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Sunday, December 31, 2017
Told Ya So: Burglars Target Illegals in Sanctuary City Pomona
Rep. Steve Knight Meets With Pro-Illegals CHIRLA, Locks The Door On We the People Rising
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BREAKING: Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized After Border Ambush
For inquiries – Please Contact San Diego Sector Dispatch at (619) 498-9900
Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized After Being Ambushed During Smuggling Attempt Near Border
San Ysidro, Calif.— A U.S. Border Patrol agent was knocked off his All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and subsequently hospitalized after being struck with a large rock Saturday night.
On December 30, 2017, at approximately 8:40 P.M., in what was a very busy night for Border Patrol agents, an unprovoked, unknown assailant hurled a dodge ball sized rock from the Mexican side of the border striking a Border Patrol agent patrolling the border on an ATV. The rock struck the agent in the chest and caused the agent to fall from his moving ATV. The agent was traveling at a speed slightly above 20mph when he was struck. The ATV flipped over and landed on top of the agent. The agent was able to push the ATV off of himself, but had to await back-up to extract himself from the rocking assault.
Back-up arrived shortly thereafter. Responding agents deployed non-impact crowd dispersal munitions to disperse suspected rock throwers and extract the agent from the volatile scene. It is suspected that the crowd of people south of the border fence had just made an unsuccessful attempt at illegally entering the United States. Mexican law enforcement authorities were also contacted and aided in dispersing the crowd.
After Border Patrol agents moved the injured agent to a safe location, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) treated him for difficulty breathing, dizziness and what appeared to be broken ribs. EMS then transported the agent to a nearby hospital.
The agent was held overnight for observation and released late on Sunday morning from the hospital with severe chest contusions. The agent has been placed on administrative leave pending recovery from his injuries.
Federal authorities are working diligently with their counterparts in Mexico to locate the assailant who is still at large.
In the last 24 hours, in the area of the assault alone, approximately seven breaches were made to U.S. border security infrastructure and more than 100 arrests were made by Border Patrol agents.
“This is an all too common occurrence.” said Chief Patrol Agent Rodney Scott. “In Fiscal Year 2017, San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents were assaulted 83 times in the performance of their duties. 52 times in Fiscal Year 2016. The safety and well-being of our agents remains our top priority, and we will work diligently with our law enforcement partners to bring the assailant to justice.”
To prevent the illicit smuggling of humans, drugs, and other contraband, the U.S. Border Patrol maintains a high level of vigilance on corridors of egress away from our Nation’s borders. To report suspicious activity to the U.S. Border Patrol, contact San Diego Sector at (619) 498-9900.
- CBP –
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control, and protection of our Nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping dangerous people and capabilities out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.
Honor First!
Michael J. Scappechio
Supervisory Border Patrol Agent
U.S. Border Patrol – San Diego Sector
Information & Communication Division
Follow us on Twitter @CBPSanDiego
SDSB Comment: Thank the GOP-led Congress for another violent assault on our Border agents. This time in the San Ysidro area of San Diego. This agent was very lucky he wasn’t killed by the dodgeball size rock thrown at him by a likely Mexican smuggler or illegal alien. For nearly a whole year, Congress has been dragging their feet and outright blocking funding for the secure border wall / fence and the hiring of 5,000 new and badly needed Border Patrol Agents. These were President Trump’s top campaign promises that the people overwhelmingly voted for in Nov. 2016, but Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan don’t work for us average Americans and have been successful at blocking all of Trump’s border security measures, while demanding full amnesty for millions of “young” illegal aliens. With RINOs like them running the GOP, who needs Democrats??
The D.C. Swamp Monsters in both parties desperately want our southern border to stay wide open for the flow of “cheap” labor and more ‘third-world Americans’, no matter how many innocent agents are injured or killed.
How much longer are We the People going to put up with this treason from our elected federal officials - leaving our Homeland unprotected and underprotected from these deadly foreign threats? We must rise up and demand action now!
