Saturday, September 1, 2012

Easy Reader News: Waxman in Hermosa Beach

Hermosa Beach resident Julian Deveroux commented that Hermosa Beach is turning into “Little Santa Monica” because of the progressive bans on smoking and plastic bags. She neglected to mention Santa Monica-based Congressman Henry Waxman, who is infiltrating the Beach Cities.

Now running in the newly-carved 33rd Congressional District, which spans half of his former district and includes the Beach Cities, the unsightly oversight chairman paid an undisclosed visit to Councilmember Michael Keegan’s Hermosa Beach home August 29.

I cannot think of a more unqualified candidate to represent the Beach Cities, including my home in West Torrance.  Waxman bullied baseball players in 2009, yet had no standing knowledge of the standard steroid laws in this country when questioned by a constituent. He went after Tobacco executives in 1994, yet he did nothing during the Congressional Post Office scandal or the “Congressional check-kiting scandal” which brought down the House Democratic majority.

In open committee, he admitted that he did not know what was in his own Cap and Trade legislation. He  also  brazenly assumed that “We’re not broke”, even though  this nation is facing a $16 trillion national debt.

Hermosa Beach Democratic Club President Diane Wallace claimed: “One of the things (Waxman) reflected on is how he has been so successful in Congress because he has a good working relationship with Republicans.” Waxman threatened to  throw one Republican out of committee because the chairman refused to pursue regular order. He shoved his Cap and Trade, including a last-minute three hundred page amendment, without input from Republicans. ObamaCare received no insight from Republicans. Both bills passed with opposition from Democrats as well as Republicans on the slimmest of majorities.

Bill Bloomfield has the real record of bipartisanship, working with Democrats to advance education and electoral reform.  Bloomfield has run his own businesses. Bloomfield has also worked with underprivileged youth. He opposes the partisanship which has forged nothing but gridlock and wasteful spending in Washington.

Waxman commented: “If there’s ever a chance that anybody’s going to try to close that air force base [in El Segundo], they’re going to have to do it over my dead body.”

After picking his district and voters for over thirty years, Waxman so readily assumes that he’s going to swing into another term in office.

Over my dead body!

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