Sunday, November 15, 2020

LGBT Promotion is Self-Righteous Virtuesignaling

Over the last three years, I have had to contend with ribald, ugly, and despicable LGBT activists, especially silly housewife types laden with sins, easily carried away with lies.

They really think that they are doing the world a service when they declare: "I support the LGBT community!"

It's just as nauseating as white people who go around chanting "Black Lives Matter", even though they clearly do not have any black friends, and would not want black people to live near them.

What is really disgusting, though, about all the LGBT-leaning allies, whether gay or straight, is that they just want to virtue-signal. They have no virtue of themselves. They do not care about the well-being of others, they do not regard the natural rights of all as important, and they are simply preoccupied with themselves.

If they really cared about others, they would not be celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism. They would not be launching about trying to stir up support for behaviors that are harmful, painful, and demeaning.

When people shout "I support the LGBT community", what they really mean is "I support making myself look good at the expense of hurting men and women who are engaging in behaviors that are cutting their lifespans short."

It's actually quite selfish, and it's time for us to push back on them and their hollow, hateful virtue-signaling.

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