Jeff Schwilk
Founder, San Diegans for Secure Borders
Oregon GOP: There's Still Time to Donate for the 2017 Tax Credit!
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Dear Arthur,
8 HOURS LEFT UNTIL 2018. 2017 saw some great accomplishments:
Thank you for helping us make all of this possible. There is much left to do, especially here in Oregon. We are ramping up our efforts for 2018 to get our message out to voters, your help is the key. UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, you can still DONATE your 2017 Oregon Political Tax Credit. It is easy, fast, and, up to $50 for individuals and $100 for joint tax filers, FREE.
On behalf of the Oregon Republican Party, we wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year. We would be honored to have your support as we work to help make it great 2018!
Yours truly,
Bill Currier, Chairman
Oregon Republican Party
P.S. - If you don't use your Oregon political tax credit, Governor Kate Brown and her cronies get to spend it in Salem - you don't get to keep it in your wallet. Donating it is simple – You donate $50 for single filers, or $100 for joint filers, to a political party and get it back on your tax refund or credit. It’s available to Oregon taxpayers who make under $100,000 per individual or $200,000 for joint-filing couples. DONATE ASAP |
San Francisco Democrat Laments: Donald Trump is Here to Stay
After Willie Brown was forced out of the state assembly because of term limits, he set his sight on the mayorality of San Francisco.
He ran "The City" for eight years. "It never rains down on Willie Brown" was the word on the street.
Then he was pushed out with Gavin Newsom taking over. The left-wing insanity of San Francisco is going to run this seat into the ground. Lo and behold, Brown is a guest columnist for the diminishing San Francisco Chronicle.
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Gavin Gruesome, the pervert |
What's really interesting is that he makes a clear appeal to the checks and balances of our constitutional republic, but at the same time he has embraced every left-wing, progressive tenet of governance, which is contrary to everything that he and most San Franciscans hold dear.
Yes, he will, Willie boy! Suck it up, buttercups!
For those of you who aren’t crazy about President Trump, the good news
as we wrap up his first year in the White House is how the courts and federal
bureaucracy have kept him from running the country completely off the rails.
That bureaucracy is getting drained faster than the progressive liberals in Washington can realize or keep up. The courts are another matter, however, and need to be confronted aggressively. Some of these federal judges defy common sense and jurisprudence, as they routinely strike down President Trump's executive orders on immigration and public safety, as though every move he makes is unlawful. What a pack of lies.
The bad news, for Democrats, is that he will serve out his term and run
for re-election. People hoping he’ll resign or be thrown out of office are
Of course he will run for re-election, and of course he will win. No one likes a loser, and with President Trump in the White House, everyone is feeling like a winner again, even if they rich liberals won't admit that Trump's economic policies have helped them get a whole lot richer.
One of the interesting twists of Trump’s first year is that the very
system he wanted to tear down coming into office has kept him from going down
in flames himself.
Wrong. The system he is tearing down is the very Deep State that was keeping Big Business, Big Labor, and Big Wall Street taking advantage of the vast majority of working people in the United States. One would think that the Democratic Party would stop doing the bidding of corporate cronies and actually care about the well-being of working class Americans. But let's face it: Democrats only care about more power, nothing more. Eight years of Barack Obama's horrendous administration proved that.
He can hurl all the insults and threats he wants at North Korea’s Kim
Jong Un, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff are not going to launch an attack. He
can call for criminal investigations into Hillary Clinton, but the FBI has yet
to respond. He can decry “fake news” as much as he wants, but the First
Amendment still stands.
The truth is that Trump has the commanded respect of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is also the first President in a long time who is talking tough and carrying a big stick toward the maniacal Stalinist regime in Southeast Asia. Rocketman is learning the hard way that he is not going to get away with his international temper tantrums the way that his daddy did. Trump does not appease; he confronts. Deal with it!
Repealing and replacing Obamacare still needs congressional approval.
Even his tax plan had to go through rounds of horse-trading to make it more
palatable — to Republicans, anyway.
