Friday Reflection
by Michael Quinn Sullivan
You have a choice: surrender or keep fighting. Your
opponents want your advances to look like losses and your setbacks to be
magnified. What will you do?
The name of Anthony McAuliffe isn’t as well-known in the
21st century as it perhaps should be. He was acting commander of the 101st
Airborne Division in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge. He and his
soldiers were defending Bastogne in December 1944. They had been cut off, were
cold, and running out of everything. The situation was more than unpleasant; it
was war.
The German commander sent a message, offering the Americans
a chance to surrender. McAuliffe was known to be a man of great restraint, but
even he lost his cool at the suggestion. He tossed the message to the ground
and used what was, apparently for him, the strongest possible reaction. It was
a simple, one-word answer: “Nuts!”
McAuliffe didn’t have an unrealistic view of the situation,
but he had an overriding sense of obligation to his mission. His soldiers had
created a solid perimeter, and they were committed to the cause.
The result, of course, was that the Allies emerged
victorious in the battle and the war.
Texas conservatives are being told to surrender. The
uniparty forces of establishmentarians have once again given the speakership of
the Texas House to someone selected by the Democrats. All hope is gone, we’re
told. You’ve lost. Give up. Go home. Stop fighting.
That’s definitely the message being pushed. And some
doom-and-gloomers will want to buy into it. It is, after all, easier to lose.
Waving a white flag ahead of your own victory does save you time and trouble.
Someone has to win, so why not let it be the other guys, right? It absolves one
of governing responsibility.
On the other hand, you’re winning. The conservative movement
in Texas has made it further than it ever has before. Why waste that effort?
Why waste that momentum?
For 30 years, I’ve been watching the Texas Legislature as a
journalist, a political observer, a policy nerd, an activist, and now again as
a citizen-journalist. What happened in the Texas House on January 14, 2025, was
nothing short of historic.
Not in my memory has there been an actual contested vote
with such clear sides. When they could have given up, a majority of the Texas
House GOP said, “Nuts!” They voted with their constituents. They voted for
Many newbies—to Texas or just to Texas politics— probably
don’t realize how rare that is. In context, the highwater “opposition” to the
uniparty crony candidate for speaker was previously 19.
In 2024, Texas voters forced two dozen crony Republicans
from office and, in doing so, expanded the majority in the state’s House and
What happened on January 14 was the death rattle of a dying
way of life, in which vested interests in Austin profiting off their “service”
in the legislature work in opposition to their constituents without
accountability or notice. They are losing, and they know it.
Giving up now would be foolish. Victory is in sight. Press forward and tell the opposition that they are nuts. The fight for Texas goes on.
"Never give up the fight for freedom—a fight which,
though it may never end, is the most ennobling known to man."
– Ronald Reagan