Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Sanctuary State" Kevin De Leon Runs for US Senate (When Does the Hurting Stop?!)

Does it get any worse than this?

(Or could this have a silver lining?)

Kevin De Leon has done everything he can think of to undermine the rule of law and the welfare and well-being of California citizens.

Now he wants to challenge Dianne Feinstein in her re-election bid?

Oh brother, it never ends.

Please, Californians, when does this insanity end?

You can do better than this, California.

You can do so much better than this!

Please, no to Sanctuary State Kevin de Leon!

To my friends and fellow Californians:
I have been honored to lead the California State Senate for the last three years where we have infused progressive Californian values in important policy efforts like immigration, women’s rights, quality education, civil rights, job creation, and fighting climate change.
I was raised by a single mother with a 3rd grade education. She worked her hands to the bone cleaning homes to provide for me and I never forgotten those humble roots.
Her sacrifices, and California public schools, enabled me to get a college education and realize the California Dream.
I keep those memories at the top of my mind, because too many Californians and Americans today live in poverty, sometimes working two or three jobs and still struggling to make ends meet.
Michael we now stand at the frontlines of a historic struggle for the very soul of America, against a President without one.
Every day, his Administration wages war on our people and our progress.  He disregards our voices. Demonizes our diversity. Attacks our civil rights, our clean air, our health access and our public safety.
We can lead the fight against his administration, but only if we jump into the arena together.
I am running for Senate because you deserve a seat at the table.
You deserve jobs that afford your family a better quality of life.
You deserve an opportunity for our children to have a free and equal education.
You deserve clean air.

You deserve universal healthcare.
To achieve these goals, expand the California Dream, and take the fight to Trump from California to Washington DC, I commit to working tirelessly to earn your vote here at home, and once elected, to do my part to work even harder to reunite this nation with a progressive agenda.

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