Of course it does, Willie. No one every challenged that. Did you also notice that Trump restored the DACA issue to Congress, since it was their job to permit or forbid any kind of amnesty or legal status for illegal aliens in the country.
That’s how the system of checks and balances works, and it is working
very well for Trump. But keeping Trump in check, if not in balance, is about as
far as it goes.
The Congress needs to be kept in check, folks! Not just the President. Also, Willie, where were you when Bracak Obama was out of control issuing executive orders with his phone and pen, pushing program and policies which the constitution did not give him power to do?
Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion with Russia
during the 2016 campaign isn’t going away, but it seems unlikely to yield an
indictment of Trump himself.
There will be no indictment of Trump. There will be indictments of Crooked Hillary and the rest of the crooked phalanx of Democrats robbing the poor to feed the rich.
For all his daily displays of insensitivity and ignorance, Trump still
has solid support in most if not all the states that made him president, so
there’s no reason to think he won’t run again in 2020.
He's running for re-election, Willie. Get over it.
It is not a pretty picture, but even someone like Trump has a place in
our system. The sooner we Democrats accept that and concentrate on winning the
election ourselves, the better.
Willie Brown
Freelance Columnist
Isn't it telling that Brown does not reference himself as former mayor? Is he actually thinking about running again? I hope not. How sad indeed, that this politician's political career was swept away with the term limits and then the end of his tenure as chief executive of The City.
This man was the Speaker of the Assembly for 16 years, too, and what did he have to show for it? Now he's just an after-thought has-been poking fun at the President, who has done far more for this country in one year than the other three Presidents all put together.
Willie Brown, you are going down. All your hopes wrapped up in the wayward, lawless courts is going to dissipate, along with the corrupt bureaucracy filled with Obama holdovers. Just you wait!
Oregon GOP: Gov. Kate Brown Is Destroying Our State!
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Click Here To View in your browser .
Dear Arthur,
We're fighting back and working to hold the Democrats who have been running Oregon for 35 years accountable - and they sure have made a mess of it. Every week, another major newspaper editorial board harshly criticizes Governor Kate Brown as she blows off solving Oregon's major problems, while she grandstands for her favorite far-left political causes and picks fights with the White House.
With every passing day, K-12 educational results flounder, the PERS catastrophe deepens, criminal illegal alien lawlessness grows, the OHA Medicaid waste and corruption gets worse, the business climate worsens, and YOU get the blame as YOUR TAXES GO UP - while Brown tries to hide the truth from the voters. Instead of bringing people together here in Oregon, the Governor has shown she is nothing more than an incompetent, corrupt machine politician who is NO LEADER and has no intention of putting our state's citizens first.
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The good news is: THIS CAN ALL CHANGE! Voters can vote Governor Brown and her cronies out of office and replace her with people who can offer a clear contrast of effective alternatives. We can elect REPUBLICANS - but not without your help.
Make a virtually FREE DONATION of up to $100 to the political party of your choice if you use your 2017 Oregon Tax Credit before TONIGHT's DECEMBER 31st MIDNIGHT DEADLINE.
Our bold effort to change the course of our state and get new leadership who will restore fiscal sanity, good government, and put your safety and prosperity first, STARTS TODAY and requires that we have the resources to get our powerful messages out to voters so they know there is A BETTER WAY! |
To make 2018 a success, we need your donations starting NOW. Time is running out for this year. The Oregon Political Tax Credit for 2017 EXPIRES TONIGHT December 31st, 2017, and then it won't be available, so DONATE ASAP.
IMPORTANT: If you have already donated your 2017 Oregon Political Tax Credit to another organization, please consider supporting the Oregon GOP efforts anyway by DONATING HERE.
Thank you!
Bill Currier, Chairman
Oregon Republican Party
P.S. - If you don't use your Oregon political tax credit, Governor Kate Brown and her cronies get to spend it in Salem - you don't get to keep it in your wallet. Donating it is simple – You donate $50 for single filers, or $100 for joint filers, to a political party and get it back on your tax refund or credit. It’s available to Oregon taxpayers who make under $100,000 per individual or $200,000 for joint-filing couples. DONATE ASAP
Election 2018: Torrance City Council Low Energy Election
I guess there is no chance for making a difference unless men and women start getting serious about what's facing the South Bay and the rest of the state. Do we really expect to see victories in the South Bay, whether for the Torrance City Council races for the state assembly races if the same people keep doing the same things?
