Monday, April 21, 2014

PJ O'Rourke on Liberalism

PJ O'Rourke is a recovered ,modern liberal.

In the past, he supported Big Government and all the big spending that lards it over.

Then he studies the consequences of redistribution of wealth in Eat the Rich.

He also quipped: "If you think health care is expensive now, just wait when it's free."

A stunning paradox to the layman at first glance, economists who study government intervention into health care understand the unintended consequences of central, forced planning in the medical profession.

From poor health care service, to rationing, to fraud, waste, and rampant reports of abuse, there is no worse health care than government health care.

O'Rourke's statement on the modern liberal ideology, however, should grace the lips of every liberty defender:
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O'Rourke's wit helps explain why statist advocates resort to cursing and swearing rather than reasoned argument. Like little children frustrated wit the adults who have told them that the party is over, they throw temper tantrums, either with heated hate-speech all over the Internet or officious demonstrations in the public square (Occupy Wall Street, riots, etc.)

No wonder the liberal trolls and screed-freaks are so embittered. With all the wealth they have (taken from others), they are still unhappy.

Spoiled children? Makes sense. Modern Liberals has indoctrinated a sense of entitlement into young intellectuals, as if they world should work a certain way, one which gives them everything at someone else's expense.

When those paying the expenses get tired of paying for everything, like the parents taking away the car keys from their reckless teenager, the modern liberals' "inner child" comes out and screams.

It's time to hold our ears and put the modern liberal spoiled brats in their place.

Conservatism (true, classical liberalism, based on freedom) is the parenting which all of us enter by choice, or by force because of the natural consequences of living in a limited world.


  1. P.J. O'Rourke???????? Any other stale, past-their-"prime" assholes with tired acts you'd like to praise?

  2. Poor little Artie didn't like Occupy Wall Street! Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Whines about "riots"! Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! But he loves him some tri-cornered hatted, Astro-turfed zealots screaming that their government sucks! Smells like FREEDOM to Artie!!!!! Gooooo, Kochs!!!!
