Monday, November 5, 2012

Toward the Middle with Paul Silva

In last week’s editorial, Editor Paul Silva cogently described both presidential candidates in measured tones. Yet his praise and support for President Obama was short-sighted.  He assumes that millions of people are going to have access to health care for the first time. He neglected to mention that millions of families will be hit with crushing taxes, and that a growing number of businesses are no longer providing their employees with health insurance, opting to pay the tax and let the workers fend for themselves. Let us not ignoring the growing number of hospitals that are closing while premiums are increasing and access is diminishing.

Silva also suggested both candidates were making a dash for the middle. Indeed, this country will remain a 50-50 nation after the electoral votes are tallied in Washington. The problem has nothing to do with ideology, but rather the recognition by many voters that the government must stop spending, but no voter wants the government to stop spending on them.

The real dash for the middle for our country would entail cuts to every entitlement and subsidy in the country. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) presented a comprehensive program called “Back in Black” last year. This program evened out the cuts by hitting every entitlement and every department of the federal government.

The military sequester must go through. One trillion in cuts is not too much to ask considering the massive debt that is crushing this country and threatening our future. Everyone will share the hurt.

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