I have never seen such a wide bunch of low-energy candidates. It's so disappointing.
Tom Brewer and Ron Riggs couldn't make up their minds about who would run for mayor and then who else would run for a city council seat. I am so disgusted. This kind of dueling efforts pretty much guarantees Pat Furey another four years.
Tom Brewer is low-energy Jeb Bush. Boring.
Ron Riggs is hyped up Rick Santorum. Yes, he is a dark horse candidate, but he has energy, but not much else. Rick Santorum ran for President twice and lost both times. He was closer to winning in 2012! His plan to reach out to working-class voters and put their needs ahead of Wall Street and Big Business were all winning ideas, but he was not the vessel to impart those ideas.
Donald Trump took over and made those ideas a reality for American workers.
Here's another problem: the residents in the city are happy. No matter what crap and corruption waged by mayor Pat Furey, the roads are getting repaired, the streets are clean, the economy has picked up, too. I don't hear a lot of angry chatter from residents, either.
That kind of simple calm suggests that voters, however few choose to vote in June 2018, are going to go with the status quo. Some of the city council candidates have been raising a fuss about the dirty streets. The mayor and city staff are now addressing those concerns. For now, Pat Furey is going to play nice guy and respond to all the moral outrage over his bad dealings and the other issues.
There will not be a PAC going after Mike Griffiths this year, either, since Griffiths is not up for re-election. The hit pieces from reporter Nick Green at the Daily Breeze will not be effective, either, because voters are relatively happy. President Trump's reforms and regulatory rollbacks are going to help the vast majority of taxpaying residents in the city of Torrance.
I doubt that there is any moment to get rid of the Big Green phalanx of Kurt Weideman and Tim Goodrich. Everyone is happy, and even if crime is rising in key parts of the city, there aren't enough people affected buy it.
I want to see Pat Furey gone, but who's going to knock him out? Even if we whittled down the field to one candidate, I don't see Brewer or Riggs vamping up enough momentum to win.
The city council races ...
1. Heidi Ashcraft has my vote. I did not support her before because I was focusing so intently on the pension issue, but I have seen her demonstrate considerable independence on the council. She has stood up to Pat Furey and spoken her mind. She answers my calls, and she cares about my concerns, too. Her name has not officially appeared on the campaign filings, but she told me that she is running again. She has my vote.
2. I do not like Aurelio Mattucci anymore. He was a guy I could trust, but when he took the contact information for the Beach Cities Republicans to run for President in 2016, I found him to continue to act like a man who would cut corners to win. That kind of behavior is not acceptable. Besides, his "nice and clean" Torrance campaign, yawn!
3. I like George Chen, because Mark Tsuneishi knows him and likes him. I am OK with that. I do need to know more about the candidates.
4. Then there's Bill Sutherland running ... again! He would be better than Tim Goodrich and left-leaning Kurt Weideman. After all, Sutherland is not a left-wing Greenie ideologue. Still, this guy is like a John McCain type, more interested in playing nice and going along with the political establishment and the status quo. He also floated the idea of a quarter-cent sales tax increase to pay for more police on the streets. How about cutting costs?
I can definitely say that I am squarely in support of Heidi Ashcraft. To give a fully qualified answer on George Chen, I need to talk to him. I think it's premature for me to full endorse him when I still don't know that much about him.
The choices beyond all of that are not that great.
Here is what I am looking from the Torrance City Council:
1. No more Big Green boondoggles, including Community Choice Aggregation
2. Dealing with the pension debt in a serious fashion.
3. Standing up to the public employee unions to ensure that the city's budget and coffers go toward assisting the citizens, not just one dedicated, organized interest.
