Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Thirty-Three Reasons This Liberal is Voting for Trump

Only thirty-three? Liberals are starting to realize that the Democratic Party is not liberal.

True liberalism must respect individual liberty and natural law, along with natural rights.

Will Republicans actually take up that mantle and fight for what is right and fight for our rights?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Democrats Worrying about California?

Adam Schiff just sent out a fundraising email that headlined "Republicans are bullish about California."

California Will Determine the House's Balance of Power

Then there's this report from ABC news.

There are a couple of trends that this article is not referencing. 

Latino voters are moving to the right. That is a fact. 

Public safety issues are playing such a large role, that Democrats who were registered as such for a long time are now switching their registration just out of sheer frustration with the rising crime. Democrats are lining up behind Republican-turned-Independent Nathan Hochman in order to oust pro-criminal LA County District Attorney George Gascon.

A friend of mine, his wife was a poll worker in the primary this year. She noticed that a lot of black voters were requesting to change their registration to Republican. This polling station was located in Downtown Los Angeles, one of the most Democratic sections of one of the most Democratic counties in the most Democratic state in the union.

On another front, the black reparations activists are so angry, because the state legislature killed most of the reparations legislation this year. A number of them said they were going to sit out the election and harm Harris' chances. Black progressive activists are so angry at the state Democratic Party, that they are willing to throw an election or two to help Republicans this one time ... or are they?

I guess there is something going on in the state that I wasn't aware of!

Regardless of the troubling internal numbers or external activism efforts of the California Republican Party (including the fact that Republican registration has increased ever so slightly compared to Democratic registration), Democrats are worried about California, and they are particularly concerned about not flipping a number of (what they perceive as) winnable Congressional seats.

Trouble in (Liberal) Torrance Paradise: Adelsman Turning on Asam Sheikh?

Is Take Back Torrance plotting to oust Councilman Sheikh?

Jean Adelsman is big mad because Torrance City Councilman Asam Sheikh put kids first and voted against the "pride" resolution earlier this year.

It sounds like she and other unrepentant liberals in town have their knives out for Asam in 2026!

She writes in her latest "Take Back Torrance" post:

Four offices will be on the ballot [in 2026]: Chen and Kaji have filed for re-election in 2026 and have identified candidates to run for District 5’s open seat (Mattucci will term out) and for District 3’s Asam Sheikh’s seat. That will be a repeat of 2024 when Chen and Kaji attempted to oust Lewis and also gain the open seat.

Lewis had been appointed and so had less than two years under her belt when she ran, but she was rewarded with re-election.

Sheikh may have a tougher time against a Chen-Kaji-backed opponent. He disappointed many – gay and straight – by his aligning with Chen on opposing Pride Month.

He disappointed many -- gay and straighht -- by his aligning with Chen on opposing Pride Month.

First of all, Councilwoman Kalani and the other three members who voted for the pride resolution should have aligned with Torrance voters, especially those in the audience, and rejected it.

Second, Councilman Sheikh clearly feared the outrage of his Muslim peers, many of whom attended the city council meeting to oppose the resolution. I am so grateful for their attendance.

Third, Sheikh sounds like his own man, even if he voted with Mayor Chen. He is not merely aligning himself with the mayor, although we know that Adelsman has as much of a targeted rancor against the mayor as anyone who opposes "Pride Month." The fixation on Mayor Chen is also disturbing, and her need to tie every "bad" vote to the mayor is unfair. Does she really think that Sheikh is a puppet of Chen?

Of course, the larger obsession that Torrance liberals have with pushing sexual perversion is disturbing. Why is there this obsession with normalizing a destructive behavior and false identities? And aren't there more pressing issues for the city to face, like ensuring that the budget and withstand the next economic downturn, or improving public safety?

Since when did "woke" ever benefit a city? Toyota, which was headquartered in Torrance, just backed out of all the Pride-Woke-DEI nonsense this week, and pledged to stay out of Pride parades. One would think that local governments would start getting the message, too.

