Saturday, September 1, 2012

Artur Davis at the RNC

Former Alabama Congressman Artur Davis admitted that he was in the wrong place last year. He was an Obama supporter.

"Thank you for welcoming me where I belong", Davis told the crowd. The crowd roared with approval.

Artur Davis represents the diversity of opinion, and the multiplicity of background, which is taking place in the Republican Party. Even the Mainstream Media insists on remaining color blind to the multi-ethnic representation stepping up to lead the Republican party in this new century.

National Conservative Pat Buchanan has predicted that Republican Party will not survive as the white vote diminishes across the country. That fear was resoundingly refuted over and over at the 2012 RNC Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida. From Indian-American Nikki Haley to Cuban Marco Rubio, the Republican Party has established a growing legacy of leaders who will put to death the race-baiting of the Democratic Party, which for too long has screamed itself into the advocacy of minorities.

What a great story for the GOP. A black man as a standard bearer for the party. I refuse the negative ads which suggest that the GOP is just "The White Man's Party."

For over fifty years, from the end of Reconstruction to the New Deal, the Democratic Party advertised itself as "The White Man's Party." Even President Obama was more concerned with the white vote than with the Black Vote, a bloc which the Democratic party has taken for granted for decades. Double the unemployment for blacks compared to whites and Hispanics would suggest that the Democratic Party does not have the best interests of African-Americans at heart.

Why did Obama swing into office. "We led with our hearts -- no candidate had ever spoken so beautifully." Artur Davis admits that he drank the Obama Kool-aid, and now he's throwing it all away.

"Obama has wrecked the recovery for three years and counting." Obama has been the gift for the GOP that keeps on giving. Time Magazine and Newsweek, the second a failing commodity in the rapidly innovating media market, both predicted the decline and demise of the Republican Party. Obama's left-wing policies have made this center-right country sick to our stomachs.

"Middle America is hurting." Putting aside class warfare, David addressed "Middle America" -- the lost middle ground in our politics.

ObamaCare became the final legacy of "Yes, We Can!" No the country is crying -- "No, You Don't!"

"Do these Democrats speak for you?" Artur Davis proposed to the Democrats and Independents who voted for Obama in 2008. The "Hope and Change" rhetoric has given way to the "Nope and Blame" reality of politics as usual.

Artur Davis, thank you for your charged and commanding words!

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