4. Keeping the refinery open and stopping this nonsense about banning Modified Hydrofluoric Acid.
5. Lowering the sales tax in the city. Wouldn't that be nice?!
That's all from me for now.
I have never seen such a wide bunch of low-energy candidates. It's so disappointing.
Tom Brewer and Ron Riggs couldn't make up their minds about who would run for mayor and then who else would run for a city council seat. I am so disgusted. This kind of dueling efforts pretty much guarantees Pat Furey another four years.
Tom Brewer is low-energy Jeb Bush. Boring.
Ron Riggs is hyped up Rick Santorum. Yes, he is a dark horse candidate, but he has energy, but not much else. Rick Santorum ran for President twice and lost both times. He was closer to winning in 2012! His plan to reach out to working-class voters and put their needs ahead of Wall Street and Big Business were all winning ideas, but he was not the vessel to impart those ideas.
Donald Trump took over and made those ideas a reality for American workers.
Here's another problem: the residents in the city are happy. No matter what crap and corruption waged by mayor Pat Furey, the roads are getting repaired, the streets are clean, the economy has picked up, too. I don't hear a lot of angry chatter from residents, either.
That kind of simple calm suggests that voters, however few choose to vote in June 2018, are going to go with the status quo. Some of the city council candidates have been raising a fuss about the dirty streets. The mayor and city staff are now addressing those concerns. For now, Pat Furey is going to play nice guy and respond to all the moral outrage over his bad dealings and the other issues.
There will not be a PAC going after Mike Griffiths this year, either, since Griffiths is not up for re-election. The hit pieces from reporter Nick Green at the Daily Breeze will not be effective, either, because voters are relatively happy. President Trump's reforms and regulatory rollbacks are going to help the vast majority of taxpaying residents in the city of Torrance.
I doubt that there is any moment to get rid of the Big Green phalanx of Kurt Weideman and Tim Goodrich. Everyone is happy, and even if crime is rising in key parts of the city, there aren't enough people affected buy it.
I want to see Pat Furey gone, but who's going to knock him out? Even if we whittled down the field to one candidate, I don't see Brewer or Riggs vamping up enough momentum to win.
The city council races ...
1. Heidi Ashcraft has my vote. I did not support her before because I was focusing so intently on the pension issue, but I have seen her demonstrate considerable independence on the council. She has stood up to Pat Furey and spoken her mind. She answers my calls, and she cares about my concerns, too. Her name has not officially appeared on the campaign filings, but she told me that she is running again. She has my vote.
2. I do not like Aurelio Mattucci anymore. He was a guy I could trust, but when he took the contact information for the Beach Cities Republicans to run for President in 2016, I found him to continue to act like a man who would cut corners to win. That kind of behavior is not acceptable. Besides, his "nice and clean" Torrance campaign, yawn!
3. I like George Chen, because Mark Tsuneishi knows him and likes him. I am OK with that. I do need to know more about the candidates.
4. Then there's Bill Sutherland running ... again! He would be better than Tim Goodrich and left-leaning Kurt Weideman. After all, Sutherland is not a left-wing Greenie ideologue. Still, this guy is like a John McCain type, more interested in playing nice and going along with the political establishment and the status quo. He also floated the idea of a quarter-cent sales tax increase to pay for more police on the streets. How about cutting costs?
I can definitely say that I am squarely in support of Heidi Ashcraft. To give a fully qualified answer on George Chen, I need to talk to him. I think it's premature for me to full endorse him when I still don't know that much about him.
The choices beyond all of that are not that great.
Here is what I am looking from the Torrance City Council:
1. No more Big Green boondoggles, including Community Choice Aggregation
2. Dealing with the pension debt in a serious fashion.
3. Standing up to the public employee unions to ensure that the city's budget and coffers go toward assisting the citizens, not just one dedicated, organized interest.
4. Keeping the refinery open and stopping this nonsense about banning Modified Hydrofluoric Acid.
5. Lowering the sales tax in the city. Wouldn't that be nice?!
That's all from me for now.
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