I do think it's interesting that liberal outrage is lingering against Councilman Sheikh for doing the right thing (even if he had to be pressured to do it) in voting against the pride resolution. It will be interesting what happens in 2026, when Sheikh asks the voters for another term. Will he? 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Torrance School Board Debate, 2024: Very Disappointing

On October 11, 2024, The Torrance-area League of Women Voters hosted a debate for the school board candidates running to replace Jeremy Gerson (who was elected to the city council) as well as for the two candidates running for state assembly.

I was really surprised to hear about this. Last year, Al Muratsuchi didn't bother debating George Barks for the state assembly seat. I assumed he would just ignore Barks again and "coast" to re-election. However, there is a growing unease among Democrats across the country, including in California, so it seems.

Not only that, but it seemed as though there was very little notice for this debate. Normally, I am pretty well on top of information like this. Someone in Hermosa Beach had to inform me about this debate, and it was only the day before!

Why are Democrats like Al Muratsuchi participating in debates? Adam Schiff debated Steve Garvey, as well. Are things more competitive on the ground than I had realized?

California is a battleground state, at least as far as the Congressional races are concerned. Kamala Harris is not as popular as people think she is, and she is bleeding support with key Democratic demographics. Add to that the fact that the California Democratic state legislative supermajority basically defied and dismissed the Black Supremacist movement and rejected all the major reparations legislation this past session ... and Democrats are feeling nervous!

Before I talk about the state assembly debate, I want to comment on the school board debate for Trustee Area E. David Zygielbaum, Tony Yeh, and Charles Deemer are all running to replace Jeremy.

Tony Yeh

That debate was ... disappointing.

It's clear that Zygielbaum is the establishment favorite, based on all the endorsements has has racked him, which he repeated at length. He spent so much time talking about his endorsements, including from the hostile Torrance Teachers Association, that he failed to answer a significant question: how did he feel about California AG Rob Bonta's lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District regarding their transparency policy about student identity issues?

Dave Zygielbaum

He refused to answer the question, but dodged with the empty pablum about making schools "Welcoming for all students."

Of course, how can a school be welcoming for anyone if biological males are using female facilities on a campus? He also dismissed that concern as a "national issue," even though candidate Tony Yeh clearly addressed the issue, and that parents in the district were raising alarms about this issue.

Charles Deemer

I will add, however, that Yeh spent so much time focusing on the transgenderism problems in the school district, that he spent very little time explaining anything else. Yes, I am glad that he wants children to be safe, and I am really pleased that he directly answered the question about Rob Bonta. On the other hand, I was really unhappy with the lack of preparation or attention to school issues evinced by the candidates, aside from Zygielbaum.

 Charles Deemer may be a perennial candidate, but he sure didn't act like one tonight. He seemed unsure of his answers, or unfamiliar with the school district. He actually said that he would visit all the schools in his trustee area if he gets elected. Zygielbaum boasted that he had already visited the schools and the principals (and the teachers union--can't forget that!), and Yeh informed the audience that he had spoken with parents about issues with the school district.

Zygielbaum was certainly polished and prepared in his presentation. The only problem is that he wants to keep the status quo of moral lassitude in our schools. He is not a leader. He will just do whatever the teachers unions tell him to do. That's that basic trend in Torrance: people line up behind the person with all the big name endorsements, and hope that he won't make any noise or any real improvements.

And another issue about endorsements ...

Tony Yeh shared that he was endorsed by the Torrance Police Officers Association. Then Dave Zygielbaum countered and contradicted him, stating that since both of them had been endorsed by the TPOA in the city council elections in previous years, that neither one of them was endorsed. I followed up with the TPOA after the debate tonight, and I am waiting for them to get back to me about this controversy.

All in all, the candidates seemed either very polished (and fake) or unprepared or unfocused: a very disappointing debate.

MassResistance Exposes Blue State Politicians and Their Terrible Agenda


Why do “blue state” politicians pass such horrible bills? California activists get their far-left state legislator to reveal his “reasons.”

Is it an exaggeration to say they’re evil and stupid? You decide.

