Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Suissa Speaks up for the Silent Majority -- Our Future

David Suissa defends the younger generation. There is no greater curse, according to President Thomas Jefferson, than to leave huge debt to our next generations, an altogether cruel and unconscionable altogether. Finally, someone has the guts to point out the entitlement bomb set to explode all over this country’s future.

‘Raise godly children” the Book of Proverbs instructs.  Perhaps the older and middling generations in this country could start by shouldering the debt burden now and prepare a path for fiscal solvency for the future. The Book of Proverbs also writes: "The wicked takes and does not repay, while the righteous lendeth and spareth not." It’s time that the older generation, the hoary head, stood up for the younger and put an end to the debts and deficits ruining this country.

Thanks again, David.


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