our community, and we humbly ask for your financial support in our mission to protect and defend the Constitution and liberty - whether the government likes it, or not.  (they don’t)

You can join as a member for as little as 2 bucks/month - there are also annual, 5-year and lifetime options here:

If you prefer to make a one-time donation instead, you can use the link below to submit online or by mail - 

As we approach our 18 year anniversary later this month - we couldn’t be more grateful for any consideration you can give to joining and supporting the TAC today.

With your help, we can continue to push back against the forces that continuously work to destroy the constitution and liberty.

As Jefferson put it: “The ground of liberty is to be gained by inches. We must be contented to secure what we can get from time to time, and eternally press forward for what is yet to get.”


Friday, June 7, 2024

Veteran Feels Like a Foreigner in His Own Country

 That feeling is growing among many freedom-loving Americans.

Our country is not living up to the Greatest Generation at all.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

MassResistance Texas leader keeps anti-LGBT-agenda plank in state GOP Party Platform


“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice” – stays in the 2024 platform!

LGBT Log Cabin Republicans tried to get it taken out, but MassResistance prevailed.

June 6, 2024
ALT TEXT The Log Cabin Republicans came to take back their ground, but it wasn't happening this time!

The Texas Republican Party State Convention took place May 20-25 in San Antonio. Ironically, it was a week before the start of “gay pride month.”

Many state Republican parties have been caving to pressure from the LGBT lobby and backing away from pro-family issues. But our Texas MassResistance director, Tracy Shannon, has successfully led the battle to keep the Texas GOP from sliding to the left on those issues. Tracy’s family and many others have been affected by the LGBT agenda, as have countless schoolchildren across the state.

Tracy led the winning fight two years ago …

Two years ago, at the 2022 Texas GOP Convention, Tracy and fellow MassResistance delegate Kevin Whitt successfully led a bitter fight in the platform committee to get the language “Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice …” before the full convention – and it passed overwhelmingly. Here is the full text of that platform plank:

Homosexuality: Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. No one should be granted special legal status based on their LGBTQ+ identification.

Getting this passed was a shock to the LGBT movement. Within a week, the Chairman of the Texas Log Cabin Republicans resigned over that defeat.

The LGBT activists came back this year

This year the Log Cabin Republicans were re-grouped and determined. During the convention they moved to remove that plank from the party platform.

Rising up to speak, Tracy took charge to make sure that the language remained. She pulled no punches. She told the convention that there can be no neutral position when it comes to this issue. If the party backs away from it, then it all but endorses the lifestyle.

ALT TEXT Tracy Shannon takes charge and rallies the convention not to back down.

As soon as other delegates saw that the attempt to normalize homosexuality in the GOP was being strongly opposed, more of them spoke out.

A battle back and forth

There was now disagreement in the platform committee. The LGBT contingent insisted that the platform shouldn't make a statement about homosexuality. They argued that the platform already mentioned that marriage is defined as one man and one woman.

From there, the waters got muddied in other ways. “Some delegates argued that we should also be condemning a number of other sins in our platform,” Tracy recounted. “People wanted to make a statement about adultery, for example. However, we reminded them that there is no organized group within the Texas GOP that wants to normalize adultery or various other sexual perversions. And there were delegates who wanted to remove the plank which opposed men in women’s sports, claiming that issue has been resolved. But we all know it hasn’t been resolved.”

Then a libertarian contingent of the platform committee submitted a watered down version of the homosexuality plank as an alternative. That was brought to the floor, and several delegates went to the microphones to speak for and against it.

To counter that, Tracy made a motion to amend the language to say ""Homosexuality is a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that have been ordained by God in the Bible." That is the language that was in the platform before 2018, when members of the Log Cabin Republicans were able to soften it (until 2022). Many delegates made it clear that they loved Tracy’s language, but her motion was disallowed on a technicality.

The final vote: Tracy’s leadership wins again!

When the final vote was taken, Tracy prevailed. The watered down version failed. The 2022 language was kept in the 2024 Texas GOP platform!  

“The Texas GOP still considers homosexuality to be abnormal behavior,” she remarked.

And more: With that momentum, gender identity language was also added to the 2024 Texas GOP platform:

The State of Texas shall require that all public and private restroom, changing facilities, showers, etc., be segregated based on biological sex. We oppose any attempt to criminalize or penalize anyone for the wrong use of pronouns.

Final Thoughts

This is another great example of how one person standing up and fighting back can make a big difference.

The LGBT movement's aggressive push for transgender grooming in schools, pornography and Drag Queens in libraries, and explicit "gay" sex-ed in all grades needs to be countered by public officials. The Party Platform is crucial to that.

By many accounts, if Tracy Shannon had not boldly come forth and admonished the crowd, the auditorium full of good people would not have been resolute. The momentum would have turned and the RINO LGBT Log Cabin Republicans would have gotten their way. We’ve seen it happen many times. Thank you, Tracy!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Save California: More Businesses Call it Quits


Hi Arthur,

Here are some important facts to know, including what you can do to advance your values in response to foolish, corrupt government.

Another example of evil economic policies

From the anti-people war on oil, to the thieving "minimum wage," to the environmental groups incessantly attacking our natural resources and our God-given ownership and property rights, the Democrat Party politicians -- in California and at the U.S. Capitol -- have done much to replace prosperity with impoverishment.

Rubio's Coastal Grill closing 48 California locations is the Democrat Party's latest casualty of its evil fiscal policies, in particular, the $20 per hour "minimum wage" for most fast-food employees, which went into effect April 1 of this year.

Here's more economic carnage:

June 3, 2024: "There’s an uptick of outflow from California in 2024...Orange County cities have the most move-outs compared to in-moves"

May 30, 2024: California’s $20 Wage Brings Bad News: ‘Job Losses, Reduced Hours, Restaurant Closures'

May 14, 202490 companies with more than 100 employees that have left California between January 2020 - April 2024 with more than 100 employees

Also May 14, 2024: Red Lobster closes 48 restaurants, including 5 in California

December 27, 2023: "Since 2005, the California Policy Center has identified 237 companies that have left California"

This is all because of the Democrat Party "rulership" of California, which has dramatically lowered California's "standard of living" and has made most residents poorer.

Sad Fact: Since 1957, the California State Senate has been controlled by Democrats (except for 1969-1970), and since 1959, the Democrats have controlled the California State Assembly (except for1969-1970 and 1996). There's all the evidence in the world that the rising cost of living in California, people and businesses leaving California, and more social ills in California, have been on the Democrat Party politicians' watch.