October 11, 2024
ALT TEXT California Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi is faced with a surprisingly hostile crowd of constituents as he tries to explain his support for the LGBT and pornography agendas in the schools and libraries.[All photos by MassResistance except where noted.]

We’ve all experienced this: When citizens speak up at school board meetings and ask the members to explain the horrible things being done in the schools, they never get answers – just silence.  It’s even more frustrating when “blue state” legislators pass shocking anti-family laws – and your own legislator is in on it. In most places, they’re far less accessible than school board members.

But every now and then a window opens. And MassResistance activists take advantage of it.

California State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) represents the South Bay region of Los Angeles County. Even though that district is fairly moderate politically, Muratsuchi is one of the most radical pro-LGBT assemblymen in the California state legislature. He frequently champions far-left, anti-family legislation.

In 2018, Muratsuchi aggressively supported a bill to ban all therapy or counseling for sexual orientation or “gender identity” issues. When religious people objected to this legislation, he outrageously stated that “the faith community, like everyone else, needs to evolve with the times.” We confronted him on that, and he was forced to apologize. Luckily, MassResistance, the major force in stopping that bill, kept it from being passed.

ALT TEXT In this 2018 video by California Family Council, Muratsuchi parroted the LGBT talking points. He called reparative therapy "fraudulent conduct" and said that people of faith must "evolve" to accept the radical agenda.

Muratsuchi apparently did not learn a lesson from that.

Strong opponent in Nov. elections is bringing him out!

This year, Muratsuchi has a strong Republican opponent, the former mayor of Hermosa Beach, who is still quite popular in the district. As a result, during this election season Muratsuchi has been holding public “town hall” meetings across the district.

Arthur Schaper, our National Field Director, lives in the district along with other MassResistance activists. So we’re making Muratsuchi answer the tough questions. His responses have been shocking. They provide a window into how hard-left politicians think.

Town Hall meeting in Hermosa Beach – contentious bill brought up

On June 22, 2024, Muratsuchi hosted a public town hall in Hermosa Beach. Though it’s become a relatively liberal area, parents still came and passionately confronted him over a terrible anti-family bill he was supporting. Bill AB 1955 would prevent school districts from requiring teachers to inform parents about their children’s homosexual or “gender identity” issues or behaviors. One parent with a “transgender” child almost cried when describing how the school had withheld that information from her – and how it caused terrible psychological harm.

ALT TEXT Mother of "transgender" child tells Muratsuchi how the school's refusal to tell her about it hurt her family terribly. But he was not moved by that and doubled down on his support of the bill.

Muratsuchi’s responses

Muratsuchi was definitely uncomfortable and caught off guard. But his answers were right out of the LGBT talking points. He said that schools need to provide kids a “safe and supporting environment” that’s separate from their parents. He said that “it’s critically important for them to not be ‘outed’ before they’re ready, even with their parents.” He made the outrageous statement:

There are numerous studies that show that when students are outed for not identifying with the gender assigned at their birth, that they get beaten by their parents, they get beaten by their classmates. Those are the facts.

Not surprisingly, Muratsuchi didn’t cite any of these “studies” – which either don’t exist or are the usual non-scientific LGBT propaganda. This caused a minor uproar in the room by parents who were angered by this intellectual dishonesty and his arrogance in promoting it.

Unfortunately, HB 1955 was passed into law the following month and signed by the governor.

Town Meeting in Torrance – more contentious bills brought up!

On September 7, 2024, Muratsuchi held another town hall meeting in Torrance. This time, parents confronted Muratsuchi about Bill 1825, an “anti-book banning” bill which Muratsuchi himself authored. It would make it almost impossible for local elected officials to remove offensive books for children on sex and perversions from public or school libraries. It would put all the control in the hands of the librarians – who bring in the books in the first place. It specifically protects books on gender identity, sexual orientation, and “sexual conduct.” Parents could still “challenge” any book, but the librarians would make the final decision.

One mother brought a copy of It’s Perfectly Normal, a vile children’s book with graphic sex scenes. She held it up so he could see the illustrations, and passed it around so other parents would see what this law would protect.

