Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt Ceiling Dance: About to End? My Foot!

In the name of not kicking the debt can down the road, that is inevitably what the United States Congress did, again, again, again. And is doing again.

Yes, the deal just brokered by leaders will cut a trillion dollars in spending. No, it will not raise taxes. And no, it did not make everyone (anyone?) happy.

But neither has it solved the long-term debt dilemma still plaguing this nation.

We must get serious about reform across the board. Government has a simple mandate: protect our right, secure our borders, and give everything else to the states and to the people.

Did we hear anything about the federal government putting down once and for all the bloated departments which have been sucking the life out of this nation? Was there any talk of reforming the tax code and cutting all the welfare and corporate subsidies which drag down the economy at the expense of a few well-connected businessmen and lobbyists?

Yes, there will be yet another reform commission, which will recommend the same political poison which was offered and passed over from the last Blue Ribbon Commission. Legislators will swear to cut more over five, ten years, by which time either most of them will already by out of office, or those promises will be out of the memory of the American people.

The Debt Ceiling Dance is still in full-swing, the same tunes playing, the same dancers gaming, yet the American people are fed up with just blaming the same names. We want to show to stop, we want the dance to end, and we want the government to get back to doing its irreducible, constitutional minimum!

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