Wednesday, January 22, 2014

About Crying/Whining

Admit it, I must. I may not be alone, but so what.

I cried a lot when I found that things were not going my way.

For too, too long, I wanted all  my problems fixed, solved, and all the rest.

I wanted to see and sense, rather than know and believe, that everything was taken care of in my life.

That is as childish as it gets, is it not?!

The times of shaking are upon us in this world.

Men and women have wanted everything taken care of as they see fit. They wanted to have control based on their sensory knowledge. They wanted to define love based on what they could see and hear.

Yet such love cannot suffice. It cannot.

The stability which we need more than anything else must be based on all that  Jesus Christ has done for us at the Cross.

When He cried out "It is Finished!" He was not joking, and he certainly was not giving anyone room to add something to it. The work is done. Our job is not perfect what He has perfected, but to wake up and see more of the great work which He has done for us.

Thanks to all of you who have read these posts, if anyone. I have learned that the answer to our inner turmoil rests outside of us, not within us. He is making us better. That is not our job, but rather His, and we should let Him, the Holy Spirit, do the best that He can to make all things better.

I cried and whined so much because I wanted a peace based on what I did, saw, or performed in my efforts. Pretty selfish, and foolish.

The Lord resists the proud, but gives grace, grace to the humble, bringing down every mountain!

We need the truth that sets us free, not more reasons to be bitter and back-biting. Jesus loves us, and God the Father all the more demonstrates this love for us. Instead of blaming others for our circumstances, let us seek His grace, and boldly!

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