Arthur was there and reminded everyone of the basic lie by the left: No books are being “banned” – they can all be easily purchased online and elsewhere. But they should not be in the children’s sections of taxpayer-funded libraries. The aim of the lie to force the LGBT and sex agendas into libraries and schools through shame and coercion.

ALT TEXT Outraged mother shows Murasuchi pictures from It's Perfectly Normal - a toxic book his bill would protect.

Muratsuchi’s responses

Muratsuchi again was very uncomfortable. He defended Bill 1825 by parroting the ALA talking points. He called it the “Freedom to Read Act.” He said it was important that librarians – not the elected officials – make the decisions on controversial books. He added that he worked “very closely with the California Librarians Association” in writing the bill. (That is, he worked with the offenders, not with parents or local officials.) That reveals either his stupidity or malevolence. Parents in the room weren’t buying it.

Arthur also asked Muratsuchi why he aggressively opposed the bill requiring voter IDs in elections.

On the voter ID bill he opposed, Muratsuchi fell back on the dishonest and insulting Democrat talking point that ID laws have been used to keep blacks from voting. That is patently false. (Other laws, such as poll taxes and civics test requirements were used in the distant past.) No black adult whom anybody knows is lacking an ID, since no one can survive today without one. The truth is that opposing ID is really meant to allow illegal aliens and people claiming to be someone else to vote (which is rampant in California).

None of his argument resonated with most of the people in the room that day.

Final thoughts

Are leftist politicians like Al Muratsuchi who are polluting our laws in blue states across the country evil or just stupid? You can decide for yourself.

Maybe it’s a bit of both. The claws of leftist lobbies are likely so deep into them that they don’t care about the terrible damage that is being done to vulnerable children, parents, and society by the bills they pass. But we need to care. In Muratsuchi’s case, he was groomed by the teachers’ unions as a school board member before he ran for the state assembly. His moral compass appears to be formed by the propaganda talking points of radical groups.

This means that more citizens need to find ways to confront their elected officials and force them to publicly answer the hard questions. That’s one good step toward change.

Muratsuchi certainly seems to be more radical than the moderate-left population of his district, which is being revealed at these town halls. It will be interesting to see if his Republican challenger – who already has name recognition and is well known in the district – can successfully take advantage of that.

Unfortunately, most conservative groups shy away from such direct and often contentious confrontations. But MassResistance will continue to bring the truth.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pro-Palestinian Activist Fought for the Cause ... Killed by the Cause

Liberals, progressives, and some dissident Right types hate Israel.

They are strong for the so-called Palestinian cause.

They are so determined to do what is best for Gaza, right?

They want to stop the apartheid, the genocide, the homicide, all kinds of -cide.

But who's the first one who gets killed, once they come to Gaza?

The pro-Palestinian activists!

Indeed, the pro-Terrorist movement in the United States is filled with useful idiots, and the Islamic regimes and terrorist groups in the Middle East would have no problem throwing them off a cliff, off a building, or slitting their throats.

There is no helping the "Pro-Palestinian" movement without having a death wish.

The West is in moral crisis, and the frenzied support for the so-called Palestinians is more than proof enough of this crisis.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bibi Reaches Out to the Persian People

This is quite a statement! Ben Shapiro nails it!

MassResistance: “Banned Books Week” reveals the depravity of the American Library Association and its allies


“Banned Books Week” reveals the depravity of the American Library Association and its allies.

This annual week-long promotion pushes deviant sex books to children - in libraries across the country.

CAUTION: Explicit descriptions

October 3, 2024
ALT TEXT It's a dishonest slogan. It's actually about pushing toxic books into children's and teens' sections of libraries.

For the past several years, MassResistance has worked with citizen groups and library boards across America to withdraw their library districts from the American Library Association (ALA). What you are about to read is a major reason for that!


Last week the ALA celebrated its annual “Banned Books Week” crusade, which has become their preeminent yearly public promotion. It is a truly sick event that serves to viciously attack parents and library officials who want to protect vulnerable children from pornography and provocative topics (such as rape, prostitution, or suicide). The ALA propaganda has enabled the “book banner” slur to pollute public debate.

The books included in their list reveal the depraved nature of the ALA and its supporters. A legitimate library organization would push for books that enlighten and educate children and adults. The ALA does the opposite.

To defend its image, the ALA purports to be a professional resource for librarians. But that’s basically a façade. When library districts have disconnected from the ALA, none have reported a problem finding professional resources elsewhere.

This year, the ALA trotted out its list of the “Top 10 Banned Books” for children and teenagers –  which parents and others sought to remove from libraries during the 2023 calendar year. The books are truly sickening. But the ALA believes that these books should be in libraries and easily available to children.

And of course, it’s a lie to claim these books are “banned.” They all can easily be bought online and in many bookstores.

ALT TEXT The ALA is promoting these vile books to America's children.

(The ALA refuses to admit the obvious: that the content is explicit. Instead, they state that these books are only “claimed to be sexually explicit” by the “book banners”!)

Here is what’s really in the ALA’s latest “Banned Books Week” list. (Luckily, parents can go to sites like www.booklooks.org and see even more detail.)

  1. Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
    Comic-book style volume meant to create "gender" confusion, promoting the idea of transition. Explicit drawings of teens having homosexual sex with each other, including a “transgender boy” (a girl pretending to be a boy) sucking on a boy’s penis. One drawing is of a man lying back on a bed with his legs spread while the other man is lying between his legs, his buttocks exposed. Typical dialogue: "I can't wait to have your cock in my mouth - I'm going to give you the blow job of your life... then I want you inside of me". There is negative imagery of menstruation and the girl’s desire to “get rid of” her breasts.
  2. All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Johnson
    A ten-year-old boy was raped by his older male cousin and then “enjoys” it. Long, graphic descriptions of anal sex acts and oral sex between the boys. Also, masturbation, homosexual kissing, and watching pornography.
  3. This Book Is Gay by Juno Dawson
    The book purports to be a reference on sex and relationships. It promotes homosexual sexual practices and medically unsafe perversions, and it is filled with false information. All forms of “gay” and “lesbian” sex are endorsed and celebrated with graphic “how-to” instructions for teenagers.
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
    The book contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between teenagers, anal sex between two boys, male masturbation, oral sex, homosexual acts between men and boys, sex between a boy and a dog, female masturbation using an object, and more. Also includes rape, drug use, and lots of profanity.
  5. Flamer by Mike Curato
    A major theme is undermining the Christian stand against homosexuality. Crude descriptions of “gay” boys talking a Christian boy into engaging in homosexual oral sex and anal sex with them. He then “embraces” his newly accepted homosexuality. There’s a sick description of boys masturbating into a bottle and forcing another boy to masturbate in front of them or else drink it. Also, men and boys being naked together.
  6. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
    A story about rape and incest. Including an adult molesting young girls. Graphic descriptions of sex acts. Derogatory references to black people.
  7. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
    Extreme profanity throughout the book. Two boys discussing oral-vaginal and oral-anal sex, masturbation, various other sexual acts they do with girls, and their own bisexuality.
  8. Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
    A horrible story about five teenagers as young as 15 – three girls and two boys – who become prostitutes in Las Vegas. Graphic descriptions of deviant sex, rape, drug use, and homosexuality.
  9. Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan
    It purports to be a legitimate book for teenagers about sex and relationships. It’s basically the opposite; it introduces teenagers to unhealthy, deviant, and destructive sex acts and relationships. It promotes perverted and harmful homosexual and transgender behaviors, and radical gender ideology.
  10. Sold by Patricia McCormick
    A thirteen-year-old girl is sold into child sex slavery. The child is raped over and over. Explicit violence and prostitution.

Dangers of pornography

As we all know, pornography is a national problem. But it affects children and teenagers severely. It can harm them emotionally for their entire lives. They can become addicted to it, it distorts their ability to have intimate relationships, and carries other psychological problems. (See the report by the American College of Pediatricians, The Impact of Pornography on Children.)

But the ALA doesn’t worry about this. They only care about their radical ideology. They call this “freedom to read.” But it’s really something terribly cruel.

 “First Amendment right” for children to be given pornography

The ALA attempts to twist the First Amendment to claim that public libraries must include the graphic pornography listed above, because children have a “right to read.” If libraries choose not to include these books, the ALA condemns it as “censorship” and an impediment to “free access to information.” Even the pornography industry doesn’t go that far!

The American Library Association condemns censorship and works to defend each person's right to read under the First Amendment and to ensure free access to information.

In addition, the American Association of School Librarians (a branch of ALA) is enthusiastically going along with this campaign. So watch for these books in school libraries!

Aggressive campaign to force libraries to carry these books

The ALA doesn’t stop at just complaining and making noise. The ALA is actively bullying public libraries to stock the “banned books.”

On October 19, they are organizing like-minded leftists across the country in a sophisticated campaign to aggressively pressure library officials and staffers to include this pornography on their shelves – and to demonize the ones who don’t comply as “book banners” and “censors.”

ALT TEXT They have a logo for everything!

They are calling it the “Freedom to Read Day of Action” where they will have rallies across the country to demand that pornography for children and teenagers be available in all public libraries, school libraries, and bookstores.

A campaign to attack local challenges to the books

They also have a well-organized system of attacking local administrative “book challenges” to pornographic children’s books that are in the public libraries. They don’t want a single pornographic book to ever be taken out of children’s reach.

ALT TEXT A very twisted definition of censorship.

The Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights has also joined in the fight. Their tactic for stopping challenges in school libraries is that protecting children from graphic sexual perversions constitutes “anti-LGBTQ discrimination.” (See our article at American Thinker, "Shutting down book challenges.") Luckily, that hasn’t gotten momentum.

Final thoughts

MassResistance is standing tall with parents and pro-family citizens across the country to counter the ALA’s efforts, and we continue to work with local library districts to leave the ALA entirely.

Finally, the dishonesty regarding the ALA’s “book banning” cry is offensive. As we’ve mentioned above, none of these books are “banned.” Rather, they are challenged for removal from taxpayer-funded libraries.

However, books that actually are banned are the ones that tell the truth about the LGBT movement and the resulting medical and psychological issues. Those books are “cancelled” from virtually everywhere (including Amazon and public libraries) by the angry leftist mob. Luckily, one important volume is still available on the MassResistance website: The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals. This is a truly banned book!

ALT TEXT Leftists don't want to talk about the real "banned books" - that they are trying to deny everyone the freedom to read!

It is a compendium of information from a range of prominent medical sources, including the CDC, medical professional groups, published medical research, and even LGBT medical sources. It’s been praised by physicians and researchers. It reveals a shocking picture that most of the public is unaware of.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

About the Second Coming of Noah's Ark in "Random Lengths News"

I was surprised to see a writer in Random Lengths News reference the Bible. Maybe things are turning for the better in this country. Maybe …

Of course, the main thrust of Terrelle Jerricks’ article was “Black Liberation,” which cannot emerge without freedom from the lies that “systemic racism” is holding back black communities.

Kweisi Mfume, former President of the NAACP, debated conservative radio host Larry Elder about the troubles facing American black communities.

This was one key part of their discussion:

Larry Elder: Mr. Mfume, as between the presence of white racism or the absence of black fathers, which poses the bigger threat to the black community?

Mfume: The absence of black fathers.

Liberal Mfume clearly asserted that the biggest issue plaguing black communities is the fatherlessness crisis. All kids need their mom and dad, but especially their fathers. Fix the Fatherhood crisis, and Black Liberation is all but guaranteed.

On another note, the 1920’s Black Liberation Movement was wrong-headed to think that shipping black Americans “back to Africa” would solve their problems.

They are AMERICANS! Why should they have to leave their own country?!

Racial grievance always finds a way to make a buck.

Frankly, the whole scheme was racist. Just because someone has dark skin does not make that person “African,” though of African descent. The African continent is not a cultural monolith, either, and African nations are embracing an increasingly conservative, pro-family stance, very much in conflict with the “pro-black” Democratic Party of the United States.

Thomas Sowell Trashes the Black